Setup a local cluster

For testing and development deployments, the quickest and easiest way is to set up a local cluster. For a production deployment, refer to the clustering section.

Local standalone cluster

Deploying an etcd cluster as a standalone cluster is straightforward. Start it with just one command:

$ ./etcd

The started etcd member listens on localhost:2379 for client requests.

To interact with the started cluster by using etcdctl:

# use API version 3
$ export ETCDCTL_API=3

$ ./etcdctl put foo bar

$ ./etcdctl get foo

Local multi-member cluster

A Procfile at the base of this git repo is provided to easily set up a local multi-member cluster. To start a multi-member cluster go to the root of an etcd source tree and run:

# install goreman program to control Profile-based applications.
$ go get
$ goreman -f Procfile start

The started members listen on localhost:2379, localhost:22379, and localhost:32379 for client requests respectively.

To interact with the started cluster by using etcdctl:

# use API version 3
$ export ETCDCTL_API=3

$ etcdctl --write-out=table --endpoints=localhost:2379 member list
|        ID        | STATUS  |  NAME  |       PEER ADDRS       |      CLIENT ADDRS      |
| 8211f1d0f64f3269 | started | infra1 |  |  |
| 91bc3c398fb3c146 | started | infra2 | | |
| fd422379fda50e48 | started | infra3 | | |

$ etcdctl put foo bar

To exercise etcd’s fault tolerance, kill a member:

# kill etcd2
$ goreman run stop etcd2

$ etcdctl put key hello

$ etcdctl get key

# try to get key from the killed member
$ etcdctl --endpoints=localhost:22379 get key
2016/04/18 23:07:35 grpc: Conn.resetTransport failed to create client transport: connection error: desc = "transport: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused"; Reconnecting to "localhost:22379"
Error:  grpc: timed out trying to connect

# restart the killed member
$ goreman run restart etcd2

# get the key from restarted member
$ etcdctl --endpoints=localhost:22379 get key

To learn more about interacting with etcd, read interacting with etcd section.

Last modified August 18, 2021: fix v3.1 links (#450) (5a80a26)