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Move from tf.contrib to tensorflow/addons

Status Accepted
Author(s) Sean Morgan ([email protected]), Armando Fandango ([email protected])
Sponsor Karmel Allison ([email protected])
Updated 2018-12-16


With the upcoming removal of tf.contrib in TF 2.0, we are in the process of deciding what existing functionality will be moved and maintained in the tensorflow/addons repository.

This document details what functionality the SIG plans to move and invites discussion around the decisions.


In this RFC, we are soliciting discussion regarding what tf.contrib code should be moved to tensorflow/addons. This RFC discussion will help us determine the value of moving code and their respective maintainability aspects.

Design Proposal

Criteria for moving

  1. The functionality is not otherwise available in TensorFlow
  2. There is sufficient interest in the community to maintain the code being moved
  3. The code conforms to an established API pattern (Some pieces can be refactored if needed)

It is worth noting that just because some functionality isn't part of the initial move, does not mean it won't be eventually part of addons if there is value. We will begin reviewing pull requests to the repository after the directory structure is shaped during the initial move.

Code to be moved from tf.contrib to addons

Module (tf.contrib) Class/Function Rationale
opt.external_optimizer ExternalOptimizerInferface Base class for external optimizers used in OSS projects
opt.external_optimizer ScipyOptimizerInterface Significant usage in OSS projects
opt.lazy_adam_optimizer LazyAdamOptimizer Significant usage in OSS projects / discussions
opt.moving_average_optimizer MovingAverageOptimizer Significant usage in OSS projects
layers.layers dense_to_sparse Useful functionality and discussion around it
layers.layers layer_norm Heavily used is OSS projects / From impactful paper
layers.layers maxout From impactful paper
layers.layers poincare_normalize Functionality not available / Useful for hyperbolic embeddings
layers.normalization instance_norm Heavily used is OSS projects / Used for style xfer
layers.normalization group_norm Will be moved as a generalized case of layer_norm and instance_norm
losses.metric_loss_ops pairwise_distance Useful functionality not otherwise available
losses.metric_loss_ops contrastive_loss Useful functionality not otherwise available
losses.metric_loss_ops masked_maximum Useful functionality not otherwise available
losses.metric_loss_ops masked_minimum Useful functionality not otherwise available
losses.metric_loss_ops triplet_semihard_loss Useful functionality not otherwise available / From impactful paper
losses.metric_loss_ops npairs_loss Useful functionality not otherwise available
losses.metric_loss_ops npairs_loss_multilabel Useful functionality not otherwise available
losses.metric_loss_ops lifted_struct_loss Useful functionality not otherwise available
sparsemax.sparsemax ALL Useful functionality not otherwise available / Volunteers to maintain
image.dense_image_warp dense_image_warp Useful functionality not otherwise available
image.distort_image_ops random_hsv_in_yiq Useful functionality not otherwise available
image.distort_image_ops adjust_hsv_in_yiq Useful functionality not otherwise available
image.image_ops rotate Useful functionality not otherwise available / Several uses in OSS found
image.image_ops translate Useful functionality not otherwise available
image.image_ops angles_to_projective_transforms Useful functionality not otherwise available / Several uses in OSS found
image.image_ops translations_to_projective_transforms Useful functionality not otherwise available
image.image_ops transform Useful functionality not otherwise available / Several uses in OSS found
image.image_ops compose_transforms Useful functionality not otherwise available / Several uses in OSS found
image.image_ops flat_transforms_to_matrices Helper util used a few times in module
image.image_ops matrices_to_flat_transforms Helper util used a few times in module
image.image_ops connected_components Useful functionality not otherwise available
text.skip_gram_ops ALL Useful functionality not otherwise available
crf.crf ALL Heavily used by the NLP community
opt.weight_decay_optimizers DecoupledWeightDecayExtension ~SOTA convergence speeds / Needs refactored as Wrapper subclass
opt.weight_decay_optimizers AdamWOptimizer ~SOTA convergence speeds / Needs refactored as wrapper + keras Adam
opt.weight_decay_optimizers MomentumWOptimizer ~SOTA convergence speeds / Needs refactored as wrapper + keras SGD

Code that will not be moved from tf.contrib pending objections

Module (tf.contrib) Class/Function Rationale
opt.addsign AddSignOptimizer No OSS uses found / Needs refactored as OptimizerV2 subclass
opt.agn_optimizer AGNOptimizer No OSS uses found / Needs refactored as OptimizerV2 subclass
opt.drop_stale_gradient_optimizer DropStaleGradientOptimizer No OSS uses found / Needs refactored as Wrapper subclass
opt.elastic_average_optimizer ElasticAverageOptimizer No OSS uses found / Needs refactored as Wrapper subclass
opt.ggt GGTOptimizer No OSS uses found
opt.lars_optimizer LARSOptimizer No OSS uses found / Needs refactored as OptimizerV2 subclass
opt.shampoo ShampooOptimizer No OSS uses found / Needs refactored as OptimizerV2 subclass
opt.matrix_functions matrix_inverse_pth_root Used in opt.shampoo
opt.model_average_optimizer ModelAverageOptimizer No OSS uses found / Needs refactored as Wrapper subclass
opt.multitask_optimizer_wrapper MultitaskOptimizerWrapper No OSS uses found / Needs refactored as Wrapper subclass
opt.multitask_optimizer_wrapper clip_gradients_by_global_norm No OSS uses found / Specific to MultitaskOptimizers / At least partly covered in Keras optimizer
opt.powersign PowerSignOptimizer No OSS uses found / Needs refactored as OptimizerV2 subclass
opt.sign_decay get_linear_decay_fn No OSS usage / Used in AddSign & PowerSign
opt.sign_decay get_cosine_decay_fn No OSS usage / Not an optimizer
opt.sign_decay get_restart_decay_fn No OSS usage / Not an optimizer
opt.reg_adagrad_optimizer RegAdagradOptimizer No OSS uses found / Needs refactored as keraas Adagrad subclass
opt.variable_clipping_optimizer VariableClippingOptimizer No OSS uses found / Needs refactored as Wrapper subclass / partial covered by keras norm clip
opt.weight_decay_optimizers ShampooWOptimizer No OSS uses found
opt.weight_decay_optimizers extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay No OSS uses found / Functional paradigm - factory function
layers.embedding_ops scattered_embedding_lookup_sparse No OSS uses found
layers.embedding_ops embedding_lookup_unique No OSS uses found
layers.encoders bow_encoder Creates variables, but does not subclass Layer
layers.encoders embed_sequence Creates variables, but does not subclass Layer
layers.layers convolution2d_in_plane No OSS uses found
layers.layers GDN No OSS uses found
layers.layers scale_gradient No OSS uses found
layers.layers sequence_to_images No OSS uses found
layers.layers spatial_softmax One OSS project found / Needs refactored as base Layer subclass / Uses get_variable_collections
layers.optimizers optimize_loss Concience wrapper to build a training op / Would need refactor to stick to TF2.0 APIs
layers.optimizers adaptive_clipping_fn No OSS uses found
layers.rev_block_lib RevBlock No OSS uses found
layers.rev_block_lib recompute_grad No OSS uses found
layers.summaries summarize_tensor One OSS project found / Very simple wrapper
layers.utils constant_value Simple wrapper... need a good reason to support
nn.alpha_dropout alpha_dropout No OSS uses found / Needs refactored as base Layer subclass
nn.fwd_gradients fwd_gradients No OSS uses found
nn.sampling_ops rank_sampled_softmax_loss One OSS use found / Needs to utilize sampled_softmax_loss_v2
nn.sampling_ops sampled_sparse_softmax_loss No OSS uses found / Needs to utilize sampled_softmax_loss_v2
nn.scaled_softplus scaled_softplus No OSS uses found
losses.metric_loss_ops update_1d_tensor No OSS uses found / Large amount of code related to cluster_loss
losses.metric_loss_ops get_cluster_assignment No OSS uses found / Large amount of code related to cluster_loss
losses.metric_loss_ops compute_facility_energy No OSS uses found / Large amount of code related to cluster_loss
losses.metric_loss_ops compute_clustering_score No OSS uses found / Large amount of code related to cluster_loss
losses.metric_loss_ops compute_augmented_facility_locations No OSS uses found / Large amount of code related to cluster_loss
losses.metric_loss_ops update_medoid_per_cluster No OSS uses found / Large amount of code related to cluster_loss
losses.metric_loss_ops update_all_medoids No OSS uses found / Large amount of code related to cluster_loss
losses.metric_loss_ops compute_augmented_facility_locations_pam No OSS uses found / Large amount of code related to cluster_loss
losses.metric_loss_ops compute_gt_cluster_score No OSS uses found / Large amount of code related to cluster_loss
losses.metric_loss_ops cluster_loss No OSS uses found / Large amount of code related to cluster_loss
image.image_ops bipartite_match No OSS uses found / Should live in linalg or somewhere else?
image.interpolate_spline interpolate_spline One OSS uses found / Should live in tf.signal?
image.single_image_random_dot_stereograms single_image_random_dot_stereograms No OSS uses found
image.parse_image_wrap sparse_image_warp No OSS uses found
resampler.resampler_ops ALL Pending community interest
solvers ALL Pending community interest to maintain
integrate ALL Pending community interest to maintain

Code that will not be copied from tf.contrib to addons and hence would not be available in either of tf.contrib or addons

Module (tf.contrib) Class/Function Rationale
opt.adamax AdaMaxOptimizer Available in tf.keras.optimizers
opt.matrix_functions matrix_square_root Available as linalg_ops.matrix_square_root
opt.nadam_optimizer NadamOptimizer Available in tf.keras.optimizers
layers.embedding_ops safe_embedding_lookup_sparse Exists as tf.nn.safe_embedding_lookup_sparse
layers.embedding_ops embedding_lookup_sparse_with_distributed_aggregation Replaced by emedding_lookup_sparse_v2
layers.feature_column ALL Better version available in tf.feature_column
layers.initizalizers xavier_initializer tf.keras has a glorot_normal and glorot_uniform
layers.initizalizers variance_scaling_initializer Exists in tf.keras.initializers
layers.layers avg_pool2d Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers avg_pool3d Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers batch_norm Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers bias_add Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers conv1d Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers conv2d Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers conv3d Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers conv2d_in_plane Functional Alias
layers.layers conv2d_transpose Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers conv3d_transpose Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers convolution Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers convolution1d Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers convolution2d Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers convolution2d_transpose Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers convolution3d Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers convolution3d_transpose Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers dropout Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers elu Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers flatten Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers fully_connected Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers gdn Functional interface of GDN
layers.layers images_to_sequence No OSS uses found / Functional paradigm
layers.layers linear Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers pool Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers max_pool2d Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers max_pool3d Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers one_hot_encoding Exists in tf.keras / Uses collections
layers.layers relu Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers relu6 Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers repeat Exists as sequential model
layers.layers separable_conv2d Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers separable_convolution2d Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers softmax Exists in tf.keras.layers
layers.layers stack Exists as sequential model / Uses variable scoping
layers.layers unit_norm Exists in linalg
layers.layers legacy_fully_connected Legacy layer
layers.layers legacy_linear Legacy layer
layers.layers legacy_relu Legacy layer
layers.regularizers l1_regularizer Available in tf.keras.regularizers
layers.regularizers l2_regularizer Available in tf.keras.regularizers
layers.regularizers l1_l2_regularizer Available in tf.keras.regularizers
layers.regularizers sum_regularizer Trivial convience wrapper
layers.regularizers apply_regularization Uses collections
layers.rev_block_lib rev_block Functional paradigm for RevBlock
layers.summaries summarize_tensors Trivial list comprehension
layers.summaries summarize_collection Uses collections
layers.summaries summarize_activations Uses collecftions
layers.target_column ALL Deprecated since Estimators
layers.utils collect_named_output Unsupported tensor alias API
layers.utils append_tensor_alias Unsupported tensor alias API
layers.utils gather_tensors_aliases Unsupported tensor alias API
layers.utils get_tensor_aliases Unsupported tensor alias API
layers.utils convert_collection_to_dict Uses collections
layers.utils static_cond Simple wrapper / No OSS use
layers.utils smart_cond Simple wrapper / Little OSS use
layers.utils get_variable_collections Uses collections
layers.utils channel_dimension Simple wrapper / No OSS use
layers.utils last_dimension Simple wrapper / No OSS use
layers.utils two_element_tuple No OSS use
layers.utils n_positive_integers No OSS use
nn.cross_entropy ALL Deprecated Losses
losses.loss_ops ALL Available in core tf.losses


Questions and Discussion Topics

  • Are there any modules being excluded from the move that you feel have substantial value to the community?
  • Are there any new modules that you feel should be added to addons from somewhere else apart from tf.contrib
  • We're actively collecting volunteers to help move, refactor and/or maintain in Addons (Please reachout to our mailing list or gitter channel if you have interest in helping our community.

After Request Notes

  • Now that the review period has ended, please post all suggested additions/removals directly to the tensorflow/addons issues page