Silver fox

33 Pins
he's so hot in my best friend's wedding.....oh please..please....please...I want him in the red room of pain!
Seriale Tari - Dicas de saúde, compras e muito mais!
Dermot Mulroney....just keeps on get'n better....::le sigh::
My Best Friend's Wedding (1997) - Photos - IMDb
Dermot in My Best Friend's Wedding.
Dermot Mulroney, i love you
He's No George Clooney, But He Could Get It: 9 Of Our Random White Boy Crushes
Dermot Mulroney -loved him in the wedding date
He puts the mmmmmm in dermot-mulroney
Picture of Richard Gere
Richard life long celebrity crush :) After 2 years of marriage my mother pointed out the fact that my husband deeply resembles him (in looks)'s true! :)