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Antique Prints & Drawings | Greek Costume - Greek Fashion - Uniform - Ancient Greece | Wood engraving | 1870
Ancient Greek Clothing | ... prints | Greek Costume - Greek Fashion - Uniform - Ancient Greece
Ancient Archives - World4 Costume Culture History
Clothing of the Greek in ancient times. Pre-Christian times.
Grécia Antiga até a Idade Média
Grécia Antiga até a Idade Média
Greek Lady of Sicily. Dame Grecque de Sicile.
Ancient Greek lady in Ionic chiton and himation
Ancient Greek Dresses by Ninidu on DeviantArt
Ancient Greek Dresses by Ninidu on deviantART, Ainara has a great board called ancient greek on costume
Mode in Hats and Headdress (Masterwork of Fashion and History) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
ANCIENT GREEK WOMENS FASHION: Women's hairstyles and accesories throughout ancient Greek history
Greeks would wear "Petasos", which we know as hats. They appeared around 1200 BC and were made to protect the greeks from weather. Just like in the photo, the "Petasos" would have chin straps so when they were not being used the hat would still ahng down the greeks back.