The Times: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Ezabatutako edukia Gehitutako edukia
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Rescuing 1 sources and tagging 0 as dead.) #IABot (v2.0.9.5
(26 erabiltzailek tartean egindako 41 berrikusketa ez dira erakusten)
1. lerroa:
{{aldizkari infotaula I remember the present Prime Minister of Thailand. Wasn't he an Estate Agent from Woking Surrey. How did he come to get involved in Satanic Games that led to the murder of some of my children and my father and Aunt and Uncle and JCB founder Joseph C Bamford and Alex Shilton of the designer brand SHILTON ????? WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN DOING pRIME MINISTER GORDON BROWN AIDING AND ABETTING MR SHINAWATRA AND HIS HEROIN CLASS A DRUG USER NETWORL ??????????????????????????????????????????? YOU AND YOUR PROCRASTINATING LABOUR PARTY ARE PARTY TO THE DEATH OF A WHOLE LOAD OF PROMINENT PEOPLE WHO SUPPORTED THE UK's BALANCE SHEET.
| lehen alea = [[1785]]
| azken alea =
| mota = Informazio orokorra
| lurraldea = {{bandera|Erresuma Batua}}
| hiria = [[Londres|London]]
| ideologia =Kontserbadorea
| hizkuntza = Ingelesa
| maiztasuna = Egunero
| argitaratzea = Goizez
| salneurria = £ 0,90 astelehenetik ostiralera<br />
£ 2 larunbatetan<br/>
£ 1,30 larunbatetan [[Eskozia]]n
| salneurri urtea = 2014
| formatua =
| zutabeak =
| orrialdeak =
| aleak =
| zabalkundea =
| kolorea =
| argitaletxea = Times Newspapers Ltd
| sortzailea =John Walter
| zuzendaria = John Witherow
| erredaktoreak =[[John Witherow]] <ref name="Rushton">Katherine Rushton [ "John Witherow named acting editor of The Times as News International eyes merger"],, 18 January 2013</ref>
| zutabegileak =
| binetagileak
| ISSN = 0140-0460
| webgunea = /
'''The Times''' [[egunkari]] [[britainiar]] beteranoa da, [[Europa]]ko kazeta aktibo zaharrenetarikoa dena. Sorreran, [[Erresuma Batua]] bera sortu baino lehen, ''"The Daily Universal Register"'' izena zeukan.
I recall him and his friends coming after me to attack me just behind The Dusit Thani Hotel They were involved with satanic games and the Heroin business. Get him out of Government House and into a Royal Thai Police Prison Cell under The Anti-Terrorism Act immediately. He is a fraud placed by the Heroin Class a Drug trade.. Also…..
And here is another company that needs an asset freeze possible money laundering issue Heroin Class A Illicit drug. Is Edgeworth anything to do with Crawley and The battersea Power station Boiler accident that killed a man back in the 1980s was it really an accident ????? Mr Crawley lost the contract to demolish Battersea Power station. It was finished by Mr Lewis Smith and Mr Alf Benham who were shareholders and Directros of Rigging International Ltd a company with a first class reputation. Mr Benham assisted on supplying the necessary heavy plant and cranes for the construction of the new River Severn Bridge in partnership with Neill Lampson of the United states of America who holds US$100s of millions of plant in stock for lease and hire. That is another company I would recommend to The Premier of China Wen Jia Bao via Mr Benham. QILIN CAPITAL LLP QILIN CAPITAL LLP is just one of over 8 million businesses on the checkSURE database. From this page you can buy a company report on this business or images of any of the Companies House documents associated with it. Alternatively use the FREE business/company search box shown throughout our website to search the checkSURE database for another business.
Historikoki, Erresuma Batuko egunkari garrantzitsuena izan da, botere politikoan pisu handia izan baitu. Egunkariko jabea aldatu ondoren, [[Rupert Murdoch]] izatera pasa zenean,  batzuen ustez albisteetan britainiar kontserbadurismoaren ideiak islatzen dira. Hala eta guztiz ere, egunkariak 2001ean eta 2005ean babesa eman zion Alderdi Laborista britainiarrari.
Company #: OC307123
''The Times'', izen hori eraman duen lehen egunkaria da, munduko beste hainbat egunkariri maileguz emanez, hala nola '''[[The Times of India]]''' eta '''[[The New York Times]]'''. Titulu hau ezaguna diren herrialdeetan, egunkaria ''The London Times'' edo ''The Times of London'' bezala aipatzen da sarri, nahiz eta egunkaria hedapen eta banaketa nazionalekoa izan.
[[Times New Roman|The Times New Roman]] letra tipoaren sortzaileak izan ziren.
== Historia ==
''The Times'' egunkaria John Walterrek sortu zuen 1785ean, ''The Daily Universal Register'' izenarekin. Urtebete lehenago langabezian geratu ondoren, Henry Johnsonek asmatutako logografia-patentea erostea erabaki zuen, enpresa berri bat sortzeko. Inprimategi berriaren bidez, eguneroko publizitate-orri bat argitaratzen hasiko litzateke. ''The Daily Universal Register'' egunkariaren lehen argitalpena Britainia Handian izan zen, 1785eko urtarrilaren 1ean. 940 paper-edizio egin ondoren, John Walter nekatu egin zen publikoak Universal hitza izenetik kentzen zuelako, eta 1788an ''The Times'' izenagatik ordezkatzea erabaki zuen.
John Walterrek, egunkariko lehen editorea izan zenak, kargua utzi zuen 1803an John Walter semeari utzita. John Walter aitak 6 hilabete baino gehiago eman zituen kartzelan bere egunkariaren bidez difamatzeagatik. Nazioartean, batez ere Frantziatik, garrantzi handia zuten albisteak argitaratzeko egin zituen ahaleginek proiektu fidagarri eta kalitatezkoa bihurtu zuten ''The Times'' egunkaria.
Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — March 24, 2009 @ 5:03 am
Egunkariaren arrakasta handiagatik eta garai hartan merkatuan zegoen lehia eskasagatik, ''The Times''-ek diru kopuru handiak ordaindu ahal izango zituen informazioaren truke. ''The Times''-en eragina Ingalaterra osoan zehar izan zen, baina batez ere Londresen. Atzerriko korrespontsalak bidaltzen lehenak izan ziren hainbat gatazka belikori aurre egiteko. Garai hartan, W.H. Rusell izan zen kazetaririk garrantzitsuenetako bat, Krimeako gatazka estali baitzuen.
I remember the present Prime Minister of Thailand. He is not Thai he is from Walton Road in Woking or around that are and has no credibility at all. He is connected to the Heroin Clas A drug trade. I do not know him but I remember his face. I recall him and his friends coming after me to attack me just behind The Dusit Thani Hotel They were involved with satanic games and the Heroin business. Get him out of Government House and into a Royal Thai Police Prison Cell under The Anti-Terrorism Act immediately. He is a fraud placed by the Heroin Class a Drug trade.. Also….. And here is another company that needs an asset freeze possible money laundering issue Heroin Class A Illicit drug. Is Edgeworth anything to do with Crawley and The Battersea Power station Boiler accident that killed a man back in the 1980s was it really an accident ????? Mr Crawley lost the contract to demolish Battersea Power station. It was finished by Mr Lewis Smith and Mr Alf Benham who were shareholders and Directros of Rigging International Ltd a company with a first class reputation. Mr Benham assisted on supplying the necessary heavy plant and cranes for the construction of the new River Severn Bridge in partnership with Neill Lampson of the United states of America who holds US$100s of millions of plant in stock for lease and hire. That is another company I would recommend to The Premier of China Wen Jia Bao via Mr Benham.
1966an, Roy Thompson egunkarira iritsi zenean, lehen aldiz argitaratu ziren albisteak azalean – lehen mota guztietako iragarkiak jartzeko erabiltzen zen –. Hainbat enpresa liskarren ondoren, 1981ean [[Rupert Murdoch|Rupert Murdochen]] News UK enpresak ''The Times'' egunkaria erosi zuen. Herrialdeko beste egunkari handi batzuekin lehiatzeko ([[The Daily Telegraph|The Daily Telegraph]], [[The Guardian|The Guardian]] eta The Independent) aldaketa handiak ezarri ziren 2004. urtean, hala nola formatu txikian inprimatzea eta unitate-prezioa 60 peniketan ezartzea.
Erik Young (Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek - Einstein-Munch-Van Gogh- Gauguin-Kennedy-Nesbitt)
UN Human Rights Ambassador
== Edukiak ==
''The Times'' egunkarian mota guztietako edukiak aurki ditzakegu, bai garrantzi nazionalekoak (Erresuma Batua) bai nazioartekoak. Lehenengo orrialdeak eguneko notiziarik garrantzitsuenei eskainiak daude, eta, ondoren, iritzi-artikuluak edo iruzkinak. Orri nagusiak negozioetarako eta ekonomiarako dira, eta, jarraian, The Register-en edukien analisia. Azkenik, kirol albiste garrantzitsuenak aurkitu ditzakegu.
Horrez gain, egunkariak hainbat gehigarri ditu, hala nola ''Times2'', ''Crème'' eta ''The Times Magazine''.
QILIN CAPITAL LLP QILIN CAPITAL LLP is just one of over 8 million businesses on the checkSURE database. From this page you can buy a company report on this business or images of any of the Companies House documents associated with it. Alternatively use the FREE business/company search box shown throughout our website to search the checkSURE database for another business.
== Ildo editoriala ==
Historikoki, egunkaria beti lotu izan da politikaren alderdi kontserbadoreenarekin. Hasieratik gizarteko goi-klaseak defendatzen zituen komunikabide bat izan da, XIX. mendean bezala, ''Zerealeko Legeen'' aurka agertu zenean, esklabistekin bat eginez. Gaur egun, Britainia Handiko alderdi kontserbadoreari lotutako egunkaria da.
== Hedapena ==
Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — March 24, 2009 @ 5:15 am
Hasiera-hasieratik, egunkari erreferentea izan da Erresuma Batuan. Salmenten zifrak hobetzeko asmoz, 1996an egunkariaren web orria sortu zuten. Salmenta fisikoen zifrak egunean 600.000 kopia inguru mantentzen ziren bitartean, Interneten hasierak oso oparoak izan ziren. Punturik altuena 2009an iritsi zen, hilean '''21 milioi irakurle''' izan baitzituen Interneten. 2010etik aurrera, egunkariak online kontsumorako hileko ordainketa-kouta ezarri zuenean, zifrak hilean 2,7 milioira jaitsi ziren. Reuters Institutek egindako ikerketa baten arabera, The Times egunkariak 400.000 harpidedun izan zituen 2021. urtean.
== Jabetza ==
{| class="wikitable"
|[John Walter]]
|[[John Walter 2]]
|[[John Walter 3]]
|[[Arthur Fraser Walter]]
|[[Lord Northcliffe]]
|[[Astor familia]]
|[[Roy Thompson]]
|[[News UK]]
== Erreferentziak ==
== Kanpo estekak ==
* {{en}} [ Egunkariaren webgunea]
{{autoritate kontrola}}
{{aldizkari infotaula
| izena = The Times
| irudia =
| lehen alea = [[1785]]
| azken alea =
| mota = informazio orokorra
| lurraldea = [[Erresuma Batua]]
| hiria = [[London]]
| ideologia =
| hizkuntza = [[ingeles]]a
| maiztasuna = egunero
| argitaratzea = goizez
| salneurria =
| salneurri urtea =
| formatua =
| zutabeak =
| orrialdeak =
| aleak =
| zabalkundea =
| kolorea =
| argitaletxea = Times Newspapers Ltd
| sortzailea =
| zuzendaria =
| erredaktoreak =
| zutabegileak =
| binetagileak =
| webgunea =
'''"The Times"''' [[egunkari]] [[britainiar]] beteranoa da, [[Europa]]ko kazeta aktibo zaharrenetarikoa dena. Sorreran, [[Erresuma Batua]] bera sortu baino lehen, ''"The Daily Universal Register"'' izena zeukan.
Politikoki, eskuinerantz lerraturik dago.
== Kanpo loturak ==
* {{en}} [ Egunkariaren webgunea]
[[Kategoria:Ingelesezko egunkariak]]
[[Kategoria:Ingalaterrako egunkariak]]
[[ar:ذي تايمز]]
[[be:Часы, 1785]]
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[[en:The Times]]
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[[es:The Times]]
[[fi:The Times]]
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[[it:The Times]]
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