
Moćan i slobodan alat za dizajn

Svejedno, jesi li ilustrator, dizajner, web dizajner ili netko, tko jednostavno želi izraditi vektorsku sliku, Inkscape je definitivno za tebe!

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Nedavne novosti

RSS kanal Primaj e‑poruke

Inkscape launches version 1.4, with powerful new accessible and customizable features

Inkscape 1.4 About Screen by Inkonic, CC-By-SA 4.0

After months of waiting, we are finally ready to unbox the latest version of Inkscape... meet 1.4, the Geek edition, where accessibility and customization reign.

Inkscape project developers, most of them volunteer contributors from countries around the world, have been plugging away behind the scenes on new features, improving current ones, bug fixes and setting the stage for the arrival of GTK 4.

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Inkscape Summit 2024

We had a great Inkscape Summit in Rennes, France. Our three-day meeting was hosted by long-time Inkscaper's Elisa and Cédric in their school of design Activ.design...

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Congratulations to Inkonic on winning Inkscape 1.4 About Screen Contest

We have a winner!

Congratulations to the winning entry by artist Inkonic for their artwork "Inkscape's Path–Artist's Blossom". 

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