Master’s Degree Pic Captions

7 Pins
Noelito Flow
literally how I have felt my entire life. I never ever though that this day would ever come. I honestly never thought I would make it this far. Now, I am graduating from high school today!! I am so blessed!!!!!!
My masters graduation cap. What she tackles she masters. Top two edges list what I tackled (depression, anxiety, abuse, poverty, Von willebrands, adhd) in order to master the bottom two edges my BA from UWO and my MPA from OU! I LOVE how this turned out!
Don't let their insecurities disrupt you.Boss Babe & CEO of Hello Fearless @SaraDavidson will be sharing 10 of her master secrets on how to make even your most far fetched goals a reality this year. Click the link in our bio or visit to register for this FREE & exclusive virtual masterclass happening Tuesday Feb 9 at 8 PM EST/ 5 PM PST. " #bossbabe
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