Ugrás a tartalomhoz


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Új téma nyitása
A Wikiszótárból, a nyitott szótárból
  • 1455 specimen
    • 269 metal (gold)
      • 𠆢 * umbrella
      • 255 sceptre (king)
      • ⼂ * drop (a drop of, drop of, eye-dropper)
      • ⼂ * drop (a drop of, drop of, eye-dropper)
    • 1453 oversee
      • 848 slave (retainer)
      • ? * reclining (lying, lying down)
      • 1 floor (one, ceiling)
      • 1447 dish


  • 3455 U9451 B167 G8 S23 XJ06F48 XJ1647C F1391 N4924 V6361 H1773 DK1160 L1455 K1171 O2968 DO1310 MN40988 MP11.0651 E1117 IN1664 DJ1608 DG1836 P1-8-15 I8a15.2 Q8811.7 DR2874 ZSP1-8-14 Yjian4 Wgam カン かんが.みる かがみ T1 あき あきら {specimen} {take warning from} {learn from}

EDICT Entries

  • [いんかん] / (n) stamp / seal / (P) /
  • [かんしょう] / (n,vs) appreciation / (P) /
  • [かんてい] / (n) judgement / judgment / expert opinion / (P) /
  • [かんべつ] / (n) discrimination / judgement / judgment / (P) /
  • [ずかん] / (n) illustrated reference book / illustrated encyclopedia (esp. for children) / picture book / (P) /
  • [ねんかん] / (n) yearbook / (P) /

  1. Frequency: 6989 out of 9933.



Pinyin & Meaning

  1. jian4 - example/mirror/to view/reflection/to reflect/to inspect/to warn/(ancient bronze mirror)

Pronunciation Clues

  1. Pronunciation clue for (jian4): The component is pronounced as 'jian1'.
  2. Pronunciation clue for (jian4): The component is pronounced as 'jian4'.
  3. Pronunciation clue for (jian4): The component is pronounced as 'jin1'.
  4. Pronunciation clue for (jian4): The component is pronounced as 'dian3'.

Example Words

High Frequency
Medium Frequency