The Oslo Symposium on Women's Rights and Empowerment in Afghanistan takes place on Sunday 23 November. The event is co-hosted by the foreign ministeries of Norway, Afghanistan and the Unites States, in collaboration with PRIO, the Afghan Women’s Network and Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security.

  • Find more information and register for the event at AfghanWomenOsloSymposium.org
  • Hashtag for the event: #AfghanWomenOslo

The last 13 years have brought massive improvements to the situation of most Afghan women, in areas ranging from education and health to political participation, employment and in business. The Oslo symposium will focus on how to sustain and advance the gains made by women and girls in Afghanistan going forward. To this end, the discussions will:

  • Provide an opportunity for in-depth exchange on the key reforms and investments that are needed,
  • Discuss important ways in which the international community can support progress, and
  • Send the message of international support to women's rights and empowerment in Afghanistan.

The program will encompass a high-level opening session to signal commitment and stake out a course for the future, featuring keynotes by Afghanistan’s new First Lady, Rula Ghani, and the Prime Minister of Norway, Erna Solberg. The opening session will be followed by working sessions for all invited participants in the form of panel discussions on selected sub-topics covering human rights, justice and political participation, as well as education and economic participation. The Oslo Symposium will take place in advance of the London Conference on Afghanistan, on 3-4 December. The findings of the symposium will provide valuable input in preparation for the discussions in London.