Pediatric Therapy Bloggers

Posts, activities, and therapy ideas from pediatric therapy bloggers (Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists), OT, PT, SLP. Group board rules: Contributors must be pediatric therapists and bloggers. You may repin the same pins every 3 months. If you are a therapist blogger and would like added to this board, please e-mail [email protected] with the subject line: Pinterest Group Board.
10,848 Pins
Warm-up Activities to Improve Picky Eating and Calm Food Sensitivities...
If your child or students have trouble at mealtime and are often picky eaters, there are some oral sensory activities you can try. Here are a few suggestions to awaken those oral sensory receptors for better eating habits during meals. |
Holiday Books for Struggling Readers to Help these 2 Areas of Reading Development...
Here are a few suggested holiday books to help kids with these two areas for reading development. |
You may have a Picky Eater, but do you know why?!
Some children may not grow out of their picky eating because of certain food sensitivities. Here's what to watch for and activities that may help... |
What is Processing Speed and why these Toys Support it in the Classroom...
How these activities can help kids with these learning areas in the classroom and what areas of development they support in classrooms and therapy sessions. |
What these Therapy Tools are doing to Help Kids Learn in School...
A few items to add to your homes, therapy sessions and classrooms to support a child's learning development. What tools target certain learning areas and how to make their classroom learning easier and automatic... |
Oral Sensory Strategies that Helped this Child's Picky Eating and Speech...
Kids may not grow out of picky eating because of certain sensitivities. Here's what's behind those sensitivities and the methods you can use to help improve areas of picky eating and speech/language development. |
What Kids can use if they Experience Frequent Sleep Disruptions...
A child who experiences frequent sleep disruptions may need some additional tools to help them fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night. What a few of these target and how they help prevent rough sleepers from staying awake... |
What's Preventing Kids from Eye Tracking for Reading and Comprehension...
What may delay a child's reading development and comprehension skills. How they are tied to eye tracking and what to watch for when a child struggles to read, comprehend and follow tasks. |
Why Certain Kids Avoid Foods and How to Help Support Picky Eating...
Children who avoid certain foods may have sensitivities to textures, tastes and flavors. You may see the signs, but don't know how to help. Here are a few ideas to help calm food sensitivities... |
Tools needed to Improve Handwriting Delays and Support Dysgraphia...
The tools you can use in your home, classrooms and therapy sessions to help kids who struggle with Dysgraphia or handwriting delays. | #toys #dysgraphia #handwriting #occupationaltherapy #kidstoys #PTs #OTs #pediatrictherapy
How to Use Toys to Improve a Child's Hand Strength for Handwriting Development...
You may not think toys can help certain skills in th classroom. However, kids with poor handwriting or low hand strength can benefit from some of these in the following ways... |
Anxiety is the Most Common Symptom in Kids with this Issue
Children with retained Primitive Reflexes are more prone to anxiety. They may experience a number of symptoms that may even make it worse. Here's what to know if you have a child or student with high-anxiety. |
Parents: Stay Away from Containers (Car Seats, Bumbos, Swings and Nursing Cushions)
Stay Away from Containers (Car Seats, Bumbos, Swings and Nursing Cushions) |
OT Learning Tools to Support Kids in Developmental and Learning Areas...
How these tools are helpful for therapists in their therapy sessions. Parents and teachers can also use these ideas to improve attention and focus, handwriting, fine motor, hand strength and much more... |
3 Foundational Components Babies need for Reading and Writing
The three foundational components babies need to develop that help them become strong readers. What may happen when these areas are not developed... |