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This file uses embedded text that can be easily translated using a text editor.
This image was composed by rendering the crystal structures/simulations of the allotropes using VESTAS 3.4.6 (Momma, K. and Izumi, F. 2011. VESTA 3for three-dimensional visualization of crystal, volumetric and morphology data. Journal of Applied Crystallography 44(6), pp. 1272–1276. Available at: and exporting the images as SVG. The individual images were combined, edited and annotated using Atom 1.38.0.
The structures were obtained from the following sources:
C70: Rzepa, H., Locke, W., Harrison, K. and May, P. (n.d.). Molecules in Motion: An Active Chemical Exploratorium. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Jun. 2019].
Amorphous carbon: Ricolleau, C. et al. 2013. Random vs realistic amorphous carbon models for high resolution microscopy and electron diffraction. Journal of Applied Physics 114(21), p. 213504. Available at: