Table of Contents

April 1, 2019; 33 (7-8)


  • In this Perspective, Armstrong and Duronio discuss the findings in this issue of Genes & Developmnet by Seller et al., who developed a new technology for inhibiting maternal gene function to identify the H3K9 methyltransferase necessary for initiating constitutive heterochromatin formation during early Drosophila embryogenesis.


  • In this study from Zhang et al., the authors found that H3K27me3 is strongly biased toward the maternal allele with some associated with DNA methylation–independent paternally expressed genes (PEGs) in human morulae. Their findings uncover the H3K27me3 landscape and establish a correlation between maternal-biased H3K27me3 and PEGs in human morulae.


  • In this study, Shah et al. show that Tgifs, which repress gene expression by binding directly to DNA or interacting with transforming growth factor β (TGFβ)-responsive SMADs, promote adenoma growth in the context of mutant Apc (adenomatous polyposis coli). Their findings suggest that Tgifs play an important role in regulating basic energy metabolism in normal cells and that this function of Tgifs is amplified in some cancers.

  • Seller et al. show that developmental slowing of the cell cycle times embryonic heterochromatin formation.

  • Here, Choi et al. show that CDK12, the RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain kinase, which regulates genome stability, expression of DNA repair genes, and cancer cell drug resistance, also phosphorylates the mRNA 5′ cap-binding repressor 4E-BP1 to promote translation of mTORC1-dependent mRNAs. Using RIP-seq and Ribo-seq, the authors found that CDK12 regulates binding of eIF4G to many mTORC1 target mRNAs, and identified specific CDK12 “translation-only” target mRNAs.

  • Padeken et al. performed a genome-wide synthetic lethality screen and show that the BRCA1/BARD1 complex is necessary for germline viability in worms lacking MET-2 but not SET-25. The synthetic sterility upon BRCA1/BARD1 and H3K9me2 loss is directly linked to the DNA damage provoked by unscheduled satellite repeat transcription.

  • In this study, Lam et al. report that the Drosophila nonspecific lethal (NSL) complex is necessary to maintain positioning of nucleosomal organization at gene promoters. Their findings show that the NSL complex establishes a canonical nucleosomal organization that enables transcription and determines TSS fidelity.

  • Batista et al. show that increased auxin biosynthesis in the endosperm prevents its cellularization, leading to seed arrest.



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