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Goll er loayrt ayns Galatia
Baase çhengey 4-oo eash BNJ
Kynney çhengey Ind-Oarpagh
Coadyn çhengey
ISO 639-1 gyn coad
ISO 639-2 cel
ISO 639-3 xga

She çhengey Cheltiagh va goll er loayrt ayns Galatia 'syn Aishey Veg (y Turkee noa-emshiragh) ee Galatish. V'ee loayrit veih'n 3-oo eash RC derrey'n 4-oo eash BNJ. T'ee ny çhengey Cheltiagh vooarheeragh gollrish y Ghoalish.

Cha nel mooarane fys ain er y çhengey jiu er-lhimmey jeh focklyn ennagh as giare-choontyssyn liorish screeuderyn classicagh, as enmyn skeaylt er screeuyn. Rere ny feanishyn shen, cha nel agh mysh 120 focklyn ain, as y chooid smoo jeu nyn enmyn persoonagh ta goaill jerrey lesh -riks (cf. Goalish -rix/-reix, Shenn Yernish ri, Gothish -reiks, Shenn Rankish rik, Ladjyn rex) "ree", fir elley ta goaill jerrey lesh -marus, toyrtagh -mari (cf. Goalish -maros, Shenn Yernish mor, Bretnish mawr) "mooar", as enmyn kynneeagh lheid as Ambitouti (Shenn Yernish imm- "ym-", Shenn Yernish tuath "theay"/"sleih"), myrane lesh y nhee focklagh drunaimeton "ynnyd cruinnaght" (cf. Shenn Yernish drui "druiaght", Shenn Yernish neimed "ynnyd noo").

Claare lioaragh

[reagh | edit source]
  • Freeman, Philip (2001). The Galatian Language: A Comprehensive Survey of the Language of the Ancient Celts in Greco-Roman Asia Minor (ayns Baarle). Lewiston, York Noa: Mellen Press. ISBN 0-7734-7480-3.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: çhengey gyn enney (link)
  • Weisgerber, L. (1931). Galatische Sprachreste. Ayns Natalicium Johannes Geffcken zum 70. Geburtstag 2. Mai 1931 gewidmet von Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern, 151–75 (ayns Germaanish). Heidelberg: Carl Winter.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: çhengey gyn enney (link)