A website has emerged to randomly send Russians the right information about Russia's invasion of Ukraine, countering the Russian government's information controls.
To counter the propaganda that Russia disseminates using state media, we have developed a website that allows hackers to randomly send emails to Russians about the invasion of Ukraine.
Using a New Cyber Tool, Westerners Have Been Texting Russians About the War in Ukraine --WSJ
A hacker group called ' Squad303 ' has developed a website that allows you to send emails to Russians at random. The website created by Squad303 is to send emails to about 20 million Russian phone numbers and about 140 million email addresses obtained by Polish programmers from Russian companies.
Send a message to randomly selected Russian! Squad303
The website was opened on March 6, 2022, and since then, Internet users around the world have been using this site to send many messages to Russians. The number of emails sent so far has exceeded millions, and it seems that videos and photos are attached to the emails to convey the tragedy of Ukraine reported by the media of Western countries.
Squad303 created this website to counter Russia's domestic information controls. Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. In March, we blocked independent media that reported critically and controlled information. Also, in Russia, access restrictions are imposed on SNS such as Twitter and Facebook, and a new law 'Anyone who reports fake news about the invasion of Ukraine will be sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment' has made Russians Ukrainian. Obtaining the correct information about the invasion is becoming increasingly difficult.
Russian authorities restrict access to Twitter and Facebook-GIGAZINE
Poland-based Squad 303 told The Wall Street Journal, 'Our aim is to break through the digital censorship by President Putin and tell the Russian people what the Russian government is doing in Ukraine. '. Squad303 aims to 'promote democratic values and institutions by disseminating factual information and ideas' by broadcasting radio in multiple languages during the Cold War. It is likened to Radio Free Europe .
Titan Crawford, who sells trucks in Portland, Oregon, USA, is one of the users who uses the Squad 303 website to inform Russians of the correct information about the invasion of Ukraine. Crawford has published a conversation with Russians on Twitter, saying that he 'sent a message to 2000 mobile numbers.' Most Russians didn't reply, some returned abusive words and were able to talk to about 15 people.
This is crazy. The person questioned me being American so I had to prove it. I've sent over 200 messages thanks to @ squad3o3 to Russian cell phones. This one got me, it roughly translates to “it's terrible in Russia” @ xxNB65 @YourAnonNews @xenasolo @ZelenskyyUa got a new friend ???? pic.twitter.com/UOunxs2aIJ
— Mr. Taka Masta Chef / CireX14 (@ titancrawford1) March 6, 2022
Crawford explains why he uses the Squad 303 website to communicate with Russians: 'The purpose is to help Russians get up and know what's going on to stop the invasion of their government.' Since I live in the United States, I just understand the concept of lack of freedom of speech. I was sympathetic to the Ukrainian people, but now I am sympathetic to the Russian people, because they are brainwashed by the government. Because it has been done. '
The Wall Street Journal has also sent a message to several Russians, commenting from a Russian law student that 'although we are against the war, it is difficult to express our intentions given the retaliation from the government.' Is getting. The student said, 'Are you putting my future at risk? I know Putin is killing people in Ukraine, but it's not my fault and I'm not killing anyone. I don't support any war, 'he said.
Thomas Kent, a former president of Radio Free Europe and now working at Columbia University, said Western countries are sending information to Russians using tools like the website developed by Squad 303. indicate. 'If Russian authorities think they can't undermine their power'to the public, they wouldn't censor the media so thoroughly,' he said. He points out that the reason is that the opposition of the people can shake the system of the nation.
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