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You will begin to heal when you let go of past hurts, forgive those who have wronged you and learn to forgive yourself for your mistakes.
Sociopaths Are Charming, Manipulative, and Fantastic in Bed
I am not stupid, nor am I a ho, nor am I a liar. Look at yourself. All because of a man who treats you like absolute shit and makes a fool out of you? I don't get it. What exactly is it that you're looking for from me? If you're happy then why do you keep engaging me?! Why do you keep blaming me for HIS cheating? I'm the one who ended it. I have my own life. Without him. Like wtf.
100+ Inspiring Quotes When You Need Some Life Motivation
Have a challenging life than an easier one. You'll be battle tested. Therefore, anything that comes your way will be small in magnitude. Like a drop in the vast ocean. ❤️❤️☀️
7 Quotes for when Times Are Hard ...
It's the obstacles that make you stumble that give you the strength to build new paths #fearlessfabulousyou