Prime Bands [ChartPrime]The Prime Standard Deviation Bands indicator uses custom-calculated bands based on highest and lowest price values over specific period to analyze price volatility and trend direction. Traders can set the bands to 1, 2, or 3 standard deviations from a central base, providing a dynamic view of price behavior in relation to volatility. The indicator also includes color-coded trend signals, standard deviation labels, and mean reversion signals, offering insights into trend strength and potential reversal points.
⯌ Standard Deviation Bands :
The indicator plots upper and lower bands based on standard deviation settings (1, 2, or 3 SDs) from a central base, allowing traders to visualize volatility and price extremes. These bands can be used to identify overbought and oversold conditions, as well as potential trend reversals.
Example of 3-standard-deviation bands around price:
⯌ Dynamic Trend Indicator :
The midline of the bands changes color based on trend direction. If the midline is rising, it turns green, indicating an uptrend. When the midline is falling, it turns orange, suggesting a downtrend. This color coding provides a quick visual reference to the current trend.
Trend color examples for rising and falling midlines:
⯌ Standard Deviation Labels :
At the end of the bands, the indicator displays labels with price levels for each standard deviation level (+3, 0, -3, etc.), helping traders quickly reference where price is relative to its statistical boundaries.
Price labels at each standard deviation level on the chart:
⯌ Mean Reversion Signals :
When price moves beyond the upper or lower bands and then reverts back inside, the indicator plots mean reversion signals with diamond icons. These signals indicate potential reversal points where the price may return to the mean after extreme moves.
Example of mean reversion signals near bands:
⯌ Standard Deviation Scale on Chart :
A visual scale on the right side of the chart shows the current price position in relation to the bands, expressed in standard deviations. This scale provides an at-a-glance view of how far price has deviated from the mean, helping traders assess risk and volatility.
Length : Sets the number of bars used in the calculation of the bands.
Standard Deviation Level : Allows selection of 1, 2, or 3 standard deviations for upper and lower bands.
Colors : Customize colors for the uptrend and downtrend midline indicators.
The Prime Standard Deviation Bands indicator provides a comprehensive view of price volatility and trend direction. Its customizable bands, trend coloring, and mean reversion signals allow traders to effectively gauge price behavior, identify extreme conditions, and make informed trading decisions based on statistical boundaries.
רצועות וערוצים
Samet-AL SAT SinyaL// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © Samce
indicator(title='Samet-AL SAT SinyaL', shorttitle='Samet-AL SAT SinyaL', overlay=true)
pSARbeginningValue =, minval=0, maxval=10, title='PSAR başlangıç değeri')
pSARendValue =, minval=1, maxval=10, title='PSAR bitiş değeri')
pSARmultiplierValue =, minval=0, maxval=10, title=' PSAR katsayi değeri')
pSARbeginningMethod = pSARbeginningValue * .01
pSARendMethod = pSARendValue * .10
pSARmultiplierMethod = pSARmultiplierValue * .01
pSAR_UpValue = ta.sar(pSARbeginningMethod, pSARmultiplierMethod, pSARendMethod)
pSAR_DownValue = ta.sar(pSARbeginningMethod, pSARmultiplierMethod, pSARendMethod)
pSAR_UpColor = close >= pSAR_DownValue ? : na
pSAR_DownColor = close <= pSAR_UpValue ? : na
plot(pSAR_UpValue ? pSAR_UpValue : na, style=plot.style_columns, color=pSAR_UpColor, linewidth=0, title='PSAR yukarı', transp=85)
plot(pSAR_DownValue ? pSAR_DownValue : na, style=plot.style_columns, color=pSAR_DownColor, linewidth=1, title='PSAR aşağı', transp=85)
//Zone Identification - This is once again ATR based method to identify the zone based on its strength
zoneSource = input(hl2, title='Kaynak')
src = input(hl2, title='Kaynak')
zoneLength = input(defval=10, title='ATR Alan Uzunluğu')
zoneMultiplier = input.float(defval=3.0, step=0.1, title='ATR Alan Katsayısı')
zoneATR = ta.atr(zoneLength)
downZone = zoneSource + zoneMultiplier * zoneATR
downZoneNew = nz(downZone , downZone)
downZone := close < downZoneNew ? math.min(downZone, downZoneNew) : downZone
upZone = zoneSource - zoneMultiplier * zoneATR
upZoneNew = nz(upZone , upZone)
upZone := close > upZoneNew ? math.max(upZone, upZoneNew) : upZone
zoneDecider = 1
zoneDecider := nz(zoneDecider , zoneDecider)
zoneDecider := zoneDecider == -1 and close > downZoneNew ? 1 : zoneDecider == 1 and close < upZoneNew ? -1 : zoneDecider
redZone = zoneDecider == -1 and zoneDecider == 1
greenZone = zoneDecider == 1 and zoneDecider == -1
downZoneColor = zoneDecider == -1 ? : color.gray
upZoneColor = zoneDecider == 1 ? : color.gray
downZonePlot = plot(zoneDecider == 1 ? na : downZone, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2,, 0), title='Düşüş Bölgesi')
plotshape(redZone ? downZone : na, location=location.absolute, style=shape.diamond, size=size.tiny,, 0), title='Düşüş Bölgesi Başlangıçı')
plotshape(redZone ? downZone : na, location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny,, 0),, 0), title='SAT', text='Samet/ SAT(short)')
upZonePlot = plot(zoneDecider == 1 ? upZone : na, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2,, 0), title='Yükseliş Bölgesi')
plotshape(greenZone ? upZone : na, location=location.absolute, style=shape.diamond, size=size.tiny,, 0), title='Yükseliş Bölgesi Başlangıçı')
plotshape(greenZone ? upZone : na, location=location.belowbar, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny,, 0),, 0), title='AL', text='Samet/ AL(long)')
aldigimfiyat = str.tostring(ta.valuewhen(greenZone, zoneSource, 0))
sattigimfiyat = str.tostring(ta.valuewhen(redZone, zoneSource, 0))
Buy = greenZone
Sell = redZone
if greenZone == 1
l =, na)
label.set_text(l, aldigimfiyat)
label.set_yloc(l, yloc.belowbar)
label.set_style(l, label.style_label_up)
if redZone == 1
l =, na)
label.set_text(l, sattigimfiyat)
label.set_yloc(l, yloc.abovebar)
label.set_style(l, label.style_label_down)
neutralZonePlot = plot(ohlc4, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=0, title='Alan Stili')
fill(neutralZonePlot, downZonePlot, color=downZoneColor, title='Düşüş Rengi', transp=90)
fill(neutralZonePlot, upZonePlot, color=upZoneColor, title='Yükseliş Rengi', transp=90)
emaLowerPeriod =, minval=1, title='EMA Düşük Periyotlar için')
emaLower = ta.ema(input(close), emaLowerPeriod)
plot(emaLower,, 0), linewidth=2, title='EMA Düşük Periyot')
showEMA2 = input(false, title='EMA - Orta Periyotlar için')
emaMediumPeriod =, minval=1, title='EMA Orta Periyotlar için')
emaMedium = ta.ema(input(close), emaMediumPeriod)
plot(showEMA2 and emaMedium ? emaMedium : na,, 0), linewidth=2, title='EMA Orta Periyotlar için')
hmaLongPeriod =, minval=1, title='HMA Uzun Periyotlar için')
hmaLong = ta.hma(input(close), hmaLongPeriod)
plot(hmaLong,, 0), linewidth=2, title='HMA Uzun Periyotlar için')
isCloseAbove = close > emaLower and close > hmaLong
isCloseBelow = close < emaLower and close < hmaLong
isCloseBetween = close > emaLower and close < hmaLong or close < emaLower and close > hmaLong
isNeutral = close > pSAR_DownValue and isCloseBelow or close < pSAR_DownValue and isCloseAbove
barcolor(isNeutral or isCloseBetween ? color.yellow : isCloseBelow ? : isCloseAbove ? :
position = input(500)
h = ta.highest(position)
info_label_off = input(50, title='Bilgilendirme paneli gösterilsin mi?')
info_label_size = input.string(size.normal, options= , title='Info panel label size')
info_panel_x = timenow + math.round(ta.change(time) * 10)
info_panel_y = h
info_current_close = ' SON KAPANIŞ : ' + str.tostring(close)
disp_panels1 = input(true, title='ALIŞ BİLGİLENDİRME PANELİ İSTİYORMUSUNUZ?')
disp_panels2 = input(true, title='SATIŞ BİLGİLENDİRME PANELİ İSTİYORMUSUNUZ?')
Long = '-=-=-ALIŞ DETAY-=-=- '
Short = '-=-=-SATIŞ DETAY-=-=- '
pp1 = ' Aldıktan sonra geçen BAR : ' + str.tostring(ta.barssince(Buy), '##.##')
pp2 = ' Sattıktan sonra geçen BAR : ' + str.tostring(ta.barssince(Sell), '##.##')
Buyprice = ' Satın aldığımız fiyat : ' + str.tostring(ta.valuewhen(Buy, src, 0), '##.##') + ''
ProfitLong = ' KAR : ' + '(' + str.tostring(100 * ((src - ta.valuewhen(Buy, src, 0)) / ta.valuewhen(Buy, src, 0)), '##.##') + '%' + ')'
Sellprice = ' Satın aldığımız fiyat : ' + str.tostring(ta.valuewhen(Sell, src, 0), '##.##') + ''
ProfitShort = ' KAR : ' + '(' + str.tostring(100 * ((ta.valuewhen(Sell, src, 0) - src) / ta.valuewhen(Sell, src, 0)), '##.##') + '%' + ')'
info_textlongbuy = Long + info_current_close + pp1 + Buyprice + ProfitLong
info_textlongsell = Short + info_current_close + pp2 + Sellprice + ProfitShort
info_panellongbuy = zoneDecider == 1 and disp_panels1 ?, y=info_panel_y, text=info_textlongbuy, xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,, style=label.style_label_up,, size=info_label_size) : na
info_panellongsell = zoneDecider == -1 and disp_panels2 ?, y=info_panel_y, text=info_textlongsell, xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,, style=label.style_label_up,, size=info_label_size) : na
label.delete(info_panellongbuy )
label.delete(info_panellongsell )
Market Structure Break with Retest (Multi-timeframe)Giriş
Piyasa yapısının kırılımlarını (Market Structure Break - MSB) analiz etmek, özellikle trendlerin değişim noktalarını belirlemek için son derece önemlidir. Bu Pine Script™, belirli bir zaman diliminde MSB noktalarını tespit eder ve potansiyel retest (yeniden test) bölgelerini görselleştirir. Ayrıca bu bölgelerde alım-satım kararlarını destekleyecek kutular ve etiketler oluşturur.
Bu script, hem yeni başlayanlar hem de ileri seviye kullanıcılar için piyasa analizi süreçlerini kolaylaştırmayı hedefler.
1. Zaman Dilimi Seçimi: Kullanıcı, analiz yapmak istediği zaman dilimini belirleyebilir.
2. En Yüksek ve En Düşük Noktalar: Belirtilen zaman diliminde en yüksek ve en düşük fiyatları dinamik olarak hesaplar.
3. Piyasa Yapısı Kırılımı (MSB):
Fiyatın, önceki en yüksek seviyeyi aşması durumunda "Bullish Break" (yükseliş kırılımı).
Fiyatın, önceki en düşük seviyenin altına düşmesi durumunda "Bearish Break" (düşüş kırılımı).
4. Retest Bölgeleri: MSB sonrası fiyatın bu seviyelere geri dönüp dönmediğini kontrol eder ve bu alanları etiketler.
5. Görselleştirme:
Kırılım bölgeleri için kutular çizer.
Retest noktalarını dinamik etiketlerle işaretler.
6. Kişiselleştirilebilirlik: Kullanıcı, kutuların renklerini, çizgi kalınlığını ve analiz süresini özelleştirebilir.
Kullanım Alanları
Destek ve Direnç Tespiti: Fiyatın önemli destek ve direnç bölgelerinde nasıl hareket ettiğini analiz etmek için idealdir.
Trend Dönüşlerini Yakalamak: Yükseliş ve düşüş trendlerinin başlangıç noktalarını tespit etmek için kullanılabilir.
Retest Stratejileri: Fiyatın kırılım sonrası bu seviyelere geri dönmesini gözlemleyerek işlem kararlarını destekler.
Kodun Mantığı
1. Zaman Diliminde En Yüksek ve En Düşük Fiyatlar:
Belirlenen zaman diliminde length parametresine göre en yüksek ve en düşük fiyatları hesaplar.
2. Kırılım Tespiti:
Fiyatın önceki en yüksek veya en düşük seviyeyi aşıp aşmadığını kontrol eder.
3. Kutu ve Etiketler:
Kırılım sonrası kutular dinamik olarak oluşturulur.
Retest bölgelerinde etiketler belirir:
4. Kişiselleştirme: Kullanıcı kutu renklerini, çizgi kalınlığını ve analiz süresini kolaylıkla ayarlayabilir:
Analiz süresini ve renkleri kendi işlem stratejinize göre özelleştirin.
Bu script, piyasa yapısı kırılımlarını ve retest bölgelerini görselleştirerek işlem stratejilerinizi optimize etmenize yardımcı olur. Zaman dilimlerine uygun dinamik yapı ve kişiselleştirilebilir ayarlarla güçlü bir analiz aracı sunar.
TradingView'de yeni stratejiler geliştirmek ve işlem kararlarınızı daha bilinçli bir şekilde almak için bu aracı hemen kullanmaya başlayın!
EXPONOVA by @thejamiulEXPONOVA is an advanced EMA-based indicator designed to provide a visually intuitive and actionable representation of market trends. It combines two EMAs (Exponential Moving Averages) with a custom gradient fill to help traders identify trend reversals, strength, and the potential duration of trends.
This indicator uses a gradient color fill between two EMAs—one short-term (20-period) and one longer-term (55-period). The gradient dynamically adjusts based on the proximity and relationship of the closing price to the EMAs, giving traders a unique visual insight into trend momentum and potential exhaustion points.
Key Features:
Dynamic Gradient Fill:
The fill color between the EMAs changes based on the bar's position relative to the longer-term EMA.
A fading gradient visually conveys the strength and duration of the trend. The closer the closing price is to crossing the EMA, the stronger the gradient, making trends easy to spot.
Precision EMA Calculations:
The indicator plots two EMAs (20 and 55) without cluttering the chart, ensuring traders have a clean and informative display.
Ease of Use:
Designed for both novice and advanced traders, this tool is effective in identifying trend reversals and entry/exit points.
Trend Reversal Detection:
Built-in logic identifies bars since the last EMA cross, dynamically adjusting the gradient to signal potential trend changes.
How It Works:
This indicator calculates two EMAs:
EMA 20 (Fast EMA): Tracks short-term price movements, providing early signals of potential trend changes.
EMA 55 (Slow EMA): Captures broader trends and smoothens noise for a clearer directional bias.
The area between the two EMAs is filled with a dynamic color gradient, which evolves based on how far the price has moved above or below EMA 55. The gradient acts as a visual cue to the strength and duration of the current trend:
Bright green shades indicate bullish momentum building over time.
Red tones highlight bearish momentum.
The fading effect in the gradient provides traders with an intuitive representation of trend strength, helping them gauge whether the trend is accelerating, weakening, or reversing.
Gradient-Filled Region: Unique visualization to simplify trend analysis without cluttering the chart.
Dynamic Trend Strength Indication: The gradient dynamically adjusts based on the price's proximity to EMA 55, giving traders insight into momentum changes.
Minimalist Design: The EMAs themselves are not displayed by default to maintain a clean chart while still benefiting from their analysis.
Customizable Lengths: Pre-configured with EMA lengths of 20 and 55, but easily modifiable for different trading styles or instruments.
How to Use This Indicator
Trend Detection: Look at the gradient fill for visual confirmation of trend direction and strength.
Trade Entries:
Enter long positions when the price crosses above EMA 55, with the gradient transitioning to green.
Enter short positions when the price crosses below EMA 55, with the gradient transitioning to red.
Trend Strength Monitoring:
A brighter gradient suggests a sustained and stronger trend.
A fading gradient may indicate weakening momentum and a potential reversal.
Important Notes
This indicator uses a unique method of color visualization to enhance decision-making but does not generate buy or sell signals directly.
Always combine this indicator with other tools or methods for comprehensive analysis.
Past performance is not indicative of future results; please practice risk management while trading.
How to Use:
Trend Following:
Use the gradient fill to identify the trend direction.
A consistently bright gradient indicates a strong trend, while fading colors suggest weakening momentum.
Reversal Signals:
Watch for gradient changes near the EMA crossover points.
These can signal potential trend reversals or consolidation phases.
Confirmation Tool:
Combine EXPONOVA with other indicators or candlestick patterns for enhanced confirmation of trade setups.
This indicator is entirely original and was developed using Pine Script v5 without reliance on open-source scripts. The logic, calculations, and visual design are uniquely tailored to provide value to the TradingView community.
Note to Users
This indicator is for informational purposes only and should be used alongside a robust trading strategy and risk management practices. For detailed guidance on using this indicator effectively, refer to my TradingView profile or reach out in the comments section.
Corrected Adaptive Intraday VWAP Dual Signal Generator (1-min)This script is for Personal Use, please use at your own risk. Works only on 1 min chart, and usually identifies over sold and over bought areas intraday.
Panchak High LowInsert dates as per Panchang and select market timing , Indicator will automatically draw lines on High and low of Panchak range.
Custom Reversal Indicator with Liquidity SweepCustom Reversal Indicator with Liquidity Sweep
Bu gösterge, fiyat hareketlerini analiz ederek dönüş noktalarını, likidite avı bölgelerini ve fitil anomalilerini tespit etmek üzere tasarlandı.
Gösterge Özellikleri
Bu gösterge, dönüş noktalarını tespit etmek için birkaç temel bileşeni bir araya getiriyor:
1. Bollinger Bantları Mantığı
Fiyatın belirli bir periyottaki ortalama sapmasını ve standart sapmalarını kullanarak üst ve alt bantlar hesaplanır.
Orta çizgi (mavi), fiyatın genel eğilimini gösterirken, kırmızı ve yeşil bantlar fiyatın aşırı alım veya satım bölgelerini temsil eder.
2. Likidite Avı (Liquidity Sweep) Tespiti
Market maker'ların fiyatı manipüle ederek likiditeyi temizlediği durumlar analiz edilir.
Üst veya alt fitillerin uzunluğu, likidite avı için belirli eşik değerlerle karşılaştırılır.
3. Hacim Patlaması (Volume Spike) ve Wick Anomalileri
Yüksek hacimli işlemler ve fitil uzunlukları, potansiyel dönüş noktalarını belirlemek için incelenir.
Bu, özellikle sahte kırılımları ve market maker manipülasyonlarını anlamaya yardımcı olur.
4. Al ve Sat Sinyalleri
Gösterge, fiyat alt banda düştüğünde alım; üst banda yükseldiğinde satım sinyali verir.
Bu sinyaller, hacim ve fitil analizine dayalı olarak filtrelenir, böylece daha güvenilir sonuçlar elde edilir.
Kullanım Alanları
1. Dönüş Noktalarını Belirleme
Göstergedeki "BUY" ve "SELL" etiketleri, fiyatın dönüş yapma ihtimalinin yüksek olduğu bölgeleri işaretler.
2. Likidite Avı Bölgelerini Tespit Etme
Uzun fitillerin olduğu bölgelerde olası manipülasyonları belirler ve yatırımcıyı uyarır.
3. Hacim Uyumsuzlukları ve Fitil Analizi
Hacim ve fiyat hareketleri arasındaki uyumsuzlukları tespit ederek strateji geliştirmede yardımcı olur.
Sonuç ve Öneriler
Bu gösterge, sahte kırılımlardan kaçınarak daha doğru işlem kararları almanıza yardımcı olabilir. Ancak, her gösterge gibi, bu göstergenin de %100 garanti sağlamadığını unutmamalısınız. Kendi risk yönetiminizi ve diğer analiz yöntemlerinizi kullanarak işlemler yapmanız önerilir.
Yorumlarınızı ve geri bildirimlerinizi bekliyorum. Bu göstergeyi beğendiyseniz, profilimi takip edebilir ve daha fazla içerik için önerilerinizi paylaşabilirsiniz.
Herkese başarılı işlemler!
AdibXmos// © AdibXmos
indicator('Sood Indicator V2 ', overlay=true, max_labels_count=500)
show_tp_sl = input.bool(true, 'Display TP & SL', group='Techical', tooltip='Display the exact TP & SL price levels for BUY & SELL signals.')
rrr = input.string('1:2', 'Risk to Reward Ratio', group='Techical', options= , tooltip='Set a risk to reward ratio (RRR).')
tp_sl_multi = input.float(1, 'TP & SL Multiplier', 1, group='Techical', tooltip='Multiplies both TP and SL by a chosen index. Higher - higher risk.')
tp_sl_prec =, 'TP & SL Precision', 0, group='Techical')
candle_stability_index_param = 0.5
rsi_index_param = 70
candle_delta_length_param = 4
disable_repeating_signals_param = input.bool(true, 'Disable Repeating Signals', group='Techical', tooltip='Removes repeating signals. Useful for removing clusters of signals and general clarity.')
GREEN = color.rgb(29, 255, 40)
RED = color.rgb(255, 0, 0)
TRANSPARENT = color.rgb(0, 0, 0, 100)
label_size = input.string('huge', 'Label Size', options= , group='Cosmetic')
label_style = input.string('text bubble', 'Label Style', , group='Cosmetic')
buy_label_color = input(GREEN, 'BUY Label Color', inline='Highlight', group='Cosmetic')
sell_label_color = input(RED, 'SELL Label Color', inline='Highlight', group='Cosmetic')
label_text_color = input(color.white, 'Label Text Color', inline='Highlight', group='Cosmetic')
stable_candle = math.abs(close - open) / > candle_stability_index_param
rsi = ta.rsi(close, 14)
atr = ta.atr(14)
bullish_engulfing = close < open and close > open and close > open
rsi_below = rsi < rsi_index_param
decrease_over = close < close
var last_signal = ''
var tp = 0.
var sl = 0.
bull_state = bullish_engulfing and stable_candle and rsi_below and decrease_over and barstate.isconfirmed
bull = bull_state and (disable_repeating_signals_param ? (last_signal != 'buy' ? true : na) : true)
bearish_engulfing = close > open and close < open and close < open
rsi_above = rsi > 100 - rsi_index_param
increase_over = close > close
bear_state = bearish_engulfing and stable_candle and rsi_above and increase_over and barstate.isconfirmed
bear = bear_state and (disable_repeating_signals_param ? (last_signal != 'sell' ? true : na) : true)
round_up(number, decimals) =>
factor = math.pow(10, decimals)
math.ceil(number * factor) / factor
if bull
last_signal := 'buy'
dist = atr * tp_sl_multi
tp_dist = rrr == '2:3' ? dist / 2 * 3 : rrr == '1:2' ? dist * 2 : rrr == '1:4' ? dist * 4 : dist
tp := round_up(close + tp_dist, tp_sl_prec)
sl := round_up(close - dist, tp_sl_prec)
if label_style == 'text bubble', low, 'BUY', color=buy_label_color, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor=label_text_color, size=label_size)
else if label_style == 'triangle', low, 'BUY', yloc=yloc.belowbar, color=buy_label_color, style=label.style_triangleup, textcolor=TRANSPARENT, size=label_size)
else if label_style == 'arrow', low, 'BUY', yloc=yloc.belowbar, color=buy_label_color, style=label.style_arrowup, textcolor=TRANSPARENT, size=label_size) ? bar_index : na, low, 'TP: ' + str.tostring(tp) + ' SL: ' + str.tostring(sl), yloc=yloc.price, color=color.gray, style=label.style_label_down, textcolor=label_text_color)
if bear
last_signal := 'sell'
dist = atr * tp_sl_multi
tp_dist = rrr == '2:3' ? dist / 2 * 3 : rrr == '1:2' ? dist * 2 : rrr == '1:4' ? dist * 4 : dist
tp := round_up(close - tp_dist, tp_sl_prec)
sl := round_up(close + dist, tp_sl_prec)
if label_style == 'text bubble' ? bar_index : na, high, 'SELL', color=sell_label_color, style=label.style_label_down, textcolor=label_text_color, size=label_size)
else if label_style == 'triangle' ? bar_index : na, high, 'SELL', yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=sell_label_color, style=label.style_triangledown, textcolor=TRANSPARENT, size=label_size)
else if label_style == 'arrow' ? bar_index : na, high, 'SELL', yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=sell_label_color, style=label.style_arrowdown, textcolor=TRANSPARENT, size=label_size) ? bar_index : na, low, 'TP: ' + str.tostring(tp) + ' SL: ' + str.tostring(sl), yloc=yloc.price, color=color.gray, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor=label_text_color)
alertcondition(bull or bear, 'BUY & SELL Signals', 'New signal!')
alertcondition(bull, 'BUY Signals (Only)', 'New signal: BUY')
alertcondition(bear, 'SELL Signals (Only)', 'New signal: SELL')
Adaptive Trend Filter @tradingbauhausDescription of What the Script Does:
This Pine Script is a custom trading indicator that combines two different strategies: an Adaptive Filter and the Supertrend Indicator. It is designed to help traders identify trends in the market and highlight potential entries and exits based on trend changes and rejections.
Key Features:
Adaptive Filter:
The adaptive filter is used to smooth price data and adapt to changing market conditions.
The filter's behavior depends on the parameters alpha and beta, which control the level of smoothing and sensitivity to trend changes.
Alpha: Smoothing factor. A smaller value leads to more smoothing, while a larger value makes the filter more responsive to price changes.
Beta: Controls how sensitive the filter is to trends, adjusting how quickly the filter reacts to price movement.
The filter is applied to the closing price of the asset, and it adjusts its output based on market volatility.
Supertrend Indicator:
The Supertrend is a trend-following indicator that is based on the Average True Range (ATR). It helps to determine the direction of the trend.
The indicator uses two lines (upper and lower bands), which represent potential stop levels for long and short trades.
The Supertrend Factor adjusts the distance between the price and the trend line.
The ATR Period is used to calculate the volatility, and thus the width of the Supertrend bands.
Trend Plotting:
The indicator displays bullish (uptrend) and bearish (downtrend) signals based on the direction of the Supertrend line.
The colors of the trend lines can be customized by the user.
Exit Bands:
The upper and lower exit bands are calculated based on the Supertrend value, adjusted by an exponential moving average of the high-low range. These bands help define potential exit points for trades.
Rejection Signals:
The script identifies potential bullish rejections (when the price attempts to move below the Supertrend line but is rejected) and bearish rejections (when the price attempts to move above the Supertrend line but is rejected).
These rejections are marked on the chart with small arrows.
Trend Change Signals:
The script plots trend change signals when the trend direction crosses zero, signaling a potential switch between bullish and bearish trends.
Alert Conditions:
Alerts are set for trend changes and rejection entries. Alerts can notify the trader when:
A bullish trend change occurs.
A bearish trend change occurs.
A bullish rejection entry is detected.
A bearish rejection entry is detected..
Dual Donchian Channel CloudsHere is a twist on the classic Donchian Channels indicators. Quickly, Donchian Channels show the current price relative to the highest or lowest close over a lookback period. This indicator adds a shorter high/low lookback period to the standard 20 period to create clouds. This makes it very easy to identify the current trend. A simple moving average of the middle line is displayed and acts like dynamic support or resistance since it represents an approximate 50% pullback from a recent high or low.
Trade signals (including reversals and re-entries) can be toggled on or off. These are triggered price moving a user defined number of standard deviations away from the middle line.
Happy Trading!
Hull Suite by MRS**Hull Suite by MRS Strategy Indicator**
The Hull Suite by MRS Strategy is a technical analysis tool designed to provide insights into market trends using variations of the Hull Moving Average (HMA). This strategy aims to help traders identify optimal entry points for both long and short positions by utilizing multiple types of Hull-based indicators.
### Key Features:
1. **Hull Moving Average Variations**: The indicator offers three different Hull Moving Average variants:
- **HMA (Hull Moving Average)**: A fast-moving average that minimizes lag and reacts quickly to price changes.
- **EHMA (Enhanced Hull Moving Average)**: A smoother version of HMA with reduced noise, offering a clearer view of market trends.
- **THMA (Triple Hull Moving Average)**: A more complex Hull average that aims to provide a stronger confirmation of trend direction.
2. **Customizable Parameters**:
- **Source Selection**: Allows traders to choose the source for calculation (e.g., closing prices).
- **Length**: A configurable parameter to adjust the period over which the moving average is calculated (e.g., 55-period for swing entries).
- **Trend Coloring**: Users can enable automatic color-coding of the Hull moving average to reflect whether the market is in an uptrend (green) or downtrend (red).
- **Candle Color**: Option to color candles based on Hull's trend, further improving the visual clarity of trend direction.
3. **Entry and Exit Signals**:
- **Buy Signal**: Generated when the Hull moving average crosses above its historical value, indicating a potential upward price movement.
- **Sell Signal**: Triggered when the Hull moving average crosses below its historical value, signaling a potential downward price movement.
- The strategy can be customized to work with long, short, or both directions, making it adaptable for various market conditions.
4. **Visual Representation**:
- **Hull Bands**: The indicator can plot the Hull moving average as bands, with customizable transparency to suit individual preferences.
- **Band Filler**: The area between the two Hull moving averages is filled, making it easier to identify trends at a glance.
5. **Backtesting and Strategy Execution**: This strategy can be tested on historical data with adjustable backtest start and stop dates, providing traders with a better understanding of its performance before live trading.
### Purpose:
The Hull Suite by MRS Strategy is designed to assist traders in determining the optimal time to enter and exit the market based on robust Hull moving averages. With its flexibility, it can be used for trend-following, swing trading, or other strategic applications.
CM_SlingShotSystem - StrategyThis TradingView strategy, titled "SlingShotSystem Enhanced v5," is designed to identify potential trading opportunities based on the interaction between a fast (38-period) and slow (62-period) Exponential Moving Average (EMA). It primarily aims to capitalize on trend pullbacks and breakouts.
Key Features:
Trend Identification: Uses the relationship between the fast and slow EMAs to determine the prevailing trend (uptrend or downtrend).
Entry Signals: Generates buy signals (long entry) when the price crosses above the fast EMA during an uptrend and sell signals (short entry) when the price crosses below the fast EMA during a downtrend. These are considered "conservative" entry points.
Visual Cues: Highlights potential "aggressive" entry bars during pullbacks to the fast EMA (yellow bars) and "conservative" entry bars (aqua bars) for visual confirmation. Optionally displays trend arrows and "B"/"S" letters at entry points.
Risk Management:
Stop-Loss: Allows for a percentage-based stop-loss order to limit potential losses.
Take-Profit: Allows for a percentage-based take-profit order to lock in gains.
Trailing Stop: Implements an ATR-based trailing stop to dynamically adjust the stop-loss level as the price moves favorably, helping to protect profits and ride trends.
Exit Logic: Closes existing positions when opposite entry signals are generated or when stop-loss, take-profit, or trailing stop levels are hit.
IU EMA ChannelThe IU EMA Channel is a dynamic tool designed to help traders identify market trends and price zones with ease. It features two Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) calculated using the high and low prices.
User Input / setting :
"EMA Length = " sets the length for the EMAs calculations
Key Features:
Trend Visualization: The channel changes color based on price action relative to the EMAs:
Aqua when price is above the high-based EMA (bullish)
Purple when price is below the high-based EMA (bearish)
Customizable Length: Adjust the EMA length using the built-in settings.
Clear Channel Fill: The area between the EMAs is shaded for easy trend identification.
How to Use:
Look for bullish trends when price stays above the channel.
Watch for bearish trends when price stays below the channel.
Can be used for trend-following strategies and dynamic support/resistance levels.
Ideal For: Trend traders, swing traders, and technical analysts seeking a simple yet effective trend-following tool.
Rocket Trade Dream Of Tamer[This system gives signals formed by the combination of ema, bollinger bands and william fractal indicators. You can use it on all time charts. Be sure to use this system using a strategy. It will work more successfully in leveraged transactions.
NOBOSS (CUSTOM OVERBOUGHT/OVERSOLD)Your Pine Script code for the NOBOS (Custom Overbought/Oversold) indicator is well-structured and incorporates several popular technical analysis tools, including Stochastic RSI, Bollinger Bands, and MACD. Below, I will provide a breakdown of the key components and functionalities of your script to enhance understanding and usability.
## Overview of the NOBOS Indicator
The NOBOS indicator is designed to identify overbought and oversold conditions in the market using various technical indicators. It combines fast and slow Stochastic RSI, Bollinger Bands, and MACD to generate signals for potential trading opportunities.
### Key Components
1. **Input Parameters**:
- The script allows users to customize various parameters such as lengths for RSI, Stochastic, smoothing factors, and Bollinger Bands settings.
- Color settings are also available for different levels of overbought/oversold conditions.
2. **Fast Stochastic RSI**:
- Calculated using a user-defined length for RSI and Stochastic.
- Smoothing is applied to both K and D lines.
- Plots the K and D lines along with filling between them for better visualization.
3. **Slow Stochastic RSI**:
- Similar to the fast version but uses longer periods for calculation.
- Includes trigger levels to identify extreme conditions.
4. **Bollinger Bands**:
- Calculated using a simple moving average (SMA) and standard deviation.
- The %b value indicates where the price is relative to the bands.
5. **MACD**:
- Customizable fast and slow lengths with signal smoothing.
- Calculates MACD values, signal line, and histogram.
- Overbought/oversold conditions are visually represented with color-coded plots.
### Visual Elements
- **Background Colors**: Different background colors indicate overbought and oversold zones.
- **Extreme Conditions**: Labels are plotted on extreme conditions detected by the Stochastic RSI.
- **MACD Indicators**: Circles are plotted at specific levels indicating overbought/oversold conditions based on MACD values.
### Alerts
- Alerts are set up for extreme high and low conditions, allowing users to receive notifications when these conditions occur.
## Suggestions for Improvement
1. **Documentation**: Consider adding comments throughout your code to explain each section's purpose. This will help others (and future you) understand the logic behind your calculations more easily.
2. **Modular Functions**: If you find certain calculations are repeated or could be reused, consider creating functions to encapsulate them. This can help reduce code duplication and improve readability.
3. **Testing & Optimization**: Test different parameter settings in a live or simulated environment to find optimal values that suit your trading style or strategy.
4. **User Interface Enhancements**: If possible, enhance the user interface by providing tooltips or descriptions for each input parameter to guide users on optimal settings.
By implementing these suggestions, you can enhance both the functionality and usability of your NOBOS indicator. Happy coding!
##### POLISH #####
## Opis Skryptu NOBOS (Custom Overbought/Oversold)
Skrypt NOBOS (Custom Overbought/Oversold) to zaawansowany wskaźnik techniczny stworzony w języku Pine Script, który służy do identyfikacji warunków wykupienia i wyprzedania na rynkach finansowych. Wykorzystuje kombinację kilku popularnych narzędzi analizy technicznej, w tym Stochastic RSI, Bollinger Bands oraz MACD, aby dostarczyć sygnały dotyczące potencjalnych okazji handlowych.
### Kluczowe Funkcjonalności
1. **Personalizacja Ustawień**:
- Użytkownicy mogą dostosować różne parametry, takie jak długości dla RSI, Stochastic, czynniki wygładzające oraz ustawienia Bollinger Bands. Dzięki temu każdy trader może dostosować wskaźnik do swoich indywidualnych preferencji i strategii.
2. **Szybki Stochastic RSI**:
- Obliczany na podstawie zdefiniowanej długości dla RSI i Stochastic. Używa wygładzania dla linii K i D, co pozwala na lepsze wychwycenie sygnałów.
- Wskaźnik wizualizuje linie K i D oraz wypełnia obszar między nimi, co ułatwia interpretację danych.
3. **Wolniejszy Stochastic RSI**:
- Podobny do szybkiego, ale z dłuższymi okresami obliczeniowymi. Zawiera poziomy wyzwalające do identyfikacji ekstremalnych warunków.
4. **Bollinger Bands**:
- Obliczane na podstawie prostego ruchomego średniego (SMA) oraz odchylenia standardowego. Wartość %b wskazuje, gdzie cena znajduje się w odniesieniu do pasm Bollingera.
5. **MACD**:
- Umożliwia dostosowanie długości dla szybkiej i wolnej średniej oraz wygładzania sygnału. Oblicza wartości MACD, linię sygnału oraz histogram.
- Warunki wykupienia i wyprzedania są wizualnie reprezentowane za pomocą kolorowych wykresów.
### Elementy Wizualne
- **Kolory Tła**: Różne kolory tła wskazują strefy wykupienia i wyprzedania, co ułatwia szybkie zrozumienie aktualnej sytuacji rynkowej.
- **Ekstremalne Warunki**: Etykiety są wyświetlane w przypadku wykrycia ekstremalnych warunków przez Stochastic RSI, co umożliwia szybsze podejmowanie decyzji.
- **Wskaźniki MACD**: Kółka są rysowane na określonych poziomach wskazujących warunki wykupienia/wyprzedania na podstawie wartości MACD.
### Powiadomienia
Skrypt zawiera mechanizm powiadomień dla ekstremalnych warunków wysokich i niskich, co pozwala użytkownikom na otrzymywanie powiadomień o istotnych sygnałach handlowych.
### Podsumowanie
Skrypt NOBOS (Custom Overbought/Oversold) to potężne narzędzie analizy technicznej, które łączy różne metody oceny rynku w celu identyfikacji potencjalnych punktów zwrotnych. Dzięki możliwości personalizacji i zaawansowanym funkcjom wizualnym, wskaźnik ten może być cennym dodatkiem do strategii handlowej każdego tradera.
####### DE ########
Nobo - Deutsch-Übersetzung
Das Wort "Nobo" kann in verschiedenen Kontexten verwendet werden. Hier sind einige Beispiele für die Übersetzung und Verwendung:
1. **Zertifizierte Druckbehälter**:
- "Konkret bedeutet das, dass wir im eigenen Werk zertifizierte Druckbehälter (Kat. II und III) herstellen können, ohne Einbeziehung eines NoBo (Notified Body)."
2. **Instandhaltungspläne**:
- "Die benannte Stelle muss nur bestätigen, dass ein Instandhaltungsplan vorhanden ist."
3. **Wahlkontext**:
- "Im November 2006 hatte sich Correa in der Stichwahl gegen den Erstplazierten des ersten Wahlgangs, Alvaro Noboa, durchgesetzt."
4. **Technologie**:
- "Mit AYS-NoBo kannst Du Dein Window mit nur 3 Zeilen Quelltext in jeder Form darstellen, die Du möchtest."
5. **Genehmigungen**:
- "Die EG-'Genehmigung zur Inbetriebnahme' entspricht der 'Betriebserlaubnis' im COTIF, während das von einem europäischen 'notifizierten Organ' (NoBo) ausgestellte 'Konformitätszertifikat' einer von einer 'zuständigen Behörde' ausgestellten 'Erklärung' im COTIF-System entspricht."
Diese Beispiele zeigen, dass "Nobo" in verschiedenen Fachgebieten wie Ingenieurwesen, Politik und Technologie verwendet wird.
Samet-AL SAT SinyaL // This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © Samce
indicator(title='Samet-AL SAT SinyaL', shorttitle='Samet-AL SAT SinyaL', overlay=true)
pSARbeginningValue =, minval=0, maxval=10, title='PSAR başlangıç değeri')
pSARendValue =, minval=1, maxval=10, title='PSAR bitiş değeri')
pSARmultiplierValue =, minval=0, maxval=10, title=' PSAR katsayi değeri')
pSARbeginningMethod = pSARbeginningValue * .01
pSARendMethod = pSARendValue * .10
pSARmultiplierMethod = pSARmultiplierValue * .01
pSAR_UpValue = ta.sar(pSARbeginningMethod, pSARmultiplierMethod, pSARendMethod)
pSAR_DownValue = ta.sar(pSARbeginningMethod, pSARmultiplierMethod, pSARendMethod)
pSAR_UpColor = close >= pSAR_DownValue ? : na
pSAR_DownColor = close <= pSAR_UpValue ? : na
plot(pSAR_UpValue ? pSAR_UpValue : na, style=plot.style_columns, color=pSAR_UpColor, linewidth=0, title='PSAR yukarı', transp=85)
plot(pSAR_DownValue ? pSAR_DownValue : na, style=plot.style_columns, color=pSAR_DownColor, linewidth=1, title='PSAR aşağı', transp=85)
//Zone Identification - This is once again ATR based method to identify the zone based on its strength
zoneSource = input(hl2, title='Kaynak')
src = input(hl2, title='Kaynak')
zoneLength = input(defval=10, title='ATR Alan Uzunluğu')
zoneMultiplier = input.float(defval=3.0, step=0.1, title='ATR Alan Katsayısı')
zoneATR = ta.atr(zoneLength)
downZone = zoneSource + zoneMultiplier * zoneATR
downZoneNew = nz(downZone , downZone)
downZone := close < downZoneNew ? math.min(downZone, downZoneNew) : downZone
upZone = zoneSource - zoneMultiplier * zoneATR
upZoneNew = nz(upZone , upZone)
upZone := close > upZoneNew ? math.max(upZone, upZoneNew) : upZone
zoneDecider = 1
zoneDecider := nz(zoneDecider , zoneDecider)
zoneDecider := zoneDecider == -1 and close > downZoneNew ? 1 : zoneDecider == 1 and close < upZoneNew ? -1 : zoneDecider
redZone = zoneDecider == -1 and zoneDecider == 1
greenZone = zoneDecider == 1 and zoneDecider == -1
downZoneColor = zoneDecider == -1 ? : color.gray
upZoneColor = zoneDecider == 1 ? : color.gray
downZonePlot = plot(zoneDecider == 1 ? na : downZone, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2,, 0), title='Düşüş Bölgesi')
plotshape(redZone ? downZone : na, location=location.absolute, style=shape.diamond, size=size.tiny,, 0), title='Düşüş Bölgesi Başlangıçı')
plotshape(redZone ? downZone : na, location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny,, 0),, 0), title='SAT', text='Samet/ SAT(short)')
upZonePlot = plot(zoneDecider == 1 ? upZone : na, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2,, 0), title='Yükseliş Bölgesi')
plotshape(greenZone ? upZone : na, location=location.absolute, style=shape.diamond, size=size.tiny,, 0), title='Yükseliş Bölgesi Başlangıçı')
plotshape(greenZone ? upZone : na, location=location.belowbar, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny,, 0),, 0), title='AL', text='Samet/ AL(long)')
aldigimfiyat = str.tostring(ta.valuewhen(greenZone, zoneSource, 0))
sattigimfiyat = str.tostring(ta.valuewhen(redZone, zoneSource, 0))
Buy = greenZone
Sell = redZone
if greenZone == 1
l =, na)
label.set_text(l, aldigimfiyat)
label.set_yloc(l, yloc.belowbar)
label.set_style(l, label.style_label_up)
if redZone == 1
l =, na)
label.set_text(l, sattigimfiyat)
label.set_yloc(l, yloc.abovebar)
label.set_style(l, label.style_label_down)
neutralZonePlot = plot(ohlc4, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=0, title='Alan Stili')
fill(neutralZonePlot, downZonePlot, color=downZoneColor, title='Düşüş Rengi', transp=90)
fill(neutralZonePlot, upZonePlot, color=upZoneColor, title='Yükseliş Rengi', transp=90)
emaLowerPeriod =, minval=1, title='EMA Düşük Periyotlar için')
emaLower = ta.ema(input(close), emaLowerPeriod)
plot(emaLower,, 0), linewidth=2, title='EMA Düşük Periyot')
showEMA2 = input(false, title='EMA - Orta Periyotlar için')
emaMediumPeriod =, minval=1, title='EMA Orta Periyotlar için')
emaMedium = ta.ema(input(close), emaMediumPeriod)
plot(showEMA2 and emaMedium ? emaMedium : na,, 0), linewidth=2, title='EMA Orta Periyotlar için')
hmaLongPeriod =, minval=1, title='HMA Uzun Periyotlar için')
hmaLong = ta.hma(input(close), hmaLongPeriod)
plot(hmaLong,, 0), linewidth=2, title='HMA Uzun Periyotlar için')
isCloseAbove = close > emaLower and close > hmaLong
isCloseBelow = close < emaLower and close < hmaLong
isCloseBetween = close > emaLower and close < hmaLong or close < emaLower and close > hmaLong
isNeutral = close > pSAR_DownValue and isCloseBelow or close < pSAR_DownValue and isCloseAbove
barcolor(isNeutral or isCloseBetween ? color.yellow : isCloseBelow ? : isCloseAbove ? :
position = input(500)
h = ta.highest(position)
info_label_off = input(50, title='Bilgilendirme paneli gösterilsin mi?')
info_label_size = input.string(size.normal, options= , title='Info panel label size')
info_panel_x = timenow + math.round(ta.change(time) * 10)
info_panel_y = h
info_current_close = ' SON KAPANIŞ : ' + str.tostring(close)
disp_panels1 = input(true, title='ALIŞ BİLGİLENDİRME PANELİ İSTİYORMUSUNUZ?')
disp_panels2 = input(true, title='SATIŞ BİLGİLENDİRME PANELİ İSTİYORMUSUNUZ?')
Long = '-=-=-ALIŞ DETAY-=-=- '
Short = '-=-=-SATIŞ DETAY-=-=- '
pp1 = ' Aldıktan sonra geçen BAR : ' + str.tostring(ta.barssince(Buy), '##.##')
pp2 = ' Sattıktan sonra geçen BAR : ' + str.tostring(ta.barssince(Sell), '##.##')
Buyprice = ' Satın aldığımız fiyat : ' + str.tostring(ta.valuewhen(Buy, src, 0), '##.##') + ''
ProfitLong = ' KAR : ' + '(' + str.tostring(100 * ((src - ta.valuewhen(Buy, src, 0)) / ta.valuewhen(Buy, src, 0)), '##.##') + '%' + ')'
Sellprice = ' Satın aldığımız fiyat : ' + str.tostring(ta.valuewhen(Sell, src, 0), '##.##') + ''
ProfitShort = ' KAR : ' + '(' + str.tostring(100 * ((ta.valuewhen(Sell, src, 0) - src) / ta.valuewhen(Sell, src, 0)), '##.##') + '%' + ')'
info_textlongbuy = Long + info_current_close + pp1 + Buyprice + ProfitLong
info_textlongsell = Short + info_current_close + pp2 + Sellprice + ProfitShort
info_panellongbuy = zoneDecider == 1 and disp_panels1 ?, y=info_panel_y, text=info_textlongbuy, xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,, style=label.style_label_up,, size=info_label_size) : na
info_panellongsell = zoneDecider == -1 and disp_panels2 ?, y=info_panel_y, text=info_textlongsell, xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,, style=label.style_label_up,, size=info_label_size) : na
label.delete(info_panellongbuy )
label.delete(info_panellongsell )
BBMA by Edwin K1. Components of the Indicator
Bollinger Bands (BB):
Middle Band (midBB): A simple moving average (SMA) of the closing price over the specified length (default = 20).
Upper Band (topBB): midBB + (BB multiplier × standard deviation).
Lower Band (lowBB): midBB - (BB multiplier × standard deviation).
How to interpret Bollinger Bands:
Extreme conditions:
Price above the upper band = overbought (potential reversal or resistance).
Price below the lower band = oversold (potential reversal or support).
Moving Averages (MA):
mahi5 and mahi10: WMAs (weighted moving averages) based on the high price.
malo5 and malo10: WMAs based on the low price.
EMA 50: Exponential moving average of the closing price over 50 periods, providing an overall trend.
How to interpret moving averages:
Shorter-term MAs (mahi5 and malo5): Indicate recent price action.
Longer-term MAs (mahi10 and malo10): Indicate broader trends.
Crossovers or alignment of these moving averages with the Bollinger Bands can signal trades.
2. Trading Signals
Extreme Upper Signals:
Condition: Either mahi5 or mahi10 crosses above the upper Bollinger Band (topBB).
Visual Cue: A red downward triangle is plotted above the bar.
Interpretation: Indicates a potential overbought condition.
Action: Consider taking a short position or closing long trades, especially if the price starts reversing.
Extreme Lower Signals:
Condition: Either malo5 or malo10 crosses below the lower Bollinger Band (lowBB).
Visual Cue: A green upward triangle is plotted below the bar.
Interpretation: Indicates a potential oversold condition.
Action: Consider taking a long position or closing short trades, especially if the price starts reversing.
3. Trading Strategy
Trend Following:
Use EMA 50:
If the price is above the EMA 50, the trend is bullish. Focus on long trades, especially when extreme lower signals occur.
If the price is below the EMA 50, the trend is bearish. Focus on short trades, especially when extreme upper signals occur.
Reversal Trading:
Watch for extreme signals (mahi or malo breaching BB bands):
Extreme Upper Signal: Enter short after confirmation of a reversal (e.g., a bearish candle forms after the signal).
Extreme Lower Signal: Enter long after confirmation of a reversal (e.g., a bullish candle forms after the signal).
Confluence with Moving Averages:
If mahi or malo aligns with the Bollinger Bands, it strengthens the signal:
For Long Trades: malo5 or malo10 near or below lowBB.
For Short Trades: mahi5 or mahi10 near or above topBB.
4. Risk Management
Always set stop-loss orders based on recent price levels:
Short Trades: Above the recent swing high or topBB.
Long Trades: Below the recent swing low or lowBB.
Use risk-reward ratios (e.g., 1:2 or 1:3) to plan exits.
5. How to Read the Chart
Look for the plotted Bollinger Bands, moving averages, and signals:
Red downward triangles: Potential short trade opportunities.
Green upward triangles: Potential long trade opportunities.
Combine these signals with trend direction (EMA 50) and candle patterns for confirmation.
By following these steps, you can make informed decisions based on the BBMA strategy.
ChatGPT can
BB/A&S/FIBAL ŞARTI; ilk mum açılış fiyatı bolinger alt bandın üstünde kapanış fiyatı bolinger alt bandın altında olacak, sonraki iki mum içinde fiyat bu kırmızı mumun fibonacci 50 seviyesinin üstünde kapandığında al sinyali kabul edilir.
SAT ŞARTI; ilk mum açılış fiyatı bolinger üst bandın altında, kapanış fiyatı bolinger üst bandın üstünde olacak, sonraki 2 mum içinde fiyat ilk mumun fibonacci50 seviyesinin altında kapatınca sat sinyali kabul edilir.
bu sinyaller tek başlarına yeterli kabul edilmemeli, sinyali destekleyen başka indikatörler ile sinyal güçlendirilmelidir.
örneğin RSI indikatörü, mum formasyonları ya da sizin çizdiğiniz destek ve direnç çizgileri.
Ben bu zamana kadar internetteki halka açık her türlü ücretsiz bilgilendirmelerden çok faydalandım, bu kodlamayı da faydalandığım halka açık ücretsiz bilgileri yayınlayanlara bir teşekkür mahiyetinde herkesin kullanımına sunuyorum.
NOBOSS (CUSTOM OVERBOUGHT/OVERSOLD)Your Pine Script code for the NOBOS (Custom Overbought/Oversold) indicator is well-structured and incorporates several popular technical analysis tools, including Stochastic RSI, Bollinger Bands, and MACD. Below, I will provide a breakdown of the key components and functionalities of your script to enhance understanding and usability.
## Overview of the NOBOS Indicator
The NOBOS indicator is designed to identify overbought and oversold conditions in the market using various technical indicators. It combines fast and slow Stochastic RSI, Bollinger Bands, and MACD to generate signals for potential trading opportunities.
### Key Components
1. **Input Parameters**:
- The script allows users to customize various parameters such as lengths for RSI, Stochastic, smoothing factors, and Bollinger Bands settings.
- Color settings are also available for different levels of overbought/oversold conditions.
2. **Fast Stochastic RSI**:
- Calculated using a user-defined length for RSI and Stochastic.
- Smoothing is applied to both K and D lines.
- Plots the K and D lines along with filling between them for better visualization.
3. **Slow Stochastic RSI**:
- Similar to the fast version but uses longer periods for calculation.
- Includes trigger levels to identify extreme conditions.
4. **Bollinger Bands**:
- Calculated using a simple moving average (SMA) and standard deviation.
- The %b value indicates where the price is relative to the bands.
5. **MACD**:
- Customizable fast and slow lengths with signal smoothing.
- Calculates MACD values, signal line, and histogram.
- Overbought/oversold conditions are visually represented with color-coded plots.
### Visual Elements
- **Background Colors**: Different background colors indicate overbought and oversold zones.
- **Extreme Conditions**: Labels are plotted on extreme conditions detected by the Stochastic RSI.
- **MACD Indicators**: Circles are plotted at specific levels indicating overbought/oversold conditions based on MACD values.
### Alerts
- Alerts are set up for extreme high and low conditions, allowing users to receive notifications when these conditions occur.
## Suggestions for Improvement
1. **Documentation**: Consider adding comments throughout your code to explain each section's purpose. This will help others (and future you) understand the logic behind your calculations more easily.
2. **Modular Functions**: If you find certain calculations are repeated or could be reused, consider creating functions to encapsulate them. This can help reduce code duplication and improve readability.
3. **Testing & Optimization**: Test different parameter settings in a live or simulated environment to find optimal values that suit your trading style or strategy.
4. **User Interface Enhancements**: If possible, enhance the user interface by providing tooltips or descriptions for each input parameter to guide users on optimal settings.
By implementing these suggestions, you can enhance both the functionality and usability of your NOBOS indicator. Happy coding!
##### POLISH #####
## Opis Skryptu NOBOS (Custom Overbought/Oversold)
Skrypt NOBOS (Custom Overbought/Oversold) to zaawansowany wskaźnik techniczny stworzony w języku Pine Script, który służy do identyfikacji warunków wykupienia i wyprzedania na rynkach finansowych. Wykorzystuje kombinację kilku popularnych narzędzi analizy technicznej, w tym Stochastic RSI, Bollinger Bands oraz MACD, aby dostarczyć sygnały dotyczące potencjalnych okazji handlowych.
### Kluczowe Funkcjonalności
1. **Personalizacja Ustawień**:
- Użytkownicy mogą dostosować różne parametry, takie jak długości dla RSI, Stochastic, czynniki wygładzające oraz ustawienia Bollinger Bands. Dzięki temu każdy trader może dostosować wskaźnik do swoich indywidualnych preferencji i strategii.
2. **Szybki Stochastic RSI**:
- Obliczany na podstawie zdefiniowanej długości dla RSI i Stochastic. Używa wygładzania dla linii K i D, co pozwala na lepsze wychwycenie sygnałów.
- Wskaźnik wizualizuje linie K i D oraz wypełnia obszar między nimi, co ułatwia interpretację danych.
3. **Wolniejszy Stochastic RSI**:
- Podobny do szybkiego, ale z dłuższymi okresami obliczeniowymi. Zawiera poziomy wyzwalające do identyfikacji ekstremalnych warunków.
4. **Bollinger Bands**:
- Obliczane na podstawie prostego ruchomego średniego (SMA) oraz odchylenia standardowego. Wartość %b wskazuje, gdzie cena znajduje się w odniesieniu do pasm Bollingera.
5. **MACD**:
- Umożliwia dostosowanie długości dla szybkiej i wolnej średniej oraz wygładzania sygnału. Oblicza wartości MACD, linię sygnału oraz histogram.
- Warunki wykupienia i wyprzedania są wizualnie reprezentowane za pomocą kolorowych wykresów.
### Elementy Wizualne
- **Kolory Tła**: Różne kolory tła wskazują strefy wykupienia i wyprzedania, co ułatwia szybkie zrozumienie aktualnej sytuacji rynkowej.
- **Ekstremalne Warunki**: Etykiety są wyświetlane w przypadku wykrycia ekstremalnych warunków przez Stochastic RSI, co umożliwia szybsze podejmowanie decyzji.
- **Wskaźniki MACD**: Kółka są rysowane na określonych poziomach wskazujących warunki wykupienia/wyprzedania na podstawie wartości MACD.
### Powiadomienia
Skrypt zawiera mechanizm powiadomień dla ekstremalnych warunków wysokich i niskich, co pozwala użytkownikom na otrzymywanie powiadomień o istotnych sygnałach handlowych.
### Podsumowanie
Skrypt NOBOS (Custom Overbought/Oversold) to potężne narzędzie analizy technicznej, które łączy różne metody oceny rynku w celu identyfikacji potencjalnych punktów zwrotnych. Dzięki możliwości personalizacji i zaawansowanym funkcjom wizualnym, wskaźnik ten może być cennym dodatkiem do strategii handlowej każdego tradera.
####### DE ########
Nobo - Deutsch-Übersetzung
Das Wort "Nobo" kann in verschiedenen Kontexten verwendet werden. Hier sind einige Beispiele für die Übersetzung und Verwendung:
1. **Zertifizierte Druckbehälter**:
- "Konkret bedeutet das, dass wir im eigenen Werk zertifizierte Druckbehälter (Kat. II und III) herstellen können, ohne Einbeziehung eines NoBo (Notified Body)."
2. **Instandhaltungspläne**:
- "Die benannte Stelle muss nur bestätigen, dass ein Instandhaltungsplan vorhanden ist."
3. **Wahlkontext**:
- "Im November 2006 hatte sich Correa in der Stichwahl gegen den Erstplazierten des ersten Wahlgangs, Alvaro Noboa, durchgesetzt."
4. **Technologie**:
- "Mit AYS-NoBo kannst Du Dein Window mit nur 3 Zeilen Quelltext in jeder Form darstellen, die Du möchtest."
5. **Genehmigungen**:
- "Die EG-'Genehmigung zur Inbetriebnahme' entspricht der 'Betriebserlaubnis' im COTIF, während das von einem europäischen 'notifizierten Organ' (NoBo) ausgestellte 'Konformitätszertifikat' einer von einer 'zuständigen Behörde' ausgestellten 'Erklärung' im COTIF-System entspricht."
Diese Beispiele zeigen, dass "Nobo" in verschiedenen Fachgebieten wie Ingenieurwesen, Politik und Technologie verwendet wird.
Elder's EMA ChannelHere's the PineScript for Alexander Elder's EMA Channel made popular in his book Come Into My Trading Room.
Envelope with 50 & 20 MAThis indicator is very useful as this indicator comes with pack of envelope and 3 important moving averages i.e. 20, 50 & 200. So by using this indicator trader can do dicision making at a glance.
Advanced Multi-Strategy Trading IndicatorBu gösterge, dört farklı teknik analiz yöntemini birleştirerek güçlü al-sat sinyalleri üretir.
Kullanılan Göstergeler:
Hareketli Ortalama Kesişimi (10/50)
RSI (14)
Bollinger Bantları (20,2)
MACD (12,26,9)
Puanlama Sistemi:
MA Kesişimi: Yukarı +2, Aşağı -2 puan
RSI: Aşırı satım +1.5, Aşırı alım -1.5 puan
Bollinger: Alt bant +1, Üst bant -1 puan
MACD: Yukarı kesişim +1.5, Aşağı kesişim -1.5 puan
Sinyal Üretimi:
Toplam puan >= 3 ise AL sinyali (Yeşil üçgen)
Toplam puan <= -3 ise SAT sinyali (Kırmızı üçgen)
Not: Gösterge parametreleri ayarlanabilir. Risk yönetimi kullanılması önerilir.
SMA Envelope-FWO25Simple Envelope Strategie with SMA, Long only, works for long term investing. Try to test different SMAs on your underlying. To see the performance over the full range of time I close the last trade on the end date. Let me know your comments