
Use this template in a table caption to visualize its data with an external tool. The template creates a link to the visualization.

Possible values of parameter chart= are: pie, bar, col, line, sparkline, scatter, area, geomap, intensitymap. For motion chart, see w:en:template:motionchart.

{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+ {{نمایش‌دهنده| Table title |chart=pie |link=View}}
! Task !! Hours per Day
|Work || 11
|Eat|| 2
|Commute|| 2
|Watch TV|| 2
|Sleep || 7

Other parameters: title, nbOfColumns, width and height.

Table title  (View)
Task Hours per Day
Work 11
Eat 2
Commute 2
Watch TV 2
Sleep 7

The DataVisualizer tool can be used on other projects. It uses the

MediaWiki and Visualization APIs.