Climate - Smart Middle Class

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Everyone understands climate change is occurring and the people who oppose it are really hurting our children and our grandchildren and making the world a much worse place. And so we should not be aligned with such people -- they're just lying.
How Monsanto Took Over Our Food System—A Graphical History - Robyn O'Brien
Monsanto's History
Beware political right-wing policies that deepen the gap between haves and have-nots. As the income gap has widened at the top, the consequences of falling out of the upper middle class have worsened.
over 18?
Chomsky: Today's GOP is a Candidate for Most Dangerous Organization in Human History (specific quote at 22 minute mark). follow @dquocbuu like and repin it if you love it
Coal economy workers need help—and a carbon tax could provide it
Coal economy workers need help—and a carbon tax could provide it. Both as a result of market forces;especially low natural gas prices;and because of our search for clean energy sources, America's coal workers and their communities are hurting. Coal consumption is declining, both at home and abroad, creating ripple effects across coal-reliant economies that begin with job losses and spill over to cause a host of economic and fiscal problems.
Bernie Sanders Tells the Truth: Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich on His Surging Campaign
Bernie Sanders Tells the Truth: Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich on His Surging Campaign - YouTube
~ Bernie Sanders. A true hero of this country. What we used to be and are, not what the KochTeaBaggers want!
Inside The 'Private Tax System' That Saves Billions For America's Richest
Inside The 'Private Tax System' That Saves Billions For America's Richest
Will Inequality Ever Stop Growing?
Experts in the field offer their reasons for optimism and pessimism going into 2016.
New Oxfam report says half of global wealth held by the 1%
Oxfam warns of widening inequality gap, days ahead of Davos economic summit in Switzerland