Brownies scouts

151 Pins
Daisy Girl Scout Court of Awards Rainbow pinwheels from the Dollar Tree, Daisy seeds to symbolize where they are, Brownies to symbolize where they're bridging to, Junior Mints to symbolize their future level. I also made them Daisy Certificates with a personal note from me. Their names are also bookmarks with a GS song on the back.
Pinterest inspired Daisy Girl Scout Bridging Ceremony
Pinterest inspired Daisy Girl Scout Bridging Ceremony
Camping Ideas DIY | Camping tips and trips
rainbow bridge for Girl Scout bridging ceremony
Free Printable Girl Scout Bridging Certificates for All Levels
Friday Freebie-Free Printable Girl Scout Bridging Certificates for All Levels
Girls Scout "Bridging to Junior" ceremony treats. A cupcake with green and brown icing. A bag filled with rainbow Twizzlers rainbow and marshmallow clouds.A box of Junior mints embellished with Brownie wing patch, bridge to Junior rainbow award and GS membership star pin.
Home Scientist (Brownie Try-it)
The Home Scientist Try-it is part of the “It's Your World - Change It!” badge set introduced in...