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[en] The lengthy duration and diversity of the stages of the fuel cycle and the geographical distribution of the nuclear industries give the contracts for carrying out the different operations such flexibility that in order to settle disputes concerning notably but not exclusively liability, reference may be made to different legal systems according to whether the regulations of international public or private law can be applied. The options provided for co-contractors in view of the flexibility of the contracts lead to adoption of varying clauses for settling disputes according to the different industrial achievements envisaged. (NEA)
La longueur et la diversite de deroulement des etapes du cycle du combustible, la repartition geographique des industries nucleaires, donnent aux contrats passes pour la realisation des diverses operations, une flexibilite telle que la solution des litiges, souleves notamment, mais non exclusivement dans le domaine de la responsabilite, necessite que soit envisagees des references a des regimes juridiques differents selon que les regles de droit international, tant public que prive, trouvent ou non application. Les facultes d'option laissees aux co-contractants en fonction de la flexibilite des contrats, conduisent a adopter des clauses de solution des litiges differentes selon les hypotheses de realisation industrielles envisageesOriginal Title
Reflexions sur la redaction des clauses de responsabilite et de resolution des litiges dans les contrats d'approvisionnement au cours du cycle du combustible nucleaire
Primary Subject
1977; 13 p; Nuclear Inter Jura '77; Florence, Italy; 2 - 5 Oct 1977
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[en] The evalution of law towards more specific ramifications and the reasons to create the international nuclear law are discussed. (A.B.T.)
Discute-se a evolucao do direito para ramos mais especificos e os motivos para a criacao do direito nuclear internacional. (A.B.T.)Original Title
Direito nuclear internacional
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Mora, A.; Gutierrez, I.; Vargas, N.M.
Costa Rica Univ., San Jose (Costa Rica)1992
Costa Rica Univ., San Jose (Costa Rica)1992
[en] Contains information about: fundamental aspects of atomic energy; International Atomic Energy Agency; pacific uses of nuclear energy at national and international level; regulation for some risky activities in the pacific uses of radioactive materials; United Nations system for the secure use of atomic energy with pacific purposes; nuclear accidents; responsibility as fundamental element of nuclear law. 207 refs
Original Title
El derecho internacional y los usos pacificos de la energia atomica
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1992; viii, 579 p; A. Mora M; San Jose (Costa Rica); Available from Biblioteca Luis Demetrio Tinoco, Universidad de Costa Rica; Thesis.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This issue of Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology reports presents the papers of the technical session on 'Focal points of the atomic energy law and the radiation protection law in 1988'. The titles are: Is there a binding link between decisions of the atomic energy authority and criminal law? Conclusions to be drawn from the Alkem case court decision. - Recent developments in atomic energy law. - Current radiation protection law. - Codetermination at plant level in a nuclear installation. - The legal position of foreigners from neigbour countries in the field of atomic energy law. The licensing of nuclear installations near the border. (RST)
Das Berichtsheft enthaelt die waehrend der Jahrestagung Kerntechnik '88 in Luebeck-Travemuende vorgestellten Referate der Fachsitzung 'Brennpunkte des Atom- und Strahlenschutzrechtes '88': Bindung des Strafrechtes an Entscheidungen der Atombehoerde? Lehren aus dem Alkem-Urteil. Neuere Entwicklungen im Atomrecht. Das aktuelle Strahlenschutzrecht. Die betriebliche Mitbestimmung bei kerntechnischen Anlagen. Die Rechtsstellung auslaendischer Grenznachbarn im deutschen Atomrecht - zur Genehmigung grenznaher Kernenergieanlagen. (RST)Original Title
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik '88. Fachsitzung: Brennpunkte des Atom- und Strahlenschutzrechtes '88
Primary Subject
Jun 1988; 103 p; Inforum Verl; Bonn (Germany, F.R.); Annual meeting on nuclear technology (JK '88); Jahrestagung Kerntechnik (JK '88); Luebeck-Travemuende (Germany, F.R.); 17-19 May 1988
Record Type
Literature Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The Corporation is designated to engage in the independent development of fast breeder and advanced thermal reactors, the production, reprocessing and holding of nuclear fuel materials, and the exploration, mining and ore dressing of nuclear source materials to promoting the development and utilization of atomic energy. These activities are based on the Atomic Energy Basic Law, and limited to the peaceful uses. The basic concepts of a fast breeder reactor and an advanced thermal reactor are defined. A chapter is dedicated to the number, constitution, duties, competence, appointment and dismissal of the officers. The score of business is specified, beginning from the development and research of the reactors and ending with the import, export, purchase and selling of nuclear fuel materials and nuclear source materials. (Okada, K.)
Original Title
Doryokuro-Kakunenryo-Kaihatsu-Jigyodan ho
Primary Subject
Science and Technology Agency, Tokyo (Japan). Atomic Energy Bureau; Science and Technology Agency, Tokyo (Japan). Nuclear Safety Bureau; v. 1(pt.2) p. 27-39; 1977; v. 1(pt.2) p. 27-39; Taisei; Tokyo, Japan; Law no. 73, 20 Jul 1967; loose-leaf-binding.
Record Type
Literature Type
Legislative Material
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A systematization of nuclear energy law is presented. Attention is paid in particular, to the Brazil-Germany agreement
Apresenta-se uma sistematizacao do direito atomico. Da-se atencao em particular, ao acordo Brasil-AlemanhaOriginal Title
Introducao ao direito da energia nuclear
Primary Subject
1975; 187 p; Sugestoes Literarias S/A; Sao Paulo
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A summary is given of the law relating to atomic energy and radioactive substances revised as at 31 March 1981 under the following headings: (1) The common law. (2) The legislation. (3) Regulations under the factories act 1961. (4) Regulations relating to educational establishments. (5) Regulations and orders relating to food and medicines. (6) Regulations, rules, etc. affecting the transport of radioactive materials. (7) Regulations under the social security act 1975. (8) Control of import and export. (9) The Euratom treaty. (10) Important nonstatutory codes of practice, etc.. (11) International conventions, regulations, etc. relating to the peaceful use of atomic energy and radioactive substances, in which the United Kingdom is interested. (12) Foreign legislation. (U.K.)
Primary Subject
Apr 1981; 19 p
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The peculiar feature of a developing nuclear law is discussed. Opinions from various writers and jurists are presented. It is concluded that it should be considered as international law, whose main sources are the various treaties, conventions and agreements. (A.L.)
Discute-se o carater original de um direito nuclear em desenvolvimento, apresentando-se opinioes de diversos autores e juristas, e concluindo-se que se deve considera-lo como direito internacional, cujas principais fontes sao os diversos tratados, convencoes e acordos. (A.L.)Original Title
Direito nuclear internacional
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Direito Nuclear; v. 3(1); p. 21-29
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In 1983, the directory of the Radiation Protection Professional Association (Fachverband fuer Strahlenschutz) of Germany, Austria and Switzerland entrusted a group of 7 experienced radiation protection specialists, among them the author, to elaborate the essentials of the radiation protection law. The results, intended as a basis for discussion, appeared as a paper in 1986. The broad chapters are: general regulations; radiation protection principles; radiation protection measures for professionally exposed persons; protection of the environment and of the population. Some points of this paper are expanded and discussed. 14 figs. (qui)
Original Title
Vorstellungen zu einem an der Praxis orientierten Strahlenschutzrecht
Primary Subject
Tschirf, E.; Hefner, A. (eds.); Oesterreichischer Verband fuer Strahlenschutz (OeVS), Vienna (Austria); 909 p; Nov 1988; p. 10-22; 4. European congress and 13. regional congress of IRPA; Salzburg (Austria); 15-19 Sep 1986
Record Type
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Report Number
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No abstract available
Original Title
Nuclear Inter Jura '83
Primary Subject
Published in summary form only.; CODEN: EWTFA.
Record Type
Journal Article
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen; ISSN 0013-743X; ; v. 33(12); p. 928-929
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