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The robocat cluster

The robocat cluster lives in the tekton-nightly GCP project and is used to deploy nightly versions of Tekton components for testing.

Setting up the Robocat cluster from scratch

These are step by step instructions on how to setup the robocat cluster using the available automation. The automation is based on Tekton, so it requires a "driver" cluster with Tekton deployed, which will run the tasks required to setup the robocat cluster. This "driver" cluster is the dogfooding cluster.

Point your cluster config to robocat

The initial step is done on the robocat cluster directly, so point your configuration to it:

kubectl config use-context gke_tekton-nightly_europe-north1-a_robocat

Create a Cluster Admin service account

To setup the cluster admin service account, authenticate to the cluster with an admin user, and apply the content of the root folder:

kubectl apply -f robocat/root

Create a secret robocat-tektoncd-cadmin-token in the dogfooding cluster, that holds the token for the cadmin. This secret is used by the robocat-cadmin pipeline resource, which is used by the automation to drive deployments in the robotcat cluster.

# Fetch the secret data from robocat
CADMIN_SECRET=$(kubectl get -n tektoncd sa/cadmin -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}')
CA_CRT=$(kubectl get -n tektoncd secret/$CADMIN_SECRET -o jsonpath='{\.crt}')
TOKEN=$(kubectl get -n tektoncd secret/$CADMIN_SECRET -o jsonpath='{.data.token}')

# Create the secret on dogfooding
cat <<EOF | kubectl --cluster gke_tekton-releases_us-central1-a_dogfooding create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: robocat-tektoncd-cadmin-token
type: Opaque
  ca.crt: $CA_CRT
  token: $TOKEN

Verify the robocat cluster resources

Obtain the URL of the cluster:

kubectl cluster-info

Ensure that the robocat-tekton-deployer and the robocat-cadmin resources point to the correct URL of the cluster. If not fix them in git and re-apply them to the dogfooding cluster.

Wait... or not

Almost everything else is setup automatically via cronjobs scheduled in the dogfooding cluster. Since the setup of the DNS entry and the creation of the ClusterIssuer at the right time are still not automated, it's best for now to run through the setup "manually" by triggering the various cronjobs one by one, at least for the initial setup. Future hanges to the resources will be deployed nightly from git.

Point your cluster config to dogfooding

From this point on, most of the work will be done on the dogfooding cluster, so switch your configuration to point to it:

kubectl config use-context gke_tekton-releases_us-central1-a_dogfooding

Run the cronjobs

Cronjobs can be used to deploy a folder or resources, a config map, an Helm chart or a Tekton services from a release.

The generic command to run a cronjob is:

kubectl create job --from=cronjob/$JOB_NAME $JOB_NAME-$(date +%s)
JOB_NAME Details Definition Type
JOB_NAME=folder-cd-trigger-robotcat-cadmin Namespaces and RBAC Cronjob Folder
JOB_NAME=helm-cd-trigger-cert-manager-helm Cert Manager Cronjob Helm Chart
JOB_NAME=folder-cd-trigger-robotcat-cluster-issuer ClusterIssuer Cronjob Folder
JOB_NAME=helm-cd-trigger-minio-helm Minio S3 Buckets Cronjob Helm Chart

The following jobs are executed with the tekton-deployer service account, instead of cadmin. The tekton-deployer service account is created during of the first cronjob folder-cd-trigger-robotcat-cadmin. Before running the next jobs, make sure the secret token for tekton-deployer in the dogfooding cluster is up to date:

# Fetch the secret data from robocat
TD_SECRET=$(kubectl --cluster gke_tekton-nightly_europe-north1-a_robocat \
  get -n tekton-pipelines sa/tekton-deployer -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}')
CA_CRT=$(kubectl --cluster gke_tekton-nightly_europe-north1-a_robocat \
  get -n tekton-pipelines secret/$TD_SECRET -o jsonpath='{\.crt}')
TOKEN=$(kubectl --cluster gke_tekton-nightly_europe-north1-a_robocat \
  get -n tekton-pipelines secret/$TD_SECRET -o jsonpath='{.data.token}')

# Create the secret on dogfooding
cat <<EOF | kubectl --cluster gke_tekton-releases_us-central1-a_dogfooding create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: robocat-tekton-deployer-token
type: Opaque
  ca.crt: $CA_CRT
  token: $TOKEN
JOB_NAME Details Definition Type
JOB_NAME=tekton-release-cd-trigger-robotcat-pipeline Tekton Pipeline Cronjob Tekton Release
JOB_NAME=tekton-release-cd-trigger-robotcat-triggers Tekton Triggers Cronjob Tekton Release
JOB_NAME=tekton-release-cd-trigger-robotcat-dashboard Tekton Triggers Cronjob Tekton Release
JOB_NAME=folder-cd-trigger-robotcat-tekton-resources Tekton Resources Cronjob Folder

Monitor the progress by looking at the logs of recent TaskRuns:

tkn tr logs -f

Set up robocat to drive deployments to the dogfooding cluster

Prerequisite for this step is that the tekton-deployer service account has been created in the dogfooding cluster as well. Once that is in place, create the secret in the robocat cluster that holds the service account credentials need to use tekton-deployer on dogfooding:

# Fetch the secret data from robocat
TD_SECRET=$(kubectl --cluster gke_tekton-releases_us-central1-a_dogfooding \
  get -n tekton-pipelines sa/tekton-deployer -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}')
CA_CRT=$(kubectl --cluster gke_tekton-releases_us-central1-a_dogfooding \
  get -n tekton-pipelines secret/$TD_SECRET -o jsonpath='{\.crt}')
TOKEN=$(kubectl --cluster gke_tekton-releases_us-central1-a_dogfooding \
  get -n tekton-pipelines secret/$TD_SECRET -o jsonpath='{.data.token}')

# Create the secret on robocat
cat <<EOF | kubectl --cluster gke_tekton-nightly_europe-north1-a_robocat create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: dogfooding-tekton-deployer-token
type: Opaque
  ca.crt: $CA_CRT
  token: $TOKEN

The secret tektoncd-dogfooding-tekton-deployer holds a Kubernetes configuration file for the tekton-deployer service account on dogfooding.