Cricketer KL Rahul and actor Athiya Shetty’s wedding has been one of the most anticipated celebrity shaadis of 2023. The nuptial that took place at actor and Athiya’s father Suniel Shetty’s Bungalow in Khandala was an intimate affair with no-phone policy being the norm for the guests. However, now the pictures from the wedding are out and we can’t keep calm. While we may need to wait some more for the pictures of the ‘couple of the moment’, we have dad and brother Shetty’s pictures out now and t Wedding Brothers Outfit, Sunil Shetty New Look, Bride Father Outfit Indian, Wedding Dress For Brother, Brides Brother Outfit Indian, Brother Wedding Dress For Men, Groom Brother Outfit Indian, Latest Sherwani Designs For Groom, Groom Dress For Wedding

Suniel Shetty In Stylish Veshti For Athiya’s Wedding Is Proof He Can Make Even Basic Look Sexy

Cricketer KL Rahul and actor Athiya Shetty’s wedding has been one of the most anticipated celebrity shaadis of 2023. The nuptial that took place at actor and Athiya’s father Suniel Shetty’s Bungalow in Khandala was an intimate affair with no-phone policy being the norm for the guests. However, now the pictures from the wedding are out and we can’t keep calm. While we may need to wait some more for the pictures of the ‘couple of the moment’, we have dad and brother Shetty’s pictures out now…


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