- come to my place - venez che me.
- place to guard - posteno.
- public place - loko komuna.
- out of place - diplasita; desplacizita.
- take the place of - remplasar (ulu, ulo);
- (temporarily) suplear.
- (in succession) sucedar.
- put himself in the place of someone - imaginar su en la situeso di ulu.
- what would you do in my place? - quon vu facus vice me (od en mea situeso)?
- go in place of me - irez vice me.
- put in place of another - pozar (ulo) vice altro.
- they put the father in the place of the son - li remplasigis la patro de la filiulo.
- put a person in his place (reprimand) - represar la superbeso di ulu; reprimandar ulu.
- be out of place (employment) - esar neemployata, chomanta.
- in the first place - unesme.
- space for one - plaso.
- this place is taken (as in theatre) - ica plaso esas lokacita.
- leave place for - lasar spaco por (ulu, ulo).
- (put in a place, locate) lokizar, situar;
- (in a seat, vehicle, theatre, etc.) plasizar.
- to place for safety - depozar.
- to place to one side - garar.
- to place before - prizentar.
- (of speech, act) nedecanta, nekonvenanta, neoportuna.