
17 Pins
Do You Know This Budget Framing Trick?
Matting is the single element that makes custom framing look so amazing. But lab framing sure costs a lot. Save money and hassle with this cheap framing idea!
DIY Projects for the Home
Could maybe adapt this to a towel drying rack in bathroom> 25 Awesome Things You Didn't Know You Could Do With Old Picture Frames
The Creative Place
Flowery picture frame. Use the basic process to transform it into a fall or black orange Halloween theme!
How to Make a Rustic Wreath from an Old Picture Frame
Make a Rustic Wreath from a Picture Frame - Really explains dry brushing well
30 Repurposed Vintage Picture Frames
repurpose an empty frame... decorate it just as you would a wreath. It doesn't get simpler than this!
33 White Decorating Ideas, White Picture Frames for Bright Wall Decor
White Decorating Ideas, White Picture Frames for Bright Wall Decor