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Ammu cash card keychains!!! They make the cutest and most useful gifts for your loved ones Price : 275/- each plus shipping Made to… | Instagram
ボックスティッシュケース 【2】
ボックスティッシュケース 【2】 | 生地と型紙のお店 Rick Rack
This may contain: someone is holding some fabric in their hand
Tutorial membuat Scrunchie #Part1
Difficulty: Easy Alat Dan Bahan • Kain ukuran 12 x 110 cm (Kain satin) • Benang • Spooli • Gunting Kain • Gunting Benang • Meteran • Penggaris • Pensil Kain • Mesin Jahit
Make your own Carry Bag
Quick, useful project for the win! When you have fabric that needs using there's nothing more satisfying than making something functional and eco-friendly that you'll actually use! The Compact Carry bag is made from just 2 half yards of fabric and is a FREE tutorial on my website.