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A logaritmikus közepes hőfokkülönbség vagy logaritmikus közepes hőmérséklet-különbség (Delta-T-Log) a hőtechnikai mérnöki tudományban, the logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) is used to determine the temperature driving force for heat transfer in flow systems, most notably in heat exchangers. The LMTD is a logarithmic average of the temperature difference between the hot and cold feeds at each end of the double pipe exchanger. For a given heat exchanger with constant area and heat transfer coefficient, the larger the LMTD, the more heat is transferred. The use of the LMTD arises straightforwardly from the analysis of a heat exchanger with constant flow rate and fluid thermal properties.

Angol nyelvű szakirodalomban általánosan használt elnevezése logarithmic mean temperature difference, ugyanitt gyakori rövidítése LMTD.)



We assume that a generic heat exchanger has two ends (which we call "A" and "B") at which the hot and cold streams enter or exit on either side; then, the LMTD is defined by the logarithmic mean as follows:

A logaritmikus közepes hőfokkülönbség ábrázolása ellenáramú hőcsere hőmérsékleti profilján[1]
Ellenáramú (A) és egyenáramú (B) hőcsere hőmérsékleti profilja

where ΔTA is the temperature difference between the two streams at end A, and ΔTB is the temperature difference between the two streams at end B. When the two temperature differences are equal, this formula does not directly resolve, so the LMTD is conventionally taken to equal its limit value, which is in this case trivially equal to the two differences.

With this definition, the LMTD can be used to find the exchanged heat in a heat exchanger:

where (in SI mértékegységekben):

Note that estimating the heat transfer coefficient may be quite complicated.

This holds both for cocurrent flow, where the streams enter from the same end, and for countercurrent flow, where they enter from different ends.

Keresztáramú áramlásban, in which one system, usually the heat sink, has the same nominal temperature at all points on the heat transfer surface, a similar relation between exchanged heat and LMTD holds, but with a correction factor. A correction factor is also required for other more complex geometries, such as a shell and tube exchanger with baffles.


egyenáram, ellenáram



Assume heat transfer[2] is occurring in a heat exchanger along an axis z, from generic coordinate A to B, between two fluids, identified as 1 and 2, whose temperatures along z are T1(z) and T2(z).

The local exchanged heat flux at z is proportional to the temperature difference:

The heat that leaves the fluids causes a temperature gradient according to Fourier-törvény:

where ka, kb are the thermal conductivities of the intervening material at points A and B respectively. Summed together, this becomes

where K = ka + kb.

The total exchanged energy is found by integrating the local heat transfer q from A to B:

where D is the distance between the two fluids.

Use the fact that the heat exchanger area Ar is the pipe length BA multiplied by the interpipe distance D:

In both integrals, make a change of variables from z to ΔT:

With the relation for ΔT found above, this becomes

Integration at this point is trivial, and finally gives:


from which the definition of LMTD follows.

Alkalmazásának feltételei és korlátai

  • It has been assumed that the rate of change for the temperature of both fluids is proportional to the temperature difference; this assumption is valid for fluids with a constant specific heat, which is a good description of fluids changing temperature over a relatively small range. However, if the specific heat changes, the LMTD approach will no longer be accurate.
  • A particular case for the LMTD are condensers and reboilers, where the latent heat associated to phase change is a special case of the hypothesis. For a condenser, the hot fluid inlet temperature is then equivalent to the hot fluid exit temperature.
  • It has also been assumed that the heat transfer coefficient (U) is constant, and not a function of temperature. If this is not the case, the LMTD approach will again be less valid.
  • The LMTD is a steady-state concept, and cannot be used in dynamic analyses. In particular, if the LMTD were to be applied on a transient in which, for a brief time, the temperature difference had different signs on the two sides of the exchanger, the argument to the logarithm function would be negative, which is not allowable.
  • No phase change during heat transfer.
  • Changes in kinetic energy and potential energy are neglected.

Logaritmikus közepes nyomáskülönbség


A related quantity, the logarithmic mean pressure difference or LMPD, is often used in anyagtranszfer (tömegtranszfer) for stagnant solvents with dilute solutes to simplify the bulk flow problem.


  1. Basic Heat Transfer. . (Hozzáférés: 2020. május 12.)
  2. MIT web course on Heat Exchangers. [MIT]
  • Kay J M & Nedderman R M (1985) Fluid Mechanics and Transfer Processes, Cambridge University Press



* {{cite web | url= | author= Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Glück | title= Bedeutung, detaillierte Herleitung und Berechnung der mittleren Temperaturdifferenz, der mittleren logarithmischen Temperaturdifferenz, der mittleren Stofftemperaturen (Medientemperaturen) und der Behälteraufheizzeiten bei der Wärmeübertragung zwischen stofflich getrennten Medien | langauge= de | year= 2017 | format= PDF | accessdate= 2024-02-20}} * * Wärmeübertargung längs getrennter Medien. Ermittlun der mittleren Temperaturdifferenz vom Heizrohr zu Behälteraufheizung


{{Személy infobox |típus = vezető |név = Rita Süssmuth |kép = |képméret = |képaláírás = |születési dátum = |születési hely = |halál dátuma = |halál helye = |halál oka = |sírhely = |születési név = Rita Kickuth |neme = |művésznév = |álnév = |becenév = |állampolgárság = |nemzetiség = arab |házastárs = |élettárs = |gyermekek száma = |gyermekei = |szülei = |szakma = |tisztség = |iskolái = |kitüntetései =

|megjegyzés = |aláírás = |wikicommons =

|alsablon =Németország miniszterelnöke és hadügyminisztereHivatali idő
1958. július 14. 1963. február 8. ElnökMuhammad Nadzsíb ar-Rubaji Politikai pályafutása

Rita Süssmuth, született Rita Kickuth[1][2] (Wuppertal, Német Birodalom, 1937. február 17. –) német kereszténydemokrata politikus, 1985–1988 között Nyugat-Németország családügyi minisztere, 1988–1998 között a Bundestag elnöke.

Sie war von 1985 bis 1988 Bundesministerin für Jugend, Familie und Gesundheit (ab 1986 Jugend, Familie, Frauen und Gesundheit) und von 1988 bis 1998 Präsidentin des Deutschen Bundestages. Mit fast zehn Jahren war ihre Amtszeit die drittlängste in der Geschichte des Bundestages. Nur Eugen Gerstenmaier und Norbert Lammert hatten das Amt länger inne.

Neben ihrer politischen Arbeit engagierte sich Süssmuth für viele Projekte aus der Zivilgesellschaft, bspw. als Präsidentin der Europäischen Bewegung Deutschland (1994–1998) und Mitglied des Beirats bzw. Kuratoriums der gemeinnützigen Bertelsmann Stiftung (1997–2007).[3] Für ihre Verdienste wurde sie vielfach geehrt.


  1. Rita Süssmuth geb. 1937 (német nyelven). Haus der Geschichte. (Hozzáférés: 2018. március 9.)
  2. Rita Süssmuth (geb. Kickuth) (német nyelven). Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. (Hozzáférés: 2024. június 25.)
  3. Sablon:Literatur

További információk

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