
94 Pins
This whole “being an adult” thing is balls 😅 Parenting is hard… Self care is hard… Running a business is hard… Can I just swap with the kids for a day?! I would kill to be able to play all day, and have all my means made for me, my shit magically cleaned up, and get tucked all snuggly in my bed 😂😅 #funny #mumlife #tired #adultingsucks #funnyquote
Embroidered Kitchen Towel, I'm Stuck Between a Rock and Someone I Want to Hit With It, Funny Towel, Choose Towel Color - Etsy
USB Desk Vacuum from Shocking Fun
USB Desk Vacuum. If I still worked in an office, I would so buy this for the white elephant Christmas gift exchange.
Custom, Homemade Hysterical, Tacky,ugly , Naughty Christmas Sweater, Men's, North Pole Stripper, Elves - Etsy
I usually hate ugly Christmas sweaters, but this one is hilarious!
I'm out of bed and I made it to the keyboard. What more do you want? ~ Maxine via susieqtn #funny #giggles #Maxine