Police and thieves steal into the same building at midnight

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 11:11 May 30, 2008, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Police officers and thieves broke into the building in Melton, Australia at the same time at midnight. The two did not intrude into the building in cooperation, it seems that it was a coincidence that the police officer was entering for stealing because the police officer entered the gasha violating the stimulant control law.

Details are as below.Cops bust bungling burglars NEWS_com_au

A police officer who invaded the building with an investigation warrant arrested a man in his twenties who illegally cultivated Indian hemp. After that, two thieves invaded the same building through the window. The thieves who saw the appearance of the police soon ran away, but they were arrested in a few days.

Mr. Cassidy of the Melton crime investigating agency says, "It is an unusual situation to catch criminals in buildings that have invaded with a search warrant and continue arresting two more thieves." It is not clear whether the thief was aiming money or cannabis, and it seems that three criminals were repetitioned to appear in the court.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log