Liccione, G.; Schwarts, M.; Tata, A.
International symposium on radiation technology for conservation of the environment. Extended synopses1997
International symposium on radiation technology for conservation of the environment. Extended synopses1997
[en] Short communication. 2 figs
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International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 102 p; Sep 1997; p. 61-62; International symposium on radiation technology for conservation of the environment; Zakopane (Poland); 8-12 Sep 1997
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[en] A new pilot/demonstrative semi-mobile irradiation plant, named TRIRIS (TRIsaia-RIfiuti-Sterilizzazione, namely 'Trisaia Res. Center - Wastes- Sterilization') has been designed and erected. The plant goal is recognized in proposing and exploring new technological opportunities, based on an 'in-situ' effective processing of solid or liquid waste, mainly with reference to emergency situations (e.g. need of a quick environmental restoring operation following an accidental groundwater pollution). The project, which was jointly carried out by ENEA and Hitesys Co. and Italian electrons accelerators manufacturer, foresees a LINAC type EB-machine (s band) having 4-6 M e V and till 1000 W as beam features. Scattered radiation shielding is performed by a water pool surrounding the EB-machine head, filled up before operations. The plant, that is to be located at ENEA-Trisaia Res. Center (Basilicata southern of Italy), allows a large operative flexibility: groundwater and wastewater decontamination (1800 to 70 kg/h in the 1 to 25 kGy does range), organic and chlorinated waste streams (25 kg/h at 75 kGy), solid hospital wastes (50 kg/h at 35 kGy) or hazardous wastes like polycyclic aromatic compounds (180 to 35 kg/h in the 10 to 50 kGy dose range)
Un nuovo impianto di irraggiamento semi-mobile pilota-dimostrativo, denominato TRIRIS (TRIsaia-RIfiuti-Sterilizzazione), e' stato progettato e realizzato con finalita' di proposizione e valutazione di nuove opportunita' tecnologiche di trattamenti 'in-situ' di rifiuti solidi e liquidi, in particolare con riferimento a situazioni di emergenza (es. necessita' di un veloce recupero ambientale a seguito di un evento accidentale con effetti di inquinamento della falda acquifera). Il progetto, che e' stato condotto congiuntamente da ENEA e dalla Soc. Hitesys s.p.a., azienda italiana di fabbricazione di acceleratori di elettroni, prevede l'utilizzo di una macchina acceleratrice del tipo LINAC (in banda s) avente come energia e potenza di fascio rispettivamente 4-6 MeV e 1000 W. Lo schermaggio della radiazione diffusa e' realizzato mediante una piscina ad acqua, riempita prima delle operazioni, che circonda la testa dell'acceleratore di elettroni. L'impianto, che trovera' collocazione definitiva presso il Centro Ricerche ENEA-Trisaia (Basilicata, sud Italia), permette una larga flessibilita' operativa: decontaminazione di acque di falda e scarico 8da 1800 a 70 kg/h con dosi da 1 a 25 kGy), reflui organici e composti clorurati /25 kg/h a 75 kGy), rifiuti solidi ospedalieri (50 kg/h a 35 kGy) o rifiuti speciali tossico-nocivi come i composti aromatici policiclici (da 180 a 35 kg/h con dosi da 10 a 50 kGy)Primary Subject
Apr 1998; 14 p; IAEA international symposium on radiation technology for conservation of the environment; Zakopane (Poland); 8-12 Sep 1997; ISSN 1120-5571;
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Iacoboni, V.; Liccione, G.; Schwarz, M.; Tata, A.; Fantini, M.
Radiation technology for conservation of the environment. Proceedings of a symposium1998
Radiation technology for conservation of the environment. Proceedings of a symposium1998
[en] A new pilot/demonstrative semi-mobile irradiation plant, named TRIRIS (TRIsaia-RIfiuti-Sterilizzazione, namely ''Trisaia Res. Center - Wastes - Sterilization''), has been designed and erected in order to propose and explore new technological opportunities, based on in ''in-situ'' effective cleaning process. The main general goal is to face increased problems and concerns related to the treatment/disposal of different solid-liquid wastes, particularly with reference to emergency situation (e.g. need of quick environment restoring operation following an accident with groundwater pollution). The project, which was jointly carried out by ENEA and Hitesys Co., an Italian electron accelerators manufacturer, foresees a LINAC type EB-machine (s band) having 4-6 MeV and till 1000 W as beam features. A highly flexible automatic system allows materials (solid or liquid wastes) transporting and handling to be equipped with a belt conveyor and a piping net. Scattered radiation shielding is performed by a water pool surrounding the EB-machine head, filled up before operations. Auxiliary systems, control console and analytical chemical laboratories are hosted in suitable containers near the plant and are easily transportable. The whole plant and annexed systems disassembling and reassembling in a new site can be easily carried out in a short time (few days). The plant, located at ENEA-Trisaia Res. Center (Basilicata, southern Italy), allows a large operative flexibility: groundwater and wastewater decontamination (1800 to 70 kg/h in the 1 to 25 kGy dose range), organic and chlorinated waste streams (25 kg/h at 75 kGy), solid hospital wastes (50 kg/h at 35 kGy) or hazardous wastes like polycyclic aromatic compounds (180 to 35 kg/h in the 10 to 50 kGy dose range). The paper describes and illustrates the plant in details and presents the first available operating results so far performed by the installed plant
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Secondary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 635 p; ISSN 1011-4289; ; Jun 1998; p. 445-452; Symposium on radiation technology for conservation of the environment; Zakopane (Poland); 8-12 Sep 1997; IAEA-SM--350/33; 1 ref., 4 figs, 1 tab
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