Donate to indieHD
The future of independent music needs your help!
Please consider contributing directly to the betterment of music-making and electronic distribution by donating to indieHD.
We are not registered as a 501(c)(3) entity in the United States; please be aware that donations are not tax-deductible for U.S. tax-payers.
Non-profits can actually be expensive and cumbersome to operate, often with no discernible benefit to the organization. The value of non-profit status depends entirely on the organization in question, and we feel that non-profit status would not enable us to serve our artists, labels, and music-buying customers any better.
Rest assured that your donation will be applied directly to our overhead costs. We maintain a veritable server-farm and aim squarely at break-even; your money will be used to defray our operational costs.
Thank you for your consideration!
- Ben Johnson, Lead Developer and Creator