
104 Pins
Nataliia Kalganova on Instagram: "I wish I knew this Christmas hack sooner ✨ your home will smell amazing #christmasdecor #christmashacks #hack #lifehacks #homedecor #hometips #tips #cleaningtips"
MAGDALENA WÖCKINGER on Instagram: "Im heutigen Reel möchte ich euch ein paar Ideen zeigen, was man alles mit Bilderrahmen machen kann ☺️ Welche Idee gefällt euch am besten? 1. Tablett mit RIBBA 2. Stecklings-Aufbewahrung mit SANNAHED 3. Laterne mit DALSKÄRR 4. Windlicht mit LERBODA Alle detaillierten Tutorials sowie benötigten Materialien findet ihr in meinen letzten Reels 🥰 _________________________ In today’s reel, I want to show you a few ideas of what you can do with picture frames ☺️ Which one do you like the most? 1. Tray with RIBBA 2. Cutting storage with SANNAHED 3. Lantern with DALSKÄRR 4. Candle holder with LERBODA You can find detailed tutorials and the materials needed in my previous reels 🥰 #doityourself #diy #diyreel #diyvideo #diyvideos #diyblogger #diyblogger_de #up
Michelle McRae on Instagram: "Details👇🏼 These crayon blown ornaments are so easy to make in minutes and are so adorable in person. I saw @the_baise_crew make them and couldn’t wait to try myself. I added crayon shavings to clear ornaments and melted them with a hairdryer. That’s it! My 9-year-old made them with me and they really are that easy and add a such a fun pop of color and a little extra charm to any Christmas tree. 🚨 Tag a friend who loves DIY holiday decor as much as we do."
Paper Craft Ideas on Instagram: "Lights Link In Bio Transform simple materials into a beautiful lamp. Wrap glue-soaked thread around a balloon, let it dry, then pop the balloon to reveal your new light fixture. Hang it up, add some lights, and enjoy the cozy, handmade glow. Perfect for DIY enthusiasts and a charming addition to any room!"
Sara Davies MBE on Instagram: "So I’m pretty sure everyone has an old wired coat hanger lurking in the back of their wardrobe somewhere right? Well - I have got the BEST way to use it to make the most gorgeous Christmas Wreath while using up all your left over baubles! All you need to do is split the coat hanger and make it into a circle shape for the wreath, then just thread on all your baubles - no pattern or order to it just pop them on randomly in any sizes and colours that you like. Then once the wire is completely full of baubles so it looks like a wreath and you’re happy with it, twist the wire back into how it was before (you can add some tape or something over this so your sure it won’t come apart) and then I just added a bow at the top to finish it all off. And... there you ha
Jᴜʟɪᴀ Wᴏᴏᴅ on Instagram: "Erinnert ihr euch noch an den Stern aus dem letzten Jahr😁? Ich habe mir einen neuen gemacht, weil ich meinen verschenkt habe 🤍. Ich lieb ihn immer noch 🥰. Ihr könnt natürlich auch ein Band zum aufhängen dran befestigen. Die Sternvorlage findet ihr kostenlos bei mir im Shop 😁, falls ihr sie benötigt. Habt ihr den Stern letztes Jahr auch nachgebastelt 🤍? . . . #houseofwood#diy#diystern#diyweihnachten #diycrafts #diyweihnachtszauber #diyprojects #christmas#weihnachtsdeko #weihnachtszeit #weihnachtsdekoration #holzstern#leuchtstern#diydecor #christmasdecor"
Astrid on Instagram: "DIY Glas Lampe ⭐️ DIY glass lamp ⭐️ du brauchst eine Glas Vase und Schüssel. Schnee, Lichterkette und Deko in die Vase. Die Schüssel wird innen mit Sternen beklebt und dann mit Effekt Spray besprüht. Sterne entfernen und dann als Lampenschirm auf die Vase 🤗⭐️💡 you need a glass vase and bowl. Snow, fairy lights and decorations in the vase. The bowl is decorated with stars on the inside and then sprayed with effect spray. Remove stars and then put them on the vase as a lampshade 🤗⭐️💡 #upcycling #christmas #xmas #weihnachten #hygge #hyggehome #creativ #ikea @ikeadeutschland (Werbung unbeauftragt und unbezahlt )"
Upcycled Treasures on Instagram: "⛄️DIY Adorable Snowman with IKEA Stuff! ❄️ #IKEAhack #ChristmasDIY #SnowmanDIY #FestiveDecor #DIYChristmas #IKEAChristmas #HandmadeChristmas #SnowmanMagic"
Michelle McRae on Instagram: "Details👇🏼 These twine ball ornaments are so easy to make and so beautiful in person. I wrapped a balloon with plastic wrap, dipped some twine in clear-drying craft glue, then popped it 24 hours later and removed the balloon and plastic. Glue a natural or decorative garnish to the top and these small ornaments add the perfect amount of rustic charm to any Christmas tree. If you need details or supply links, comment TWINE ORNAMENT and I’ll message you everything (links earn commissions)."
Michelle McRae on Instagram: "Details👇🏼 This giant cup of hot chocolate was so easy to make and is the perfect addition to any winter holiday decor. I saw @grace.of.spades722 make one last year and I knew I had to make one in time for this holiday season. I painted a big planter, glued together some pool noodle scraps, carved some foam marshmallows, and sealed it and it adds so much festive fun (and storage under the Christmas tree) to any holiday decor. 📌 Comment GIANT MUG if you need details or supply links and I’ll message you everything (links earn commissions). 🚨 Tag a friend who loves DIY winter holiday crafts as much as we do."
🌿 Nicky🌻| eco crafts for my littlies and me! on Instagram: "🍂 Compostable autumn lantern 🍂 ✨ Save for a seasonal make that doesn't cost the earth! Many people have pointed out that using a balloon is not as eco friendly as possible. Latex biodegradable balloons can be bought. Or please do consider using an inflatable ball or similar. As the nights grow longer and the days darker, this simple craft is a perfect way to bring a little light and nature into your home. Best of all, it's completely compostable when the season is over! I was excited to try making a 100% glue-free lantern. While there are plenty of amazing eco-friendly glue recipes (check out @northwoodsfolk), I opted to keep it simple this time and use just water to bind the sheets of kitchen paper. Later I tried a mix of