
From IndieWeb
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IndieWeb sites often have a section on their home page that lists links to profile pages on social network silos and other forms of identity elsewhere.

IndieWeb Examples

IndieWeb Community

See: indieweb-elsewhere


Tantek Γ‡elik has a sidebar section on with headings "Follow" and "Elsewhere" and use of rel="me" to link to silo profiles that can be followed (including an at-at username), and others that represent content and contributions elsewhere:

Marty McGuire

Marty McGuire has a header section on labeled "Elsewhere on the web" with rel-me icon links to silo profiles

gRegor Morrill

gRegor Morrill 2023-01-01: I moved this to a section of a new page, How to Follow Me:

Previously: I've had different iterations of this on my contact page over the years, but it was just my Nintendo Switch friend code (text, no URL) from 2020 through 2023-01-01. I probably intended to add more links there but got distracted.

Jason Garber

Jason Garber has an Elsewhere section near the bottom of his homepage in a grid of rectangular links four columns wide that responsively shrinks the numbers of columns as you narrow the window

Caleb Hearth

Caleb Hearth has a Linktree page at /links that could be considered an Elsewhere page though it also contains links to the same domain. The page is an h-card with most links marked up as rel-me and u-url. It also links to an RSS feed with rel-home and rel-alternate, a link to an SSH key page with rel-key, and links to a few pages that are not considered rel-me such as a conference he organized and a Humans.txt page.

In terms of appearance, there is a list of large button links with text for links he perceives to be "more important" followed by a horizontal row of icon links to social network profile pages (there are some duplicates).

Ana Rodrigues

Ana Rodrigues has a Elsewhere section in the footer of her website linking to profiles and using rel="me".

Chris Aldrich

In addition to having a handful of "popular" social media app icons on his homepage, Chris Aldrich maintains a page with a list of almost all of his other social media and related online identity profiles and silo services at: All of the over 200 items are marked up with rel="me". The top of the list features his own websites with the silos filed underneath it categorized by their use cases or general functionality. To highlight the temporary nature of the silo-based web, he keeps a list of defunct social sites where he had presences at the bottom.

Add yourself!

Add yourself here… (see this for more details)

Organization Examples


See Also