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p Botti arkistoi 4 keskustelua (vanhempi kuin 28 päivää) arkistoon Wikipedia:Uutiskirjeet/Arkisto 18, Wikipedia:Uutiskirjeet/Arkisto 19.
Rivi 1:
|counter = 18
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|maxarchivesize = 120K
|algo = old(28d)
|minthreadstoarchive = 4
|algo = old(28d)
|archiveheader = {{Arkisto}}
|minthreadsleft = 10
|counter = 19
|archive = Wikipedia:Uutiskirjeet/Arkisto %(counter)d
Rivi 91:
The new issue of the newsletter is out! Thanks to everyone who submitted stories and helped with the publication. We hope you enjoy this issue of the Education Newsletter.-- [[User:Saileshpat|Sailesh Patnaik]] using [[User:Saileshpat|Saileshpat]] ([[User talk:Saileshpat|talk]]) 19:07, 1 April 2017 (UTC)
<!-- Viestin on lähettänyt Käyttäjä:Saileshpat@metawiki käyttämällä luetteloa, joka on sijainnissa -->
== Wikidata weekly summary #268 ==
<div class="plainlinks mw-content-ltr" lang="en" dir="ltr">
<div style="margin-top:10px; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">''Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.''</div>
<div style="-moz-column-count:2; -webkit-column-count:2; column-count:2; -webkit-column-width: 400px; -moz-column-width: 400px; column-width: 400px;">
* '''[[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Events|Events]]/[[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Press coverage|Press/Blogs]]'''
** Upcoming: [[d:Wikidata:Events/Africa Open Data Conference, Accra|Africa Open Data Conference]] in Accra, including a Wikidata editathon on July 17th
** Past: Celtic Knot Conference, Edinburgh, including several presentations related to Wikidata ([ tweets about Wikidata during the conference])
** Past: [[m:WikiWomenCamp 2017|WikiWomenCamp]] (including a Wikidata presentation by Harmonia Amanda)
** [ A visual exploration of musical bands on Wikidata], by RAW Graphs team
* '''[[d:Wikidata:WikidataCon 2017|WikidataCon]]'''
** Last days of the scholarship process! If you need to be funded for the WikidataCon, please [ fill the form] before July 16th
** [[Wikidata:WikidataCon 2017/Program/Ideas|Which discussions, workshops, demos should be covered during the WikidataCon?]]
* '''Other Noteworthy Stuff'''
** We have some real [[d:Q72265|Meta data]]!
** The [[m:Grants:IEG/StrepHit: Wikidata Statements Validation via References/Profile|StrepHit team]] has submitted an [[m:Grants:IEG/StrepHit: Wikidata Statements Validation via References/Renewal|official uplift proposal]] for the [[d:Wikidata:Primary sources tool|primary sources tool]]
** [[d:Wikidata:Project chat#Migration of constraint definitions to property statements|Migration of constraint definitions to property statements]] around July 12th
** Sitelinks for the new [[d:Q30286865|Atikamekw Wikipedia (atjwiki)]] can be [{{int:lang}} added]
** Citation management tool [[w:en:Zotero|Zotero]] can now read data from Wikidata, and can write data from other sources to Wikidata via [ QuickStatements]. See [[d:Wikidata:Zotero|Wikidata:Zotero]] for details.
** [[d:Wikidata:Project chat#New step towards structured data for Commons is now available: federation|New step towards structured data for Commons is now available]]
** One week after [[d:Q31000000|Q31000000]] we have [[d:Q32000000|Q32000000]]
* '''Did you know?'''
** Newest [[d:Special:ListProperties|properties]]: [[:d:Property:P4122|PalDat plant ID]], [[:d:Property:P4121|openAIP ID]], [[:d:Property:P4120|Ontario Heritage Act Register ID]], [[:d:Property:P4119|NLS Geographic Names Place ID]], [[:d:Property:P4118|NLS-FI Geographic Name ID]], [[:d:Property:P4117|National Record of the Historic Environment ID]], [[:d:Property:P4116|JewAge person ID]], [[:d:Property:P4115|INSPIRE ID]], [[:d:Property:P4114|ADK member ID]], [[:d:Property:P4113|FRED time-series ID]], [[:d:Property:P4112|danskfilmogtv person]], [[:d:Property:P4111|danskefilm TV Christmas calendar]], [[:d:Property:P4110|Crunchyroll ID]], [[:d:Property:P4109|URN-NBN]], [[:d:Property:P4108|Gedbas genealogy person ID]], [[:d:Property:P4107|Framalibre ID]], [[:d:Property:P4106|Finnish archaeological heritage ID]], [[:d:Property:P4105|EGF rating]], [[:d:Property:P4104|Carnegie Hall agent ID]], [[:d:Property:P4103|assets under management]], [[:d:Property:P4102|Atlas of Hillforts ID]], [[:d:Property:P4101|dissertation submitted to]]
** Query examples:
*** [ Scientific articles from PubMed that mention what version of STATA was used] ([ source])
*** [ 1000 places in UK that have no label in Welsh] ([ source])
*** [ Wikivoyage banners for French municipalities] ([ source])
*** [ Paintings with musical instruments from Spain or related to Spain] ([ source])
*** [ Images of things or persons in Wikidata with a Github account] ([ source])
*** [ Map of birthplaces of women who were educated in Edinburgh university] ([ source])
** Newest database reports: [[d:Category:P641 only reports|reports with items that only have a P641-statement (sport)]]
* '''Development'''
** Search results will not only show labels but also descriptions with language fallbacks ([[gerrit:362215]]). Thanks to Matěj Suchánek!
** Fixed link to the file description page in the Image Header gadget ([[phab:T169558]])
** Forms of the Lexeme are multi-variant ([[phab:T165575]])
** Preparing a demonstration of referencing Forms and Sense of a Lexeme in statements ([[phab:T169716]])
** Property constraint definitions will be migrated to statements ([[phab:T169647]], [[Wikidata:Project chat#Migration of constraint definitions to property statements|Project chat]])
** Implemented “Format” constraint ([[phab:T102752]], [[d:Help:Property constraints portal/Format|help page]])
[[phab:maniphest/query/4RotIcw5oINo/#R|You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here]].
* '''Monthly Tasks'''
** Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
** Comment on property proposals: [[d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Overview|all open proposals]]
** [[d:Wikidata:Contribute/Suggested and open tasks|Suggested and open tasks]]!
** Contribute to a [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Showcase items|Showcase item]].
** Help [[d:Special:LanguageStats|translate]] or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
** [[d:User:Pasleim/projectmerge|Help merge identical items]] across Wikimedia projects.
** Help [[d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next|write the next summary!]]
<div style="margin-top:10px; font-size:90%; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">'''[[:d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Status updates/2017 07 10|Read the full report]]''' &middot; [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/Wikidata|Unsubscribe]] &middot; [[:d:User:Lea Lacroix (WMDE)|Lea Lacroix (WMDE)]] 10. heinäkuuta 2017 kello 17.16 (EEST)
<!-- Viestin on lähettänyt Käyttäjä:Lea Lacroix (WMDE)@metawiki käyttämällä luetteloa, joka on sijainnissa -->
== [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2017/28|Tech News: 2017-28]] ==
<section begin="technews-2017-W28"/><div class="plainlinks mw-content-ltr" lang="fi" dir="ltr"><div class="plainlinks">
Wikimedia-yhteisön uusimmat '''[[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News|tech-uutiset]]'''. Toivomme sinun jakavan tietoa näistä muutoksista yhteisössäsi. Uutiset on käännetty [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2017/28|toisille kielille]].
'''Tuoreet muutokset'''
* There are sometimes links to pages about the same thing on other Wikimedia projects. A Wikipedia article about Berlin can link to the Wikivoyage guide or Wiktionary entry about Berlin. You can now see when that page has a badge. A badge could be the star that shows that an article is a featured article. []
'''Muutokset tällä viikolla'''
* <span title="Toistuva kohde">[[File:Octicons-sync.svg|12px|link=]]</span> MediaWikin [[mw:MediaWiki 1.30/wmf.9|uusi versio]] otetaan käyttöön testiwikeissä ja MediaWiki.orgissa {{#time:j. F"ta"|2017-07-11|fi}}. Se otetaan käyttöön kaikissa ei-Wikipedia-wikeissä ja joissakin Wikipedioissa {{#time:j. F"ta"|2017-07-12|fi}}. Se on käytössä kaikissa wikeissä {{#time:j. F"ta"|2017-07-13|fi}} ([[mw:MediaWiki 1.30/Roadmap|kalenteri]]).
* <span title="Toistuva kohde">[[File:Octicons-sync.svg|12px|link=]]</span> Voit osallistua seuraavaan tapaamiseen Editing-tiimin kanssa. Tapaamisten aikana voit kertoa kehittäjille tärkeistä ongelmista. Tapaaminen on [ {{#time:j. F"ta"|2017-07-11|fi}} klo 19.00 (UTC)]. Katso [[mw:Editing team/Weekly triage meetings|miten voit liittyä]].
'''Tulevia muutoksia'''
*Mobiilikäyttäjät voivat muokata Wikipediaa ilman JavaScriptiä, joten myös vanhoilla kännyköillä on mahdollista muokata wikejä. Tämä muutos tapahtuu 18. heinäkuuta useimmissa wikeissä. []
*We will [[mw:Parsing/Replacing Tidy/FAQ|not use]] [[w:en:HTML Tidy|Tidy]] on Wikimedia wikis in the future. It will be replaced by June 2018. It could be earlier. Editors will need to fix pages that could break. You can read the [[mw:Parsing/Replacing_Tidy/FAQ#What will editors need to do.3F|simplified instructions for editors]].
'''''[[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News|Tech-uutiset]]''' on [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/Writers|tech-uutisten kirjoittajien]] kokoama ja sen välittää [[m:Special:MyLanguage/User:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWikin viestinvälitys]] • [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News#contribute|Osallistu]] • [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2017/28|Käännä]] • [[m:Tech|Kysy apua]] • [[m:Talk:Tech/News|Anna palautetta]] • [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/Tech ambassadors|Tilaa tai peru tilaus]].''
</div></div> <section end="technews-2017-W28"/> 10. heinäkuuta 2017 kello 18.07 (EEST)
<!-- Viestin on lähettänyt Käyttäjä:Trizek (WMF)@metawiki käyttämällä luetteloa, joka on sijainnissa -->
== ''This Month in GLAM'': June 2017 ==
{| style="width:100%;"
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{| align="center"
| <center>[[File:This month in GLAM logo.png|350px|center|link=outreach:GLAM/Newsletter]]</center><br/>
<hr />
<div style="font-size:12pt; font-family:Times New Roman; text-align:center;">[[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017|<font color="darkslategray">This Month in GLAM – Volume VII, Issue VI, June 2017</font>]]</div>
<hr /><br />
|- style="text-align: center;"
| <font style="font-size:12pt; font-family:Times New Roman;"> '''<u>Headlines</u>'''</font>
|- style="font-size:10pt; font-family:Times New Roman; text-align:center;"
| <div style="text-align:left; column-count:2; column-width:28em; -moz-column-count:2; -moz-column-width:28em; -webkit-column-count:2; -webkit-column-width:28em; vertical-align:top;">
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Argentina report|Argentina report]]: Campaign #1lib1ref in Buenos Aires, new material donated and guidelines for cultural institutions
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Basque Country report|Basque Country report]]: Idazlezainak: librarians as writers' curators
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Belgium report|Belgium report]]: GLAM seminar Sharing is Caring
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Bulgaria report|Bulgaria report]]: Bulgarian GLAM activists were awarded with the "Friends of the Archives" Award
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Côte d'Ivoire report|Côte d'Ivoire report]]: Strategy discussion with GLAM partners
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Czech Republic report|Czech Republic report]]: WikiCity Litovel
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Estonia report|Estonia report]]: Summer school about photographic collections
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/France report|France report]]: Conference for Archives of Gironde
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Germany report|Germany report]]: "Wiki Loves Music" project features musical instruments from two museums, and more
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Italy report|Italy report]]: Edit-a-thons & libraries
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Macedonia report|Macedonia report]]: New collaboration of GLAM Macedonia user group with the City Library in Skopje
<br />
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Netherlands report|Netherlands report]]: Workshop children's books, Sharing is Caring Brussels, short WiR period at Utrecht University Library & Preparations medieval image donation
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Russia report|Russia report]]: WikiProjects of students of Petrozavodsk State University
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Spain report|Spain report]]: Wikipedia and the Museum of Málaga
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Sweden report|Sweden report]]: Connected Open Heritage; Wiki Loves Earth; Water data on Wikidata
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/UK report|UK report]]: Summer of data
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Ukraine report|Ukraine report]]: Sharing images in print and digital
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/USA report|USA report]]: June is bustin' out all over
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Wikidata report|Wikidata report]]: Requesting your input; news from MySociety
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/WMF GLAM report|WMF GLAM report]]: Welcome; Documentation Update; Other updates
* [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Events|Calendar]]: July's GLAM events
| style="font-size:10pt; font-family:Times New Roman; text-align:center;" | <center><small>[[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter|Read this edition in full]] &bull; [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Single|Single-page]]</small></center>
| valign="top" colspan="2" style="padding:0.5em; font-family:Times New Roman;text-align:center; font-size:85%;" |
To assist with preparing the newsletter, please visit the [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/Newsroom|newsroom]]. Past editions may be viewed [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/Archives|here]].
<div style="margin-top:10px; font-size:90%; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">[[m:GLAM/Newsletter/About|About ''This Month in GLAM'']] · [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/GLAM|Subscribe/Unsubscribe]] · [[m:MassMessage|Global message delivery]] · [[:m:User:Romaine|Romaine]] 11. heinäkuuta 2017 kello 06.45 (EEST)</div>
<!-- Viestin on lähettänyt Käyttäjä:Romaine@metawiki käyttämällä luetteloa, joka on sijainnissa -->
== ''The Signpost'': 15 July 2017 ==
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"><div style="margin-top:10px; font-size:90%; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">[[File:WikipediaSignpostIcon.svg|40px|right]] ''News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's weekly journal about Wikipedia and Wikimedia''</div>
<div style="-moz-column-count:2; -webkit-column-count:2; column-count:2;">
* News and notes: [[w:en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2017-07-15/News and notes|French chapter woes, new affiliates and more WMF team changes]]
* Featured content: [[w:en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2017-07-15/Featured content|Spectacular animals, Pine Trees screens, and more]]
* In the media: [[w:en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2017-07-15/In the media|Concern about access and fairness, Foundation expenditures, and relationship to real-world politics and commerce]]
* Recent research: [[w:en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2017-07-15/Recent research|The chilling effect of surveillance on Wikipedia readers]]
* Op-ed: [[w:en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2017-07-15/Op-ed|Why Task Forces are Dying in 2017]]
* Gallery: [[w:en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2017-07-15/Gallery|A mix of patterns]]
* Humour: [[w:en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2017-07-15/Humour|The Infobox Game]]
* Traffic report: [[w:en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2017-07-15/Traffic report|Film, television and Internet phenomena reign with some room left over for America's birthday]]
* Technology report: [[w:en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2017-07-15/Technology report|New features in development; more breaking changes for scripts]]
* Wikicup: [[w:en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2017-07-15/Wikicup|2017 WikiCup round 3 wrap-up]]
<div style="margin-top:10px; font-size:90%; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">'''[[w:en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost|Read this Signpost in full]]''' · [[w:en:Wikipedia:Signpost/Single|Single-page]] · [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/Signpost|Unsubscribe]] · [[m:Global message delivery|Global message delivery]] 15. heinäkuuta 2017 kello 04.47 (EEST)
<!-- Viestin on lähettänyt Käyttäjä:Evad37@metawiki käyttämällä luetteloa, joka on sijainnissa -->
== Wikidata weekly summary #269 ==