Hispanic Heritage Month

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Migajon: Make clay from a slice of white bread!
Here is an easy way to make your own air-dry clay. Make migajon - using a slice of white bread and craft glue.
Do It Yourself Petroglyph: Discovering Our Taino Ancestry
Petroglyphs (or ‘stone symbols’) were carved on rocks all over Puerto Rico by the indigenous Taínos to record their lives and daily life.
Multicultural Art Projects: Ecuadorian Migajón Clay
Migajón (pronounced “mee-gah-hone) clay has 2 simple ingredients that you probably have at home right now: bread crumbs (migas) and regular glue. Contemporary crafters in Ecuador use it to make miniature figures such as flowers, decorations for weddings, quinceañera parties, or baptisms. You might find some delicate flowers on an invitation, or tied onto a candle, figures as a wedding favor, or even miniature migajón sculptures made into a Christmas tree ornament.
Best Resources and Activities to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
September 15 through October 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month in the United States. It’s the perfect time to begin to inject some lessons on Hispanic culture and history into our class and homes! Whether you are looking for art, food, history, people, culture, traditions, or language: we’ve got you covered! Here are over 35 different ways to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with kids!
Futbolito | mama-tortuga
This game is called "futbolito" and is like the foosball but this one you play with your finger and a little marble!! Same rules as soccer, you are supposed to score at your opponents net!!
What is a Quijada (Jawbone Instrument)
The Quijada is a truly unusual musical instrument. It's made of the actual jawbone of a donkey and the teeth rattling in the sockets create the sound of this unusual rattle.
DIY God’s Eye
Ojos de Dios (oh-ho-day-DEE-ohs), “god’s eyes,” are ritual objects made by the Huichol (wet-chol) indigenous people of Mexico.The Huichol symbolism of the god’s eyes is primarily associated with the prayers for their children – prayers for a good long life, protection and to insure abundant crops.
Paper Cut Molas | Deep Space Sparkle
Molas are cloth panels that form part of a blouse for the Kuna women of Panama. They use a quilting technique called reverse appliqué to create the design formalizers of fabric.
Cultural Craft: Rainsticks
The rainstick is thought to have been created in either Chile or Peru by the desert peoples. It was believed to draw the attention of the rain spirits. In Chile, the rainsticks are made from dried, hollowed pieces of cactus. The spines are broken off and then hammered back into the tube, which is then filled with small stones, shells, and other items.
Alebrije or Animalito Paper Craft for Elementary Students
Pedro Linares is the artist who invented Alebrije. He made creatures that were made of different animals combined. I am going to tell his story and let my students decide if they want to change their animals paws to claws, give them wings, horns etc... They can make a more realistic animal or be inspired to create their own unique Alebrije.
Oaxacan Animals with Foil and Cardboard
MeghCallie's Art Blog: Oaxacan Animals with Foil and Cardboard
Amate Art Project for Kids: Traditional Latin American Painting Style
Amate painting art project for kids. This traditional Latin American painting style is perfect for Hispanic Heritage month, or any time of the year!