The 5 best superhero catchphrases

From the Tick to Doctor Strange, our favorite comic book heroes are often armed with a memorable catchphrase.  

Super sayings

Super sayings
Doctor Strange; The Hulk; The Tick; Billy Baston; Beast. DC Comics; Marvel; New England Comics

What's a superhero without a catchphrase? Whether it's a declaration of victory, a warning of what's to come, or simply a trademark interjection, catchphrases are as essential to our favorite guardians as capes and sidekicks. Check out the five best, ahead.

5. "Shazam!" —Billy Batson

"Shazam!" —Billy Batson
"Shazam!" —Billy Batson. DC Comics

Things get marvelous when an ordinary teen utters the shnazzy word.

4. "Hulk smash!" —The Hulk

"Hulk smash!" —The Hulk
"Hulk smash!" —The Hulk. Marvel

His prepunch catchphrase is anything but flat.

3. "Oh, my stars and garters!" —Beast

"Oh, my stars and garters!" —Beast
"Oh, my stars and garters!" —Beast. Marvel

A sign of astonishment, for sure.

2. "By the hoary hosts of Hoggoth!" —Doctor Strange

"By the hoary hosts of Hoggoth!" —Doctor Strange
"By the hoary hosts of Hoggoth!" —Doctor Strange. Marvel

This postgraduate shout­out can invoke magical beings.

1. "Spoooooon!" —The Tick

"Spoooooon!" —The Tick
"Spoooooon!" —The Tick. New England Comics

He shouts this non­sensical battle cry before forking you up.

BONUS: "Excelsior!" —Stan Lee

"Excelsior!" —Stan Lee
"Excelsior!" —Stan Lee. Marvel

The original sign­-off for his monthly column.

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