
Semiclassical theory of resonant dissociative excitation of molecular ions by electron impact

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Published 25 August 2020 © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation A A Narits et al 2020 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 195201 DOI 10.1088/1361-6455/aba3a7



We have developed a semiclassical approach to the description of resonant dissociative excitation of a molecular ion induced by collisions with plasma free electrons and accompanied by the non-adiabatic transitions between its different electronic terms. It is based on the quasistatic treatment of nuclear particles relative motion in a molecular ion combined with the approximation of a quasicontinuum for rovibrational states. We have derived the semianalytic expressions for the Boltzmann-averaged cross sections, ${\sigma }_{T}^{\text{de}}\left(\varepsilon \right)$, and rate constants, αde(T, Te), of this process. The resulting expressions for ${\sigma }_{T}^{\text{de}}\left(\varepsilon \right)$ and αde(T, Te) with explicit dependencies on the electron energy, ɛ, the gas, T, and electron, Te, temperatures are valid when the thermal energy kBT exceeds the value of the lowest vibrational quantum, ℏωe, of a molecular ion. The theory developed is applied to studying the resonant dissociative excitation of homo-nuclear ${\mathrm{H}}_{2}^{+}$, ${\mathrm{A}\mathrm{r}}_{2}^{+}$ and ${\mathrm{X}\mathrm{e}}_{2}^{+}$ ions as well as the hetero-nuclear rare gas ions RgXe+ (Rg = Ne, Ar, and Kr) with significantly different values of the dissociation energy. The efficiencies of the electron-impact dissociative excitation process and dissociative recombination leading to the population of the Rydberg states are compared. Our results of calculations are in good agreement with the available experimental data.

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1. Introduction

Molecular cations play important role in physics of stellar and planetary atmospheres [13], chemical physics [4], physics of low-temperature plasmas [5], physics of high-power gas lasers [6] and VUV radiation sources [7]. Collisions of molecular ions with electrons are the topics of ongoing theoretical [814] and experimental studies [1519]. Such collisions may result in a variety of competing physical processes, including ionization [16, 20], excitation [9, 11], dissociation [9, 10, 15] and fragmentation [20, 21], and dissociative recombination (DR) [3, 10, 2225] of the molecular ions, and thus present a challenge to both theory [3, 26, 27] and experiments [3, 22, 28].

Perhaps the most extensively studied of the aforementioned processes is the DR (see reviews [22, 23, 29] and books [3, 30, 31]), which is of great importance for the planetary atmospheres and physics of laboratory and astrophysical plasmas. Due to the resonant energy exchange between the incident electron and the electronic shell of the cation, its direct mechanism often proves to be the most efficient process of the molecular ion breakup induced by electron impact. The experimental studies of DR covered cations of fundamental and astrophysical interest (${\mathrm{H}}_{2}^{+}$, HD+, ${\mathrm{H}}_{3}^{+}$, HeH+, H2O+, CH+, etc), earth atmosphere species (NO+, ${\mathrm{N}}_{2}^{+}$, ${\mathrm{O}}_{2}^{+}$, CO+) and rare gases (${\mathrm{H}\mathrm{e}}_{2}^{+}$, ${\mathrm{N}\mathrm{e}}_{2}^{+}$, ${\mathrm{X}\mathrm{e}}_{2}^{+}$, HeNe+, etc). Comprehensive reviews of the techniques used and results obtained may be found in [3, 22, 30, 31]. The majority of the theoretical studies of the DR process was carried out within multi-channel quantum defect theory (MQDT) formalism [27, 32, 33], with the R-dependent quantum defects, wave functions and matrix elements determined using R-matrix method [26], complex Kohn variational method [34] and quantum chemistry methods [35]. Another effective method for the description of the DR is the time dependent wave packet (TDWP) propagation approach [3]. While these techniques allow for an accurate treatment of the process, their application to complex systems like rare gas mixture plasmas at room and elevated gas temperatures requires an enormous computational effort. To address this problem, several simplified approaches were proposed [3639]. Most recent review of the respective theoretical methods can be found in [3].

In contrast to the DR where the incident electron gets captured to the bound atomic state, electron-impact dissociation process,

Equation (1)

leaves the electron in the continuum. Here ɛ and ɛ' are the electron energies before and after the collision, respectively. Reaction (1) may proceed along two pathways: (i) the electron may directly deposit some of its energy to the nuclei pushing them to vibrational continuum, or (ii) the electron may exchange energy with the electrons of the ion promoting them to a dissociating term. The efficiency of the former mechanism is limited by the ratio of the masses of the electron and the nuclei. The latter mechanism, also called dissociative excitation (DE), is, similarly to the direct mechanism of DR, accompanied by the non-adiabatic resonant electron transition,

Equation (2)

between electronic terms, Ui(R) and Uf(R), of the molecular ion (see figure 1(a)), E being the relative energy of the nuclear motion after the collision. Reaction (2) was studied experimentally in several systems of fundamental importance (${\mathrm{H}}_{3}^{+}$ [40], ${\mathrm{H}}_{2}^{+}$ [4143], HD+ [44], H2O+ [45]), and in NeD+ [46] and ${\mathrm{X}\mathrm{e}}_{2}^{+}$ [47] (also see review [28]). It was found that DE is competitive with DR at sufficiently high ɛ. The respective theoretical studies were carried out for homo-nuclear rare gas cations [48], ${\mathrm{H}}_{2}^{+}$ [5054], ${\mathrm{H}}_{3}^{+}$ [55, 56], ${\mathrm{N}}_{2}^{+}$ [57], NeH+ [58] and several others.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. (a) Schematic of the resonant DE process induced by a non-adiabatic transition between the ground X|j = 3/2, Ω = 1/2⟩ and first excited A1|j = 3/2, Ω = 3/2⟩ electronic terms of a hetero-nuclear rare gas ion, RgXe+, in collision with an electron. (b) Typical potential curves for a rare gas dimer ion ${\mathrm{R}\mathrm{g}}_{2}^{+}$ and dipole-allowed transitions leading to DE.

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It is important to stress that most of the studies mentioned above treated the situations when the molecular ions reside in lowest vibrational states. Such conditions are natural when one considers cations with high dissociation energies D0 so that ℏωekB T, where ℏωe is the lowest vibrational quantum and T is the heavy particles temperature. However, in studies of gas discharge plasmas and in the development of VUV radiation sources and gas lasers, an opposite condition, kB T  ≳  ℏωe, is often met, so the entire rovibrational manifold turns out to be excited, leading to rather different behaviour of the cross sections and rate constants of the DE process. First theoretical treatment of the cross sections of the electron-impact DE of homo-nuclear inert gas ions under such condition was given in [48] on the basis of a semiclassical approach and several approximations.

The main goal of this work is to provide a theoretical model for the reliable description of the cross sections and rate constants of the DE of the homo- and hetero-nuclear ions. We develop a self-consistent semiclassical approach based on the quasicontinuum approximation for the rovibrational states of BA+. General formulae for the cross sections and rate constants of electron-impact resonant DE process are derived with explicit dependencies on the electron energy, and the gas, T, and electronic, Te, temperatures. Together with our previous results [39, 59, 60], the approach gives a unified treatment of the contributions from the DE and DR processes to the total rate of molecular ion breakup.

We study the dependences of the resonant DE efficiency on the plasma temperatures. The rate constants of DE are compared to those of the competing DR process. We derive a simple formula for the total rate constant resonant dissociation (RD) process. Particular attention is paid to the variation of the efficiencies of DE in cases of weakly and moderately bound cations.

The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 the theoretical approach is described, and main formulae are derived. Unified treatment of the rate constants of resonant DE and DR is introduced in section 3. The results of the calculations and their comparison with the experimental data are presented in section 4. Main conclusions of the study are given in section 5.

2. Electron impact dissociative excitation of molecular ions from a manifold of rovibrational states

2.1. Cross section and rate constant for a given rovibrational level

We start from the basic expression for the differential cross section of DE of molecular ion per unit energy interval of heavy particles relative motion in the final state

Equation (3)

here ɛ = 2 k2/2me and ɛ' = 2(k')2/2me = $\varepsilon -E-\left\vert {E}_{vJ}\right\vert $ are the incident electron energies in the initial and final channels, respectively; ℏk is its momentum in the initial channel; v J is a rovibrational state of the molecular ion, and E is the energy of the relative motion of heavy particles after the reaction. The ratio of the statistical weights is defined by the statistical weights of the electronic states of the molecular ion, ${g}_{\mathrm{f}}/{g}_{\mathrm{i}}\equiv {g}_{\text{de}}={g}_{{\mathrm{B}\mathrm{A}}^{+}\left(\mathrm{f} \right)}/{g}_{{\mathrm{B}\mathrm{A}}^{+}\left(\mathrm{i}\right)}$. χv J and χEJ are the radial nuclear wave functions. The electronic transition matrix element is

Equation (4)

where ${\psi }_{\varepsilon lm}\left(\mathbf{r}\right)$ and ${\psi }_{{\varepsilon }^{\prime }{l}^{\prime }{m}^{\prime }}\left(\mathbf{r}\right)$ are the wave functions of the incident electron before and after the collision, respectively. Electronic wave functions of the molecular ion denoted by φi(rk , R) and φf(rk , R) correspond to the initial, Ui(R), and final, Uf(R) electronic terms of BA+.

Further we introduce an effective coupling parameter, ${{\Gamma}}_{\varepsilon \to {\varepsilon }^{\prime }}\left(R\right)$, in the form

Equation (5)

Next we adopt a semiclassical approximation for the non-adiabatic transition matrix elements. A more elaborate semiquantal method can be derived using the results of our works [39, 61]. Then (3) becomes

Equation (6)

ΔFfi(R) = |FfFi| being the difference of the slopes, Fk = −dUk /dR (k = i, f), of the electronic terms of BA+. The transition frequency ω is given by

Equation (7)

while the internuclear separation Rω is determined by the energy splitting of the electronic terms,

Equation (8)

With the help of coordinate distribution function

Equation (9)

of a molecular ion with the given magnitudes of vibrational, v, and rotational, J, quantum numbers, we can rewrite expression (6) as

Equation (10)

To obtain a total cross section of the DE of a molecular ion in a given v J-state, one needs to perform an integration with respect to E:

Equation (11)

Emax = $\varepsilon -\left\vert {E}_{vJ}\right\vert $ being the threshold condition. Using (7), we change the integration variable to ℏω with ℏωmin = $\left\vert {E}_{vJ}\right\vert \equiv {\Delta}{U}_{\mathrm{f}\mathrm{i}}\left({R}_{vJ}\right)$ and ℏωmax = $\varepsilon \equiv {\Delta}{U}_{\mathrm{f}\mathrm{i}}\left({R}_{\varepsilon }\right)$. Since Emax > 0, we imply that ${\sigma }_{vJ}^{\text{de}}\left(\varepsilon {< }\left\vert {E}_{vJ}\right\vert \right)$ = 0. Differentiation of (8) by Rω yields d(ℏω) = ${\Delta}{F}_{\mathrm{f}\mathrm{i}}\left({R}_{\omega }\right)\mathrm{d}{R}_{\omega }$, and the cross section of process (2) becomes

Equation (12)

with ${R}_{\mathrm{min}}^{\text{de}}={R}_{\varepsilon }$ and ${R}_{\mathrm{max}}^{\text{de}}={R}_{vJ}$. Note that in pure classical approximation for the nuclear particle relative motion we have ${R}_{\mathrm{min}}^{\text{de}}=\mathrm{max}\left\{{R}_{\varepsilon },{a}_{vJ}^{\mathrm{i}}\right\}$ and ${R}_{\mathrm{max}}^{\text{de}}=\mathrm{min}\left\{{R}_{vJ},{b}_{vJ}^{\mathrm{i}}\right\}$, where the ${a}_{vJ}^{\mathrm{i}}$ and ${b}_{vJ}^{\mathrm{i}}$ are the left and right classical turning points corresponding to a given v J state in the effective potential energy, ${U}_{\text{eff}}^{\left(J\right)}\left(R\right)={U}_{\mathrm{i}}\left(R\right)+{\hslash }^{2}{\left(J+1/2\right)}^{2}/\left(2\mu {R}^{2}\right)$, i.e., ${U}_{\text{eff}}\left({a}_{vJ}^{\mathrm{i}}\right)={U}_{\text{eff}}\left({b}_{vJ}^{\mathrm{i}}\right)=-\left\vert {E}_{vJ}\right\vert $, ${a}_{vJ}^{\mathrm{i}}{< }{b}_{vJ}^{\mathrm{i}}$. μ is the reduced mass of the nuclei of BA+ ion.

The rate constant, ${\alpha }_{vJ}^{\text{de}}$, of the DE of a molecular ion in a given v J-state is obtained by averaging of ${v}_{\varepsilon }{\sigma }_{vJ}^{\text{de}}\left(\varepsilon \right)$ over the electron velocity distribution. For brevity's sake we introduce the statistical weights of the unit volume of the free electrons at temperature Te and the free heavy particles with reduced mass μ at gas temperature T:

Equation (13)

For Maxwellian distribution corresponding to electronic temperature Te, one gets

Equation (14)

It is convenient to rewrite (14) as follows,

Equation (15)

Equation (16)

where ${x}_{\mathrm{min}}={\Delta}{U}_{\mathrm{f}\mathrm{i}}\left({R}_{\omega }\right)/\left({k}_{\mathrm{B}}{T}_{\mathrm{e}}\right)$ and xmax = .

2.2. Statistical-averaged cross section of dissociative excitation

Plasmas of rare gas mixtures considered herein typically feature molecular ions with small dissociation energies D0 (i.e. D0 varies from 13.1 to 171 meV for RgXe+, Rg = He, Ne, Ar, and Kr). As a result, even at room gas temperatures T  ≳ 300 K one often has kB T  ≳  ℏωe, where ℏωe is the first vibrational quantum of the ion in the bound state. This leads to the population of a rather large number of rovibrational states, so that the total cross section of the DE process is determined by the contributions from the entire v J-quasicontinuum. To provide a reasonable description of the process, one needs to consider the cross sections, ${\sigma }_{T}^{\text{de}}\left(\varepsilon \right)$, averaged over the distribution of the molecular ions over the rovibrational levels. For the simplest case of Boltzmann distribution, ${\sigma }_{T}^{\text{de}}\left(\varepsilon \right)$ can be written as

Equation (17)

${Z}_{\text{vr}}\left(T\right)$ is the rovibrational partition function of BA+, and $\mathfrak{s}$ is a symmetry factor equal to 2 for homo-nuclear ions with Ui(R) being a Σ-term, and equal to 1 otherwise. Using the quasicontinuous spectrum approximation for rovibrational states, we have

Equation (18)

here ${E}_{vJ}={\mathcal{E}}_{vJ}-{D}_{0}$ is the rovibrational energy referred to its dissociation limit, Ev=0,J=0 = −D0. With the help of the Bohr–Sommerfeld relation, dv can be expressed as $\mathrm{d}v=\left({T}_{vJ}/\left(2\pi \hslash \right)\right)\mathrm{d}{E}_{vJ}$, so (18) becomes

Equation (19)

where EEv J < 0 and the period Tv(E)J of rovibrational motion over the classically allowed region of internuclear separation R is given by

Equation (20)

Substitution of expression (12) into (19) yields

Equation (21)

For the radial wave function ${\chi }_{vJ}\left(R\right)$ of the rovibrational motion of nuclei in the classically allowed region we use the JWKB approximation [62]

Equation (22)

Then (9) becomes

Equation (23)

where ${a}_{v\left(E\right)J}^{\mathrm{i}}{\leqslant}R{\leqslant}{b}_{v\left(E\right)J}^{\mathrm{i}}$. Using standard approximation $\left\langle {\mathrm{cos}}^{2}\enspace {\Phi}\left(R\right)\right\rangle =1/2$ for the oscillating part of ${W}_{v\left(E\right)J}\left(R\right)$, the Boltzmann-averaged cross section of DE can be written as

Equation (24)

On replacing the order of integration, we obtain

Equation (25)

where the maximal value ${J}_{\mathrm{max}}\left(E,R\right)$ of the rotational quantum number is to be found from the relation ${\hslash }^{2}{J}_{\mathrm{max}}^{2}/\left(2\mu {R}^{2}\right)=E-{U}_{\mathrm{i}}\left(R\right)$ and ${R}_{\mathrm{max}}^{\text{de}}\left(E\right)$ is defined by equation ${\Delta}{U}_{\mathrm{f}\mathrm{i}}\left({R}_{\mathrm{max}}^{\text{de}}\left(E\right)\right)=\vert E\vert $. Since

Equation (26)

with EminE < 0, a(E) ⩽ Rb(E) ($a\left(E\right)$ and $b\left(E\right)$ are the left and right turning points for the potential energy curve ${U}_{\mathrm{i}}\left(a,b\right)=E$), the DE cross section takes the form

Equation (27)

Then we rewrite (27) as

Equation (28)

here ${W}_{T}^{\text{de}}\left(R\right)$ is the Boltzmann averaged coordinate distribution function taking into account the integral contribution of all discrete rovibrational states,

Equation (29)

${E}_{\mathrm{min}}=-\left\vert \mathrm{min}\left\{{U}_{\mathrm{i}}\left(R\right),\enspace 0\right\}\right\vert $. The integral over E in (29) is reduced to the incomplete gamma function $\gamma \left(3/2,z\right)={\int }_{0}^{z}{t}^{1/2}{\mathrm{e}}^{-t}\mathrm{d}t$, so that ${W}_{T}^{\text{de}}$ can be written as (Ui(R) < 0)

Equation (30)

The partition function ${Z}_{\text{vr}}\left(T\right)$ is evaluated using semiclassical expression [63]

Equation (31)

2.3. Rate constant of direct dissociative excitation

The rate constant of the electron-impact DE of molecular ions, taking into account the contributions from all rovibrational states, is obtained by averaging of ${v}_{\varepsilon }{\sigma }_{T}^{\text{de}}\left(\varepsilon \right)$ over the electron velocity distribution corresponding to a given Te. In case of Maxwellian distribution one has

Equation (32)

It is convenient to use formula (28) for the cross section and switch to the integration over ℏω,

Equation (33)

where ${\tilde {g}}_{\text{de}}$ = ${g}_{\text{de}}/\mathfrak{s}$. Then we change the order of integration and make use of (16). The final expression for the rate constant of the DE follows from changing to the integration over Rω

Equation (34)

2.4. Evaluation of coupling parameter

As it was shown above, the cross sections and rate constants of the DE process depend on the magnitude of the coupling parameter, ${{\Gamma}}_{\varepsilon \to {\varepsilon }^{\prime }}^{\text{de}}\left({R}_{\omega }\right)$, at the transition point. In general case, determining the coupling parameter is a complicated problem involving extensive many-electron calculations done using quantum chemistry methods. While the formulae derived can be used in detailed description of the DE of the molecular ions by electron impact, here we are primarily interested in statistically averaged cross sections and rate constants owing to the physical conditions considered. To provide a reasonable description of these quantities one can often make use of simplified models for the calculation of the coupling parameter.

For homo-nuclear ions the dipole approximation for the interaction potential [48, 49] is known to produce results in good agreement with more elaborate studies. Dipole approximation for ${{\Gamma}}_{\varepsilon \to {\varepsilon }^{\prime }}\left({R}_{\omega }\right)$ yields

Equation (35)

here a0 is the Bohr radius, $G\left(\varepsilon ,\varepsilon -\hslash \omega \right)$ is the Gaunt factor equal to unity in the framework of Kramers approximation, and ${d}_{\mathrm{f}\mathrm{i}}\left({R}_{\omega }\right)$ is the transition matrix element of the dipole moment evaluated at R = Rω . Explicit formulae for G can be found in, e.g., [64, 65].

For hetero-nuclear rare gas ions considered herein the situation is even more complex. Due to strong influence of the spin–orbit coupling, no detailed studies of the coupling parameter were published to date. However, as was demonstrated in our recent work [39] on recombination, a simple semi-analytic approach based on vacancy model [66, 67] can be sufficient to reproduce the general features of the cross sections and rate constants. The approach reduces the electronic shell of the ion to the effective one-electron vacancy ('hole') shell interacting with the incident electron. The resulting expression for Γɛɛ' is given by

Equation (36)

where n* is the effective principal quantum number of A(n) atom, νl = 2∑l' γll'/25 and γll' is the radial integral [66, 67] depending on the wave functions of the Rydberg electron of A(n) and of the incident electron. In the first-order approximation of the vacancy model (see [39, 66, 67]), the R-dependence of γll' can be neglected. The value Γɛɛ' for the free–free electron transitions, according to (36), is expressed through the autoionization width, Γnɛ , of Rydberg level.

3. Rate of molecular ion resonant dissociation by electron impact

Apart from the DE where the incident electron remains in the continuous spectrum after the reaction, the resonant electron-impact dissociation of a molecular ion may proceed via DR. In the latter process the incident electron is captured into a bound state (often with n ≫1) of atom A. As both these processes lead to the destruction of the molecular ion, obtaining an expression for the total rate constant of the RD is of interest. A semiquantal formula for the rate constant of the DR from a manifold of v J-states was derived in [39] (see equation (30)). In the semiclassical limit, the integral rate of DR process populating any Rydberg states A(n'), nn' ⩽ in the quasicontinuum approximation for n'-states, ɛ' = −Ry/(n')2 < 0, is

Equation (37)

here ${\tilde {g}}_{\text{dr}}={g}_{{\text{BA}}^{+}\left(\mathrm{f} \right)}/\left(\mathfrak{s}{g}_{{\text{BA}}^{+}\left(\mathrm{i}\right)}\right)$ and ${\left\langle {{\Gamma}}_{\varepsilon \to {\varepsilon }^{\prime }}^{\text{dr}}\left({R}_{\omega }\right)\right\rangle }_{{T}_{\mathrm{e}}}$ is given by (16) with ${x}_{\mathrm{max}}={\Delta}{U}_{\mathrm{f}\mathrm{i}}\left({R}_{\omega }\right)/{k}_{\mathrm{B}}{T}_{\mathrm{e}}$ and

Equation (38)

We then use (36) and consider the minimal possible n corresponding to $\left\vert {\varepsilon }_{n}\right\vert ={\Delta}{U}_{\mathrm{f}\mathrm{i}}\left({R}_{0}\right)$. Comparison of (37) with (34) directly yields the expression for total rate, ${\alpha }^{\text{rd}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T, \right)={\alpha }^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T\right)+{\alpha }^{\text{de}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T\right)$, of RD,

Equation (39)

here ${\left\langle {{\Gamma}}_{\varepsilon \to {\varepsilon }^{\prime }}^{\text{rd}}\left({R}_{\omega }\right)\right\rangle }_{{T}_{\mathrm{e}}}$ is given by

Equation (40)

It should be noted that (39) explicitly gives ${T}_{\mathrm{e}}^{-1/2}$ dependence for the rate constant of the dissociation.

4. Results and discussions

In this section we present the results of calculations of the cross sections and rate constants of electron impact DE of molecular ions carried out using the approach developed. The calculations were performed for hetero-, NeXe+, ArXe+ and KrXe+, and homo-nuclear, ${\mathrm{A}\mathrm{r}}_{2}^{+}$ and ${\mathrm{X}\mathrm{e}}_{2}^{+}$ rare gas ions. These ions have rather differing dissociation energies (see table 1). Gas and electronic temperatures of the plasma were varied in the ranges of T ∼ 100–2 × 103 K, and Te ∼ 300–7 × 104 K, respectively. To demonstrate that our approach is not limited to rare gas ions, we also did calculations for ${\mathrm{H}}_{2}^{+}$ ions under conditions typical of merged beams experiments.

4.1. Electron-impact dissociative excitation of hetero-nuclear rare gas cations

First we present the results obtained for RgXe+ ions which are the systems the paper is focused on. Plotted in figure 2 are the cross sections of the resonant electron-impact dissociation σde(ɛ, T) (cm2) of KrXe+ 2(a), ArXe+ 2(b) and NeXe+ 2(c) at gas temperatures of T = 300, 500 and 900 K as functions of the incident electron energy, ɛ. The dependences exhibit qualitatively different behaviour for the systems considered, especially at low ɛ, which results from the substantial differences in the dissociation energies (see table 1). At low T for ions with relatively high and moderate D0, like KrXe+ and ArXe+, σde(ɛ, T) has a distinct threshold-like ɛ-dependence as the nuclei are primarily localized in the vicinity of the equilibrium distance, Re, of Ui(R). The position of the cross section maximum can be estimated from the condition that the point Rɛ of the resonant ɛɛ' transition with ɛ' ≈ 0 coincides with the equilibrium distance so that ΔUfi(Re) = ɛ. The increase of T smears out the localization of the nuclei and allows for DE process to occur at ɛ → 0. For ArXe+ the threshold is already suppressed at T = 900 K. At high ɛ the cross sections do not depend on T as the transitions may occur at any R with Ui(R) < 0 so that the dissociation is not affected by the features of the vibrational state population. When D0 of the molecular ion is low, as in NeXe+, σde(ɛ, T) does not have a maximum and exhibits weak T-dependence as indicated by the inset to figure 2(c).

Table 1.  Constants of molecular rare gas ions considered.

Molecular Ion ${R}_{\mathrm{e}}\enspace \left(\mathrm{\AA}\right)$ D0 (eV) ℏωe (meV) Ref.
NeXe+ 3.05 0.033 6.9 [68]
ArXe+ 3.1 0.171 11 [68]
KrXe+ 3 0.4 13 [68]
${\mathrm{X}\mathrm{e}}_{2}^{+}$ 3.1 0.98 17 [69]
${\mathrm{A}\mathrm{r}}_{2}^{+}$ 2.4 1.34 40 [70]

The rate constants of the resonant DE, αde(Te, T), of KrXe+ + e are presented in figure 3(a). It is seen that for a given gas temperature αde(Te, T) first increases and then decreases with the increase of Te, which directly follows from the ɛ-dependence of the cross sections (see figure 2). For KrXe+ + e, which has moderate D0, unlike the cross sections, the rate constants vary substantially with the gas temperature change, especially for Te ≲ 5000 K. Also plotted in figure 3 are the integral rate constants of the DR resulting in the population of atomic (xenon) Rydberg states, ${\alpha }_{\text{Ry}}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T\right)$. The rate constants were evaluated by the summation of the respective rates of DR reaction channels leading to B + A(n) (A = Xe, B = Kr) final state, over the Rydberg Xe states with principal quantum numbers n ⩾ 8, ${\alpha }_{\text{Ry}}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T\right)={\sum }_{n{\geqslant}8}\;{\alpha }_{n}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T\right)$. Here ${\alpha }_{n}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T\right)$ denotes the rate constant of the direct mechanism of DR process, BA + + e → B + A(n), which we determined using recently developed theoretical approach [39]. One can see that ${\alpha }_{\text{Ry}}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T\right)$ decreases monotonically with the increase of the electronic temperature and has a weak dependence on T caused by the slow increase of probability of dissociative capture resulting in the population of Rydberg states. This process realizes via the non-adiabatic electron transitions which occur far from the equilibrium distance. The comparison of the rate constants of DE and DR processes shows that for KrXe+ + e the electron capture predominates at low Te, particularly when gas temperatures, T, are not high. Under such conditions one can neglect the role of DE. In contrast to that, at Te  ≳  104 K the molecular ion breakup mainly proceeds via process (2). It should be noted that elevated T may change the situation significantly: αde(Te, T) may become comparable with ${\alpha }_{\text{Ry}}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T \right)$ even at Te = 3000 K. The maximal values of αde(Te, T) go up to 10−7 cm3 s−1, so the process is rather efficient and should be accounted for in the plasma kinetic models.

For weakly-bound molecular cations process (2) is competitive with DR even at temperatures below 300 K. Figure 3(b) shows that for NeXe+ at T = 100 K the rates, αde(Te, T) and ${\alpha }_{\text{Ry}}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T\right)$, become equal at Te = 310 K. Such behaviour is a result of the low efficiency of DR caused by small probability density of the cation nuclei at high R required for the transition to occur. One can see from the results of RD process calculations (dashed–dotted curve in figure 3(b)) that even at very low T the value of αrd deviates from that of ${\alpha }_{\text{Ry}}^{\text{dr}}$ so the contribution from DE cannot be neglected for ions with small D0. It is important to note that αde(Te, T) has weak T and Te dependences and has even higher values as compared to the case of ions with moderate D0. Thus, DE process should always be included in the self-consistent description of electronic transitions in plasmas containing molecular ions with small D0.

4.2. Electron-impact dissociative excitation of homo-nuclear ions

In this section we apply the method developed to the study of the resonant electron-impact DE of several homo-nuclear molecular ions. As compared to the hetero-nuclear RgXe+ ions considered above, homo-nuclear cations possess substantially higher dissociation energies, so the process of electron-impact DE of these ions has some specific features.

The cross sections of the resonant electron-impact dissociation of ${\mathrm{A}\mathrm{r}}_{2}^{+}$ and ${\mathrm{X}\mathrm{e}}_{2}^{+}$ calculated at kB T = 0.03, 0.06 and 0.09 eV are shown in figure 4. Data for electronic terms and dipole matrix elements were obtained from [69, 70]. We used dipole approximation for the coupling parameter, so there are two allowed types of the non-adiabatic transitions from the ground I(1/2)u electronic state leading to the dissociation: I(1/2)u → I(1/2)g and I(1/2)u → II(1/2)g (see figure 1(b)). The analysis suggests that for ${\mathrm{A}\mathrm{r}}_{2}^{+}$ the dipole transition matrix element square of I(1/2)u → I(1/2)g transition in the vicinity of Re is two orders of magnitude smaller than that of I(1/2)u → II(1/2)g , and can be neglected. In ${\mathrm{X}\mathrm{e}}_{2}^{+}$ both these transitions have comparable efficiencies at R = Re and should be accounted for.

As both systems have high D0 (see table 1), the cross sections exhibit the typical threshold behaviour. Similarly to RgXe+ ions, the positions of the maxima can be estimated from the condition stating that ɛɛ' transitions with ɛ' = 0 should occur in the vicinity of R = Re. Rather large energy threshold ɛ  ≳  2 eV makes the process (2) inefficient at Te ≲ 5000 K. One should also note that due to high D0, the behaviour of the cross sections does not change even at T ≲ 2000 K.

Also plotted in figure 4 are the results of the calculations from [48]. While our results agree qualitatively with those of [48], there are significant differences in the positions and the magnitudes of the maxima, and in the asymptotic behaviour of the cross sections of I(1/2)u → I(1/2)g transitions in ${\mathrm{X}\mathrm{e}}_{2}^{+}$. Numerical analysis indicates that the discrepancies stem from more accurate treatment of the statistical sums done in the present work, and from the use of more reliable data and methods for the evaluation of the electronic terms and transition matrix elements.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Cross sections σde(ɛ, T) of the dissociation of KrXe+ (panel (a)), ArXe+ (panel (b)) and NeXe+ (panel (c)) ions by electron impact at gas temperatures T = 300 K (lines 1), 500 K (lines 2) and 900 K (lines 3). Inset: relative cross sections, σde(ɛ, T)/σde(ɛ, 300 K) of the dissociation of NeXe+ at gas temperatures T = 100 K (lines 1), 200 K (lines 2) and 600 K (lines 3).

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Figure 3.

Figure 3. Solid curves, rate constants of electron-impact DE of KrXe+ (a) at gas temperatures T = 300 K (lines 1), 900 K (lines 2) and 2000 K (lines 3) and NeXe+ (b) at T = 100 K. Dashed curves, integral contribution of DR populating Rydberg atomic states. Dashed–dotted curve, total rate of RD, αrd.

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Figure 4.

Figure 4. Cross sections σde(ɛ, T) of the dissociation of heavy excimer ions ${\mathrm{A}\mathrm{r}}_{2}^{+}$ (panel (a)) and ${\mathrm{X}\mathrm{e}}_{2}^{+}$ (panel (b)) by electron impact at different gas temperatures T. Effective transitions taken into account: I(1/2)u → II(1/2)g (panel (a)); I(1/2)u → I(1/2)g and I(1/2)u → II(1/2)g (panel (b)). Solid lines, present work; dashed lines—results of calculations [48].

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The respective rate constants αde(Te, T) are presented in figure 5 for T ∼ 300–2000 K and Te ∼ 1000–70 000 K. As compared to figure 3, αde(Te, T) retain the threshold behaviour even at T = 2000 K. The maximal values are reached at rather high Te ≈ 50 000 K for ${\mathrm{A}\mathrm{r}}_{2}^{+}$ and Te ≈ 30 000 K for ${\mathrm{X}\mathrm{e}}_{2}^{+}$. There is a noticeable difference between the T-dependences of the results obtained for both ions at high Te. Another important feature of the electron-impact dissociation of these cations is the very slow αde(Te, T) decrease at very high electronic temperatures. Thus, one can expect that for homo-nuclear ions DE process will dominate over DR at high enough Te. Our calculations suggest that the contributions from the processes become comparable at Te ≈ 10 000 K.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Rate constants of the electron-impact DE of heavy rare gas dimer ions ${\mathrm{A}\mathrm{r}}_{2}^{+}$ (panel (a)) and ${\mathrm{X}\mathrm{e}}_{2}^{+}$ (panel (b)) at different gas temperatures.

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To confirm the validity of our approach to the description of the electron-impact DE of the rare gas ions we compared our results with experimental data [47, 71]. Both these works considered the total rates of molecular ion dissociation, αrd(Te, T), which include the contributions from the DR. As the experiments were performed at T = 300 K and Te = 300–20 000 K, the rates of the DR process have a major fraction of the capture to low-n states. To account for this, we represent the rate of the DR as ${\tilde {\alpha }}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T \right)$ = ${\tilde {\alpha }}_{\text{low}}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T \right)$+ ${\alpha }_{\text{Ry}}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T \right)$, where ${\tilde {\alpha }}_{\text{low}}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T \right)$ is an effective rate constant of the dissociative capture to low-lying xenon states. ${\tilde {\alpha }}_{\text{low}}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T\right)$ was dissected from the experimental data using a recently developed approach [60] based on the effective state model and the least square interpolation in the low Te ≲ 1000 K range.

The results were compared for Te = 300–20 000 K (see figure 6). At low Te the molecular ion dissociation is dominated by the contribution from ${\tilde {\alpha }}_{\text{low}}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T \right)$. In the range of 2000 ≲ Te ≲ 4000 K the RD rate can be well approximated by the sum of ${\tilde {\alpha }}_{\text{low}}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T \right)$ and ${\alpha }_{\text{Ry}}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T \right)$, where the latter is described by (37), so that the electron capture to Rydberg states becomes important. For Te  ≳ 4000 K it is crucial to take the electron-impact DE process into account. It can be seen that the inclusion of αde(Te, T) allows for a reasonable description of the experimental data at high Te. Process (2) becomes dominant at Te ≈ 15 000 K. Overall, our results agree well with experimental data [47, 71]. The method correctly reproduces the ranges of Te corresponding to significant contributions from all molecular ion breakup mechanisms considered.

Figure 6.

Figure 6. Resonant electron-impact dissociation rate constants, αrd(Te, T) (solid line), of ${\mathrm{X}\mathrm{e}}_{2}^{+}$ ions at T = 300 K. Dashed line, DR to lower levels of xenon ${\tilde {\alpha }}_{\text{low}}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T \right)$; dashed–dotted line, DR to lower and Rydberg states ${\tilde {\alpha }}_{\text{low}}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T \right)$ + ${\alpha }_{\text{Ry}}^{\text{dr}}\left({T}_{\mathrm{e}},T \right)$. Experiment: circles—Ivanov et al [47]; squares—Shiu et al [71].

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Below we demonstrate that our method is not limited to molecular ions of rare gases and present the results of calculations of the cross sections of the resonant DE (2) of ${\mathrm{H}}_{2}^{+}$ ions in comparison to experimental data [41, 43]. The experiments were carried out using merged beams setup. The electron kinetic energy in center of mass system varied in the range of 0.05–35 eV. Due the way ${\mathrm{H}}_{2}^{+}$ ions were produced, Boltzmann distribution over the vibrational levels did not hold. To account for this, we first determined the cross sections of process (2) for a given v J state, and then performed the averaging over J: ${\sigma }_{v}^{\text{de}}\left(\varepsilon \right)={\sum }_{J=0}^{{J}_{\mathrm{max}}}{\sigma }_{vJ}^{\text{de}}\left(\varepsilon \right)\left[\left(2J+1\right)/{J}_{\mathrm{max}}^{2}\right]$. Cross-section σde(ɛ) was then obtained by the averaging over the distribution of the vibrational states specific to the experimental setups, ${\sigma }^{\text{de}}\left(\varepsilon \right)={\sum }_{v=0}^{{v}_{\mathrm{max}}}{\sigma }_{v}^{\left(\mathrm{d}\right)}\left(\varepsilon \right){f}_{v}^{\text{sp}}$.

The comparison of our results with the experimental data is presented in figure 7. The calculations were carried out using two types of ${f}_{v}^{\text{sp}}$ distributions. First one (von-Busch and Dunn distribution) was obtained in [72] by the analysis of the calculated and measured cross sections of photodissociation. Second one is the Franck–Condon distribution deduced in [73] using the analysis of the ionization processes and the Franck–Condon principle. One can see that the results obtained using both distributions provide a reasonable description of the experimental data. The results are higher for Franck–Condon distribution, which was also obtained in [41] on the base of estimations done within Born approximation. At low energies ɛ ≲ 1 eV the cross sections decrease rapidly with the increase of ɛ. Then at ɛ  ≳ 1 eV the decrease slows down, which results in a plateau and even a small rise of σde(ɛ). Such behaviour is caused by the fact that for ɛ in the range discussed the non-adiabatic transitions primarily occur near the equilibrium distance. Thus, the dissociation becomes dominated by low-v states, for which the magnitudes of ${f}_{v}^{\text{sp}}$ are very high. At high ɛ  ≳ 10 eV the transitions occur at any R so that the cross sections no longer depend on the specific vibrational state distribution. σde(ɛ) then follow the standard ɛ−1 power law.

Figure 7.

Figure 7. Cross sections σde(ɛ) of the dissociation of ${\mathrm{H}}_{2}^{+}\left(v\right)$ ions by electron impact. Blue line,present calculations using Franck–Condon distribution; red line, present calculation using von-Busch and Dunn distribution; squares, experimental data by Yousif and Mitchell [41]; circles, experimental data by Peart and Dolder [43].

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The cross sections do not exhibit the threshold behaviour. This is a feature of the specific vibrational state distributions of ${\mathrm{H}}_{2}^{+}\left(v\right)$ ions produced by collisions with electrons. The distributions have a significant fraction of high-v state population. Such states dissociate efficiently under the impact of electrons with small ɛ which lead to large σde(ɛ) at low ɛ.

Finally, we note that despite the limited applicability of our method at low ɛ, it gives reliable results in good agreement with the experimental data for both vibrational state distributions used.

5. Conclusions

The resonant DE process in collisions of hetero- and homo-nuclear molecular ions with electron was studied. We considered special conditions when the entire rovibrational manifold of the cation was significantly excited. Such conditions are typical of discharge afterglows in rare gas mixtures, but may also be realized in merged beams experiments. To provide a self-consistent description of the process (2) we developed a new theoretical approach based on the rovibrational quasicontinuum model and the semiclassical approximation for the non-adiabatic transition matrix elements. Within the approach we obtained the semi-analytic expressions for the differential and total cross sections, as well as for the rate constants of the resonant DE process. By combining the expressions obtained with the results of our recent work on dissociative and resonant ternary recombination we derived a simple analytic formula for the rate of resonant molecular ion dissociation by the electron impact.

Specific calculations were carried out for the two-temperature plasmas of rare gas mixtures at room and elevated gas temperatures T. The ɛ-dependent cross sections and Te- and T-dependent rate constants were evaluated for electron-impact DE of ArXe+, KrXe+, NeXe+, ${\mathrm{A}\mathrm{r}}_{2}^{+}$ and ${\mathrm{X}\mathrm{e}}_{2}^{+}$ ions. It was shown that DE process turns out to be quite efficient with the rate constants of the order of 10−7 cm3 s−1. For weakly bound molecular ions with D0 < 50 meV the rates exhibit almost no T-dependence and slow decrease with the increase of Te. In case of ions with appreciable D0 the rate constants increase with the increase of T at Te ≲ 5000 K. Te-dependence then has a typical threshold behaviour with the maxima around 10 000 K for hetero-nuclear ions and around 20 000 K for dimers.

The calculations show that process discussed dominates over the DR at high electronic temperatures Te  ≳ 10 000 K. At room Te and below DR prevails. The relative roles of the processes in the intermediate region is strongly affected by the magnitude of the ion dissociation energy. It was shown that the inclusion of the process (2) is crucial for the explanation of the Te-dependence of the molecular ion destruction rate constant observed experimentally. We applied our approach to the study of dissociation processes ${\mathrm{X}\mathrm{e}}_{2}^{+}+\mathrm{e}$ system and obtained results in good agreement with experimental data available. In addition to rare gas systems, we performed the calculations of the electron-impact DE under conditions corresponding to the experiments [41, 43]. The resulting cross sections turned out to be in reasonable agreement with the experiments, which also indicates that the approach developed is applicable to a wide range of the molecular ions.

Overall, the present study provides reliable means for the description of the electron-impact DE process. The results obtained are important for the interpretation of existing and future experiments, as well as for the kinetic modeling of the operation of plasma-based devices.


This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant No. 19-79-30086).

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