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Usage in other kanji

  • 951 person
    • ? * awl
      • 1671 saber
      • 1672 precipitous
      • 1673 examination
      • 1674 frugal
      • 1980 verification
    • ? * assembly line
      • 1024 sit
      • 1025 graduate
      • 1026 umbrella
    • 873 going (boulevard)
      • ⼻ * column (line)
        • 874 rhythm
        • 877 accompany
          • 1338 vertical
        • 880 journey
        • 881 subjugate
        • 878 junior
        • 879 wait
        • 882 diameter
        • 886 penetrate
        • 887 indications
        • 889 delicate
        • 1379 behind
        • 1398 honorable (honourable)
        • 1659 gradually
        • 1854 sequential
      • 875 restore
        • 1057 footgear
        • 1611 capsize
      • 876 gain
      • 883 he
      • 884 duty
      • 885 benevolence
      • 890 boulevard
      • 891 equilibrium
      • 1525 art
      • 1646 defense
      • 1680 collide
    • 952 assistant
    • 953 however
    • 954 dwell
    • 955 rank
    • 956 go-between
    • 957 body
    • 958 permanence
    • 959 affair
    • 960 attend
    • 961 other
    • 962 prostrated
    • 963 transmit
    • 964 Buddha
    • 965 rest
    • 966 sham
    • 967 chief
    • 968 vulgar
    • 969 faith
      • 2118 make a profit
    • 970 excellent
    • 971 reliant
    • 972 example
    • 973 individual
    • 974 healthy
    • 975 side
    • 976 waiter
    • 977 halt
    • 978 price
    • 979 emulate
    • 980 overthrow
    • 981 spy
    • 982 Buddhist priest
    • 983 hundred million
    • 984 ceremony
    • 985 reparation
    • 986 hermit
      • 987 sponsor
    • 988 humanity
    • 989 scorn
    • 使 990 use
    • 便 991 convenience
    • 992 double
    • 993 tenderness
    • 994 fell
      • 1619 clique
    • 宿 995 inn
      • 1336 shrink
    • 996 wound
    • 997 protect
    • 999 greatness
    • 1000 adhere (sticky tape)
      • 1001 token
      • 1002 borough (municipality)
      • 1303 affixed
    • 1003 responsibility
    • 1005 substitute
    • 1008 change
      • 1009 flower
      • 1010 freight
      • 1011 lean
      • 1894 shoes
    • 1012 what
      • 1013 baggage
    • 1014 sagacious
    • 1015 bystander
    • 1016 long time (mummy)
      • 1017 furrow
    • 1018 captured
    • 1019 inside
      • 1020 third class
      • 1356 settlement
    • 1022 meat
    • 1028 by means of
      • 1029 similar
    • 1029 similar
    • 1030 join
    • 1037 night
    • 1048 trip
    • 1118 expand
    • 1142 make
    • 1148 encroach
    • 1161 Italy
    • 1166 Confucian
    • 1183 equip
    • 1186 borrow
    • 1203 consort
    • 1217 negative
      • 1218 negate
      • 1219 cupfuls
    • 1280 stimulate
    • 1381 how many (abacus)
      • 1382 mechanism
    • 1392 person in charge
    • 1544 bond
    • 1547 bag
    • 1574 stipend
    • 1603 value
    • 1633 haiku
    • 1639 marquis
      • 1640 climate
    • 1643 admirable
    • 1674 frugal
    • 1678 work
    • 1701 face-up
    • 1707 colleague
    • 1722 discipline
    • 1794 me
    • 1796 submit
    • 1821 ethics
    • 1823 partial
    • 1831 lower
    • 1855 faction
    • 1856 vein
    • 1857 masses
    • 1864 pay respects
    • 1919 falsehood
    • 1955 accidentally
    • 1977 statue
    • 2118 make a profit


  • 3F4D U4eba B9 G1 S2 F5 N339 V99 H3368 DK2111 L951 K9 O14 DO4 MN344 MP1.0556 E39 IN1 DS30 DH39 DT7 DC2 DJ15 DB2.5 DG42 P4-2-4 I2a0.1 Q8000.0 DR1262 Yren2 Win ジン ニン ひと -り -と T1 じ と ね ひこ ふみ {person}

EDICT Entries


[ごしゅじん] / (n) (hon) your husband / her husband / (P) /

  • [あいじん] / (n) lover / mistress / (P) /
  • [あくにん] / (n) bad man / villain / (P) /
  • [いじん] / (n) great man / (P) /
  • [ひとり] / (n) one person / (P) /
  • [ひとりっこ] / (n) an only child / (P) /
  • で [ひとりで] / (exp) alone / by oneself / voluntarily / spontaneously / automatically / (P) /
  • [ひとりひとり] / (n-t) one by one / each / one at a time / (P) /
  • [いちにんまえ] / (n) (1) adult / full manhood or womanhood / (2) one helping / one portion / (P) /
  • [ひとりむすこ] / (n) an only son / (P) /
  • [いちじんぶつ] / (n) man of some importance / character / (P) /
  • らし [ひとりぐらし] / (n) a single life / a solitary life / living alone / (P) /
  • [ひとりむすめ] / (n) an only daughter / (P) /
  • [おんじん] / (n) benefactor / patron / (P) /
  • [なんびと] / (n) everyone / every person / all / (P) /
  • [かじん] / (n) the family / one's folks / (P) /
  • [かじん] / (n) (Japanese) poet / (P) /
  • [がいこくじん] / (n) foreigner / (P) /
  • [がいじん] / (n) foreigner / (P) /
  • [がっこうほうじん] / (n) (legally) incorporated educational institution / (P) /
  • [きゅうじん] / (n) offer of job (situation) / (P) /
  • [きょじん] / (n) giant / great man / (P) /
  • [ぐんじん] / (n) military personnel / soldier / (P) /
  • [げいにん] / (n) player / performer / actor / (P) /
  • [げいのうじん] / (n) performer / (P) /
  • [けんぶつにん] / (n) spectator / sightseer / onlookers / (P) /
  • [けんじん] / (n) wise man / (P) /
  • [げんじん] / (n) primitive man / (P) /
  • [くろうと] / (n) expert / professional / geisha / prostitute / (P) /
  • [ここじん] / (n) an individual / (P) /
  • [こじん] / (adj-no,n) individual / private person / personal / private / (P) /
  • [こじんさ] / (n) individual differences / personal equation / (P) /
  • [こじんてき] / (adj-na) individualistic / personal / self-centred / self-centered / (P) /
  • [こじん] / (n) the deceased / old friend / (P) /
  • [こうえきほうじん] / (n) (1) public-service corporation / charitable corporation / (2) juridical (legal) person working for the public good / (P) /
  • [こうじん] / (n) public character / (P) /
  • [こくさいじん] / (n) international celebrity / cosmopolitan / citizen of the world / (P) /
  • [くにびと] / (n) indigenous person / inhabitant of a country / (P) /
  • [こくじん] / (n) black person / (P) /
  • [さしだしにん] / (n) sender / (P) /
  • [ざいにん] / (n) criminal / (P) /
  • [ざいだんほうじん] / (n) (juridical) foundation / (P) /
  • [さつじん] / (n) murder / (P) /
  • [さんにん] / (n) three people / (P) /
  • [さんふじんか] / (n) maternity and gynecology department / (P) /
  • 使 [しようにん] / (n) employee / servant / (P) /
  • [しはいにん] / (n) manager / executive / (P) /
  • [しにん] / (n) corpse / dead person / (P) /
  • [しじん] / (n) poet / (P) /
  • [しゃかいじん] / (n) working adult / full-fledged member of society / (P) /
  • [しゃだんほうじん] / (n) corporation / (P) /
  • [わこうど] / (n) young person / young man / (P) /
  • [あるじ] / (n) master / head (of a household) / landlord / one's husband / employer / host / (P) /
  • [しゅじん] / (n) master / head (of a household) / landlord / one's husband / employer / host / (P) /
  • [しゅじんこう] / (n) (1) protagonist / main character / hero(ine) (of a story) / (2) head of household / (P) /
  • [かりゅうど] / (n) hunter / (P) /
  • [うけとりにん] / (n) recipient / (P) /
  • [しゅうじん] / (n) prisoner / (P) /
  • [じゅうにん] / (n) dweller / inhabitant / resident / (P) /
  • [しょうにん] / (n) trader / shopkeeper / merchant / (P) /
  • [こびと] / (n) (1) child / small person / (2) dwarf / (P) /
  • [しょうにん] / (n) (1) child / small person / (P) /
  • [しょうにん] / (n) witness / (P) /
  • [しょくにん] / (n) worker / mechanic / artisan / craftsman / (P) /
  • [しんじん] / (n) new face / newcomer / (P) /
  • [じん] / (n) man / person / people / (P) /
  • [にん] / (n) man / person / human being / mankind / people / character / personality / true man / man of talent / adult / other people / messenger / visitor / (P) /
  • [ひと] / (n) man / person / human being / mankind / people / character / personality / true man / man of talent / adult / other people / messenger / visitor / (P) /
  • 々 [ひとびと] / (n) each person / people / men / human / everybody / (P) /
  • だかり [ひとだかり] / (n) crowd / throng / (P) /
  • [じんい] / (n) human work / human agency / art / artificiality / (P) /
  • [じんいてき] / (adj-na) artificial / unnatural / (P) /
  • い [ひとちがい] / (n) mistaking one person for another / (P) /
  • [ひといちばい] / (adv,n) more than others / redoubled / unusual / (P) /
  • [じんいん] / (n) number of persons / personnel / (P) /
  • [じんえい] / (n) man's shadow / soul / (P) /
  • [ひとかげ] / (n) man's shadow / soul / (P) /
  • [じんかく] / (n) personality / character / individuality / (P) /
  • [にんげん] / (n) human being / man / person / (P) /
  • ドック [にんげんドック] / (n) medical check-up / (P) /
  • [にんげんかんけい] / (n) human relations / (P) /
  • [にんげんこくほう] / (n) living national treasure / (P) /
  • [にんげんせい] / (n) humanity / human nature / (P) /
  • [にんげんぞう] / (n) image of (an ideal) person / (P) /
  • [にんげんてき] / (adj-na) human / (P) /
  • [にんき] / (n,adj-na) popular / business conditions / popular feeling / (P) /
  • [にんきもの] / (n) popular person / favorite / favourite / (P) /
  • [にんぎょう] / (n) doll / puppet / figure / (P) /
  • [じんけんひ] / (n) (1) personnel expenses / labor cost / labour cost / (2) indirect labour costs / indirect labor costs / (P) /
  • [じんけん] / (n) human rights / civil liberties / (P) /
  • [じんけんようご] / (n) protection of human rights / (P) /
  • り [ひとみしり] / (n) shyness / (P) /
  • [じんこう] / (n) (1) population / (2) common talk / (P) /
  • [じんこう] / (n) artificial / manmade / human work / human skill / artificiality / (P) /
  • [じんこうえいせい] / (n) man-made satellite / (P) /
  • [じんこうこきゅう] / (n) artificial respiration / (P) /
  • [じんこうてき] / (adj-na) artificial / unnatural / (P) /
  • [じんこつ] / (n) human bones / (P) /
  • み [ひとごみ] / (n) crowd of people / (P) /
  • [ひとさしゆび] / (n) index finger / (P) /
  • [ひとづま] / (n) (1) married woman / (2) another's wife / (P) /
  • [じんざい] / (n) man of talent / capable person / (P) /
  • し [ひとごろし] / (n) murder / murderer / (P) /
  • [にんじん] / (n) carrot / ginseng / (P) /
  • [じんじ] / (n) personnel affairs / human affairs / (P) /
  • [じんじいどう] / (n) personnel change / personnel shift / reshuffle / (annual) staff reassignment / (P) /
  • [じんじいん] / (n) National Personnel Authority / (P) /
  • [ひとじち] / (n) hostage / prisoner / (P) /
  • [ひとで] / (n) (1) someone else's hands / other hands / (2) hand (worker) / aide / (3) starfish / (P) /
  • [じんしゅ] / (n) race (of people) / (P) /
  • [ひとで] / (n) crowd / turnout / (P) /
  • [にんじょう] / (n) (1) humanity / empathy / kindness / sympathy / human nature / (2) common sense / customs and manners / (P) /
  • [ひとごころ] / (n) human nature / human heart / human spirit / kindness / sympathy / (P) /
  • [にんずう] / (n) the number of people / (P) /
  • [じんせい] / (n) (human) life (i.e. conception to death) / (P) /
  • [じんせいかん] / (n) view of life / (P) /
  • [じんせん] / (n) personnel selection / (P) /
  • [にんまえ] / (n) portion of food / (P) /
  • [ひとまえ] / (n) the public / company / (P) /
  • [にんそう] / (n) physiognomy / looks / countenance / (P) /
  • [じんぞう] / (n) man-made / synthetic / artificial / (P) /
  • [じんたい] / (n) human body / (P) /
  • [ひとなか] / (n) society / company / the public / the world / (P) /
  • り [ひとどおり] / (n) pedestrian traffic / (P) /
  • [じんてき] / (adj-na,n) human / personal / (P) /
  • [じんどう] / (n) humanity / sidewalk / footpath / (P) /
  • [じんどうしゅぎ] / (n) humanism / humanitarianism / (P) /
  • [じんどうてき] / (adj-na,n) humane / (P) /
  • [じんぶつ] / (n) character / personality / person / man / personage / talented man / (P) /
  • [じんぶん] / (n) humanity / civilization / civilisation / culture / (P) /
  • [じんぶんかがく] / (n) social sciences / humanities / (P) /
  • [ひとがら] / (adj-na,n) personality / character / personal appearance / gentility / (P) /
  • み [ひとなみ] / (adj-na,adj-no,n) being average (capacity, looks, standard of living) / ordinary / (P) /
  • [じんみゃく] / (n) personal connections / (P) /
  • [じんみん] / (n) people / public / (P) /
  • [じんみんせんせん] / (n) popular front / (P) /
  • [じんめい] / (n) person's name / (P) /
  • [じんめい] / (n) (human) life / (P) /
  • [ひとめ] / (n) public gaze / public notice / (P) /
  • [じんりきしゃ] / (n) rickshaw / jinrikisha / (P) /
  • [じんるい] / (n) mankind / humanity / (P) /
  • [じんるいがく] / (n) anthropology / (P) /
  • [たずねびと] / (n) missing person / wanted person / (P) /
  • [せわにん] / (n) sponsor / manager / go-between / mediator / agent / (P) /
  • [せいじん] / (n) adult / (P) /
  • [せいじんびょう] / (n) adult diseases / (P) /
  • [せいじん] / (n) saint / sage / holy man / (P) /
  • 西 [せいようじん] / (n) Western people / (P) /
  • [せんにん] / (n) hermit / wizard / fairy / (P) /
  • [せんじん] / (n) predecessor / pioneer / ancestor / (P) /
  • [せんきょにん] / (n) qualified voter / (P) /
  • [ぜんじん] / (n) saint / person well-balanced morally and intellectually / (P) /
  • [しろうと] / (n) amateur / novice / (P) /
  • [むらびと] / (n) villager / (P) /
  • [たにん] / (n) another person / unrelated person / outsider / stranger / (P) /
  • [だいにん] / (n) substitute / deputy / proxy / representative / agent / (P) /
  • [おとな] / (n) adult / (P) /
  • しい [おとなしい] / (adj) obedient / docile / quiet / (P) /
  • [だいいちにんしゃ] / (n) leading person / (P) /
  • [たつじん] / (n) master / expert / (P) /
  • [ちしきじん] / (n) an intellectual / (P) /
  • [ちじん] / (n) friend / acquaintance / (P) /
  • [ちゅうかじんみんきょうわこく] / (n) People's Republic of China / Communist China / (P) /
  • [ちゅうごくじん] / (n) Chinese person / (P) /
  • [なこうど] / (n) go-between / matchmaker / (P) /
  • [ちょうほんにん] / (n) ringleader / originator / perpetrator / (P) /
  • [ちょうせんみんしゅしゅぎじんみんきょうわこく] / (n) Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) / DPRK / (P) /
  • [ちょうにん] / (n) merchant / (P) /
  • [ちょうじん] / (n) superman / (P) /
  • [てつじん] / (n) wise man / philosopher / sage / (P) /
  • [どじん] / (n) natives / aborigines / (P) /
  • [とうにん] / (n) the one concerned / the said person / (P) /
  • [どうじん] / (n) literary group (coterie) / same person / said person / clique / fraternity / kindred spirits / comrade / colleague / (P) /
  • [とくしゅほうじん] / (n) semigovernmental corporation / (P) /
  • [ふたり] / (n) two persons / two people / pair / couple / (P) /
  • [ににんさんきゃく] / (n) a three-legged race / (P) /
  • [ふたりまえ] / (adj-no) for two people / (work) of two / (meals) for two / (P) /
  • [にほんじん] / (n) Japanese person / (P) /
  • [はいじん] / (n) haiku poet / (P) /
  • [はくじん] / (n) white person / Caucasian / (P) /
  • [ほっきにん] / (n) originator / promoter / (P) /
  • [はんにん] / (n) offender / criminal / (P) /
  • [ひこくにん] / (n) accused / defendant / prisoner at the bar / (P) /
  • [びじん] / (n) beautiful person (woman) / (P) /
  • [びょうにん] / (n) sick person / patient / (P) /
  • [びんぼうにん] / (n) poor man / the poor / (P) /
  • [ふにんき] / (n) unpopularity / (P) /
  • [ふじん] / (n) wife / Mrs / madam / (P) /
  • [ふじん] / (n) woman / female / (P) /
  • [ふじんか] / (n) gynecology / (P) /
  • [ぶんかじん] / (n) person of culture / cultured person / (P) /
  • [べいじん] / (n) an American / (P) /
  • [べつじん] / (n) different person / someone else / changed man / (P) /
  • [へんじん] / (n) eccentric / crank / oddball / (P) /
  • [べんごにん] / (n) counsel / defender / advocate / (P) /
  • [ほしょうにん] / (n) guarantor / bondsman / (P) /
  • [ほうじん] / (n) juridical (legal) person / corporate body / corporation / (P) /
  • [ほうじん] / (n) fellow countryman / Japanese / (P) /
  • [ほんにん] / (n) the person himself / (P) /
  • [ぼんじん] / (n) ordinary person / average person / mediocre / (P) /
  • [ばんじん] / (n) (1) all people / everybody / (2) ten thousand people / (P) /
  • [ばんにん] / (n) (1) all people / everybody / (2) ten thousand people / (P) /
  • [みぼうじん] / (n) widow / (P) /
  • [むじん] / (adj-na,n) (1) lack of help / (2) unmanned / uninhabited / (P) /
  • [めいじん] / (n) master / expert / (P) /
  • [もうじん] / (n) blind person / (P) /
  • [やくにん] / (n) government official / (P) /
  • [ゆうじん] / (n) friend / (P) /
  • [ゆうじん] / (n) manned / occupied / piloted / (P) /
  • [よじん] / (n) others / other people / (P) /
  • [ようじん] / (n) important person / (P) /
  • [たびびと] / (n) traveller / traveler / (P) /
  • [りんじん] / (n) neighbour / neighbor / neighbourhood / neighborhood / (P) /
  • [るいじんえん] / (n) anthropoid / troglodyte / (P) /
  • [こいびと] / (n) lover / sweetheart / (P) /
  • [ろうにん] / (n,vs) (1) ronin / lordless samurai / (2) out of work / (3) waiting for another chance to enter a university / (P) /
  • [ろうじん] / (n) the aged / old person / (P) /
  • ホーム [ろうじんホーム] / (n) senior citizens' home / (P) /
  • [ろうじんせい] / (adj-na) senile / (P) /

  1. Frequency: 7 out of 9933.



Pinyin & Meaning

  1. ren2 - man/person/people/CL:|[ge4],[wei4]

Pronunciation Clues

  1. Pronunciation clue for (ren2): The component is pronounced as 'ren2'.

Example Words

High Frequency
Medium Frequency

Appears In
