This insignia has not been confirmed to be correct because it is lacking important source information: Please edit this file's description and provide a proper source. HELP: (1) The picture claims to be authentic. As such, “own work” is no proper source by itself. If applicable, any provided source(s) doesn't show an original depiction nor an original description, and therefore may violate NPOV (neutral point of view) by being original research. (2) For coat of arms please use the blazon and/or the picture of an original interpretation to provide an adequate source, but at least one or more references to literature. (3) If this depiction is a derivative please use the Template: Derived from to avoid sequence errors, to make this work more transparent for others to view and investigate, and to avoid an infringement of the copyright licence.
recoñecemento – Debe indicar a debida atribución de autoría, fornecer unha ligazón á licenza e indicar se se realizaron cambios. Pode facer isto de calquera forma razoable, mais non nunha forma que indique que quen posúe a licenza apoia ou subscribe o seu uso da obra.
compartir igual – Se altera, transforma ou amplía este contido, debe publicar as súas contribucións baixo a mesma licenza ou outra compatible á orixinal.
Este ficheiro contén información adicional, probablemente engadida pola cámara dixital ou polo escáner usado para crear ou dixitalizar a imaxe. Se o ficheiro orixinal foi modificado, poida que algúns detalles non se reflictan no ficheiro modificado.