Charles Alexander Jencks (Baltimore, 1939ko ekainaren 21a - Londres, 2019ko urriaren 13a) estatubatuar kultura-teorialari, paisaia-diseinatzaile eta arkitekturaren historialaria izan zen. Hogeita hamar liburu baino geihago argitaratu zituen eta postmodernismoaren teorialari gisa ezagutu zen. Paisaien arkitekturan ere aritu zen, batez ere Eskozian. Paisaia horien artean Garden of Cosmic Speculation dago, Edinburgotik gertu.

Charles Jencks

JaiotzaBaltimore1939ko ekainaren 21a
Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
HeriotzaLondres2019ko urriaren 13a (80 urte)
Heriotza moduaberezko heriotza: minbizia
Ezkontidea(k)Maggie Keswick Jencks (en) Itzuli
Louisa Caroline Mary Farrell (en) Itzuli  (2006 -
HeziketaHarvard Unibertsitatea
Londresko University College
Harvard Graduate School of Design (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakarkitektoa, historialaria, paisaiaren arkitektoa, arkitekturaren teorikoa, kritikaria, diseinatzailea eta arte-historialaria
Lan nabarmenak
Zulo Beltza Garden of Cosmic Speculationen

Bibliografia hautatua

  • The Architecture of Hope: Maggie's Cancer Caring Centres, 2nd edition, by Charles Jencks, Frances Lincoln, 2015
  • The Story of Post-Modernism: Five Decades of the Ironic, Iconic and Critical in Architecture, Wiley, London, 2011.
  • The Universe in the Landscape, Landforms by Charles Jencks, Frances Lincoln, London, 2011.
  • The Architecture of Hope - Maggie's Cancer Caring Centres, Frances Lincoln, London, 2010.
  • Critical Modernism - Where is Post Modernism Going?, Wiley Academy, London, 2007.
  • The Iconic Building - The Power of Enigma, Frances Lincoln, London, 2005.
  • The Garden of Cosmic Speculation, Frances Lincoln Limited, London, October 2003.
  • The New Paradigm in Architecture, (seventh edition of The Language of Post-Modern Architecture), Yale University Press, London, New Haven, 2002.
  • Le Corbusier and the Continual Revolution in Architecture, The Monacelli Press, 2000
  • Architecture 2000 and Beyond, (Critique & new predictions for 1971 book), Academy, Wiley, May 2000
  • The Architecture of the Jumping Universe, Academy, London & NY, 1995. Second Edition Wiley, 1997.
  • Heteropolis - Los Angeles, The Riots & Hetero-Architecture, Academy, London & NY, 1993.
  • The New Moderns, Academy London, Rizzoli, NY 1990.
  • The Prince, The Architects and New Wave Monarchy, Academy, London and Rizzoli, NY 1988.
  • Post-Modernism, The New Classicism in Art and Architecture, Rizzoli, NY and Academy, London 1987; German edition, 1987, reprinted 1988.
  • What is Post-Modernism?, St Martins Press, NY 1986, Academy, London 1986. Second Edition 1988. Third Edition 1989. Fourth Edition 1996.
  • Towards A Symbolic Architecture, Rizzoli, NY; Academy, London 1985.
  • Kings of Infinite Space, St. Martins Press, NY; Academy, London 1983.
  • Abstract Representation, St. Martins Press, NY 1983, Architectural Design monograph, London 1983.
  • Current Architecture (UK edition), Architecture Today (US edition), Academy Editions, London, 1982.
  • Skyscrapers - Skycities, Rizzoli, NY 1980, Academy, London 1980.
  • Signs, Symbols and Architecture, edited with Richard Bunt and Geoffrey Broadbent, John Wiley, NY and London 1980.
  • Late-Modern Architecture, Rizzoli, NY 1980, Academy, London 1980. Translated into German and Spanish.
  • Bizarre Architecture, Rizzoli, NY 1979 and Academy, London 1979.
  • The Language of Post-Modern Architecture, Rizzoli, NY 1977, revised 1978, Third Ed. 1980, Fourth Ed. 1984, Fifth Ed. 1988, Sixth Ed. 1991, Academy Editions London 1977, 1978, 1980, 1984, 1991.
  • Modern Movements in Architecture, Anchor Press, NY 1973.
  • Adhocism, with Nathan Silver, Doubleday, NY 1972; Reprinted with a new Introduction and new Post-Script, MIT Press, 2013.
  • Architecture 2000: predictions and methods. Londres, Studio Vista, 1971
  • "Notes on the Complexities of Post-Modernism", in The Fortnightly Revue