About Us

Founded in 1980, and Headquartered in the USA, Geospace has always been a Leader in the Seismic Data Acquisition market through its Innovative Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence. Building off of that strong foundation, and desire to control and ensure the quality of products offered, Geospace has expanded its expertise into all facets of Manufacturing. With Capabilities starting in MicroElectronics for Printhead development and extending into Injection Molding, Waterproofing, Machining, and Electronics/System Assembly, Geospace has positioned itself as a complete Turnkey option for the Contract Manufacturing Industry.

Geospace’s state-of-the-art Facilities consist of over 500,000 square feet of Integrated Production and office space organized to provide the impeccable quality standards and responsive service our customers demand.

With a goal to provide customers with the best products and services available in the industry, Geospace operates based on a set of Core Values: 


Safety is fundamental to us all. By keeping safety a priority, for ourselves, each other, and our customers, we strengthen our skills in every other Core Value. We are dedicated to protecting people, property, and the environment from harm.


We respect other people. This creates an environment that promotes open communication, diverse ideas and approachable people. A respectful environment allows customers to express their needs with the expectation that we will listen. It also allows thoughtful responsiveness to customers’ needs.


Integrity is our most valued principle. We will maintain high ethical standards in everything we do. We are known for our honesty and sincerity, and we are dedicated to complying with both the letter and spirit of the rules and laws that govern us. Our continued success requires unswerving adherence to these standards. Our business is highly competitive. Though we seek to expand our business aggressively, we must always compete fairly.


We take great pride in the quality of our work and are determined to achieve excellence in everything we do. Excellence is reflected by how we conduct ourselves as individuals and as a company. It’s reflected in the quality of the solutions we develop for our customers and the value they receive from our products and services. We seek to identify and recruit the very best person for every job.

Excellence is a shared responsibility for every employee. To embrace excellence, we emphasize education, training and development of employees and teams. Striving for excellence is a continuing quest.


Fulfilling our customers’ needs is the most important ingredient of our corporate well-being. Our collective creativity generates solutions for our customers and is the essence of differentiating us from our competitors.


We are all in this together. As long as we work together, there is no limit to the possibilities. The sum of our collaborative efforts is much larger than the sum of our individual efforts and in this manner our customers are best served.


The responsibility of solving customers’ problems belongs to everyone. We place no limits on employee initiative in serving customers. We must each be trustworthy and accountable to reliably serve the needs of the customer and each other.


The work we do is highly technical and changes rapidly. To be effective, we must be change hardy. “The way it’s always been done” will not be sufficient to bring us future success. We must be a flexible organization that is willing to learn, create new ideas and adapt to the new environments.


We are enthusiastic. This allows us to focus on our opportunities to serve our customer. Enlightened optimism creates an environment conducive to solving our customers’ needs.


We are loyal to our customers. We honor their secrets and confidences and earn their respect and loyalty in return.

Social Responsibility

We do not exist in isolation. We operate in communities, which have placed their trust in us.

They provide employees and suppliers a friendly environment conducive for growth and success. We pledge to conduct ourselves in a most responsible manner in each community.

Geospace is committed to zero harm to people, property, and the environment. Our commitment to HSE extends to our customers, our staff, and the community in which we operate. We aim to achieve this through:

  • Making our employees’ health and safety and protecting the environment top priorities.
  • Developing and improving programs and procedures to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Creating a culture where the health and safety of our staff and the protection of the environment is considered in all operating decisions, including those related to planning and acquisition.
  • Ensuring employees are properly trained and provided with the appropriate safety equipment.
  • Engaging in sound reuse and recycling practices and exploring feasible opportunities to minimize the amount of waste generated.
  • Using energy efficiently throughout our operation.
  • Communicating our HSE commitment and encouraging personal accountability to emphasize compliance with standards and best practices during employee training.
  • Striving for continual improvement by measuring our health, safety and environmental impacts through periodic evaluations to enhance our HSE performance.

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