One Step Beyond

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Who is going to believe Ellen now? This could not have been an hallucination.
Ellen phones Dr. Grayson, who had treated her for alcoholism. Dr. Grayson comes over right away.
Harry returns in time to inquire, "Who was here, Ellen?"
Dr. Grayson tells Ellen that Harry could not possibly have been here, because he was in an accident.
It seems that something did indeed happen here tonight, Harry tells Dr. Mason.
Harry Grayson tells Dr. Mason (Charles Webster) that Ellen is not drunk, but a changed person.
The visit from the past and the lingering cigar band make Ellen fall in love all over again.
Did Ellen keep a souvenir from the hospital? No. Harry did not give it to her then, but moments ago.
Harry listens to Ellen, whom he believes now is telling the truth.