Building a deck

How To Build A Deck (Beginner's Guide)
Follow every step in our video tutorial showing you how to build a ground level deck to take your yard to the next level!
12 Ingenious Under Deck Storage Ideas for More Space
Wondering what to do with the space under your deck? Put it to good use with these brilliant Under-Deck Storage Ideas! Maximize your space and creativity with these ingenious storage solutions.
How to Build a Deck (with 120+ Pics, Diagrams, Pro-Tips, & Helpful Links)
How to install aluminum railing
Want to know the difference between aluminum railing and cable railing? And what are our steps for installing aluminum railing? Check out the detailed tutorial with pictures.
Should deck fascia be mitered?
Miter corners or butt joints. There has been a lot of debat online, let’s see how it turned out for our DIY deck. You will want to know this before messing up with expensive fascia boards.
DIY Floating Deck, Part 2: Frame & Waterproofing
How to build a DIY floating deck (aka ground level deck) that is on a slope and partially over concrete - SO MUCH covered in what you need to know! The foundation and framing are the most important part: ground contact lumber, how to deal with a sloping yard, how to drill through concrete, how to keep water out and prevent wood rot, and so much more. #diy #deck #floatingdeck #groundlevel #construction #woodworking #outdoor #build #deckdesign #groundleveldeck #foundation #framing #uglyducklinghou
How to Build a Deck Step by Step with Pictures | MCD