improves style in placeholder
1 file changed
tree: ad04415388f30b3090c57b9518457123e182309f
  1. design/
  2. dist/
  3. src/
  4. test/
  5. webpack/
  6. .arcconfig
  7. .babelrc
  8. .gitignore
  9. karma.conf.js
  10. package.json
  12. semantic.json

Style Guide

=CSS= Scoped or not? Check bundled output for a v-for loop rendering multiple child components with both scoped and not scoped style tags.

=Components= Use single file components and keep them small Use JSDoc syntax at the top of every script component

=File Structure= For components, mirror the natural view hierarchy, so a page is a folder, categories of child components are sub-folders, and so on. For logic, such as models and data transformations, separate folders: * models * transformations * apis

=Project Plan=

  • Finish current work for basic version **(F) NEW: clicking on dashboard widget takes you to detail page without top nav area selected (I am pretty convinced we need to just globally use $store.getters.projectCode **(M) Main logo should link to the dashboard **(M) This bug is carried over from the prototype - we need to only highlight the area that we're in, so we have to de-highlight the Dashboard link, kind of tricky with the router ** Going back to the main screen sometimes shows 0 as the Total pageviews and doesn't display any data (I think when switching wikis and navigating a lot on the Detail page?

  • Clean up any code that needs help **(M) don't set $store.state directly - example: App.vue **(M) area and metric getters don't make sense in the store, we already have them in the state **(M) setProject doesn't make sense as an action, we can just setState or make a specific mutation **(F) 4 tests are still failing - we can remove them if they're too hard to refactor but we should make sure they're not showing a mistake

  • Nice to have **(D) It would be nice to have a util function that returns something we can pass to router.push. The signature could be util.getNewURL({ project, area, metric, options }) **(D) CSS variables

  • Working time: 14:00 -> 17:00 CEST

  • Schema: Metric configuration for UI

  • Vertical Slice Decision: Active Editors, Pageviews, Unique Devices, Total Articles

  • Schema: Metric query to the API

  • URI Scheme for AQS, mock it return fake data for initial work?

  • URI Scheme for front-end (how we make things bookmarkable)

  • Decide how to implement the various widgets (like dashboard vs. detail ones, different visualizations, does it make sense together)

  • Mechanical: implement all widgets

  • Mechanical: reuse (by breaking up)? most of the dashboard and detail from prototype?

  • Schema: Site configuration objects: personal preferences, saved wiki selection, etc., default site config, etc.

  • Mechanical: CSS structure

  • Internationalization: simple layer of abstraction on top of raw text

##Wikistats 2 Frontend

To build the dev bundle and watch file changes

npm run dev

To run tests, watching file changes

npm test


  • Lodash customized to just what we need:
npm i -g lodash-cli
lodash include=assign,capitalize,debounce,filter,flatten,forEach,indexOf,kebabCase,last,take,transform