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Dates are inconsistent

110 results sorted by ID

2024/1454 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-17
Interval Key-Encapsulation Mechanism
Alexander Bienstock, Yevgeniy Dodis, Paul Rösler, Daniel Wichs
Public-key cryptography

Forward-Secure Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (FS-KEM; Canetti et al. Eurocrypt 2003) allows Alice to encapsulate a key $k$ to Bob for some time $t$ such that Bob can decapsulate it at any time $t'\leq t$. Crucially, a corruption of Bob's secret key after time $t$ does not reveal $k$. In this work, we generalize and extend this idea by also taking Post-Compromise Security (PCS) into account and call it Interval Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (IKEM). Thus, we do not only protect confidentiality...

2024/1255 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-05
Compass: Encrypted Semantic Search with High Accuracy
Jinhao Zhu, Liana Patel, Matei Zaharia, Raluca Ada Popa

We introduce Compass, a semantic search system over encrypted data that offers high accuracy, comparable to state-of-the-art plaintext search algorithms while protecting data, queries and search results from a fully compromised server. Additionally, Compass enables privacy-preserving RAG where both the RAG database and the query are protected. Compass contributes a novel way to traverse the Hierarchical Navigable Small Worlds (HNSW) graph, a top-performing nearest neighbor search index, over...

2024/897 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-05
Laconic Function Evaluation and ABE for RAMs from (Ring-)LWE
Fangqi Dong, Zihan Hao, Ethan Mook, Hoeteck Wee, Daniel Wichs
Public-key cryptography

Laconic function evaluation (LFE) allows us to compress a circuit $f$ into a short digest. Anybody can use this digest as a public-key to efficiently encrypt some input $x$. Decrypting the resulting ciphertext reveals the output $f(x)$, while hiding everything else about $x$. In this work we consider LFE for Random-Access Machines (RAM-LFE) where, instead of a circuit $f$, we have a RAM program $f_{\mathsf{DB}}$ that potentially contains some large hard-coded data $\mathsf{DB}$. The...

2024/753 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-25
Summation-based Private Segmented Membership Test from Threshold-Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Nirajan Koirala, Jonathan Takeshita, Jeremy Stevens, Taeho Jung
Cryptographic protocols

In many real-world scenarios, there are cases where a client wishes to check if a data element they hold is included in a set segmented across a large number of data holders. To protect user privacy, the client’s query and the data holders’ sets should remain encrypted throughout the whole process. Prior work on Private Set Intersection (PSI), Multi-Party PSI (MPSI), Private Membership Test (PMT), and Oblivious RAM (ORAM) falls short in this scenario in many ways. They either require...

2024/667 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-01
Agile, Post-quantum Secure Cryptography in Avionics
Karolin Varner, Wanja Zaeske, Sven Friedrich, Aaron Kaiser, Alice Bowman
Cryptographic protocols

To introduce a post-quantum-secure encryption scheme specifically for use in flight-computers, we used avionics’ module-isolation methods to wrap a recent encryption standard (HPKE – Hybrid Public Key Encryption) within a software partition. This solution proposes an upgrade to HPKE, using quantum-resistant ciphers (Kyber/ML-KEM and Dilithium/ML-DSA) redundantly alongside well-established ciphers, to achieve post-quantum security. Because cryptographic technology can suddenly become...

2024/068 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-05
Laconic Function Evaluation, Functional Encryption and Obfuscation for RAMs with Sublinear Computation
Fangqi Dong, Zihan Hao, Ethan Mook, Daniel Wichs
Public-key cryptography

Laconic function evaluation (LFE) is a "flipped" version of fully homomorphic encryption, where the server performing the computation gets the output. The server commits itself to a function $f$ by outputting a small digest. Clients can later efficiently encrypt inputs $x$ with respect to the digest in much less time than computing $f$, and ensure that the server only decrypts $f(x)$, but does not learn anything else about $x$. Prior works constructed LFE for circuits under LWE, and for...

2023/1969 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-12-29
Secure and Practical Functional Dependency Discovery in Outsourced Databases
Xinle Cao, Yuhan Li, Dmytro Bogatov, Jian Liu, Kui Ren
Cryptographic protocols

The popularity of cloud computing has made outsourced databases prevalent in real-world applications. To protect data security, numerous encrypted outsourced databases have been proposed for this paradigm. However, the maintenance of encrypted databases has scarcely been addressed. In this paper, we focus on a typical maintenance task --- functional dependency (FD) discovery. We develop novel FD protocols in encrypted databases while guaranteeing minimal leakages: nothing is revealed besides...

2023/1527 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-30
Adaptive Garbled Circuits and Garbled RAM from Non-Programmable Random Oracles
Cruz Barnum, David Heath, Vladimir Kolesnikov, Rafail Ostrovsky
Cryptographic protocols

Garbled circuit techniques that are secure in the adaptive setting -- where inputs are chosen after the garbled program is sent -- are motivated by practice, but they are notoriously difficult to achieve. Prior adaptive garbling is either impractically expensive or encrypts the entire garbled program with the output of a programmable random oracle (PRO), a strong assumption. We present a simple framework for proving adaptive security of garbling schemes in the non-programmable random...

2023/516 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-10
3-Party Secure Computation for RAMs: Optimal and Concretely Efficient
Atsunori Ichikawa, Ilan Komargodski, Koki Hamada, Ryo Kikuchi, Dai Ikarashi
Cryptographic protocols

A distributed oblivious RAM (DORAM) is a method for accessing a secret-shared memory while hiding the accessed locations. DORAMs are the key tool for secure multiparty computation (MPC) for RAM programs that avoids expensive RAM-to-circuit transformations. We present new and improved 3-party DORAM protocols. For a logical memory of size $N$ and for each logical operation, our DORAM requires $O(\log N)$ local CPU computation steps. This is known to be asymptotically optimal. Our...

2023/350 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-03-10
Weighted Oblivious RAM, with Applications to Searchable Symmetric Encryption
Leonard Assouline, Brice Minaud
Cryptographic protocols

Existing Oblivious RAM protocols do not support the storage of data items of variable size in a non-trivial way. While the study of ORAM for items of variable size is of interest in and of itself, it is also motivated by the need for more performant and more secure Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) schemes. In this article, we introduce the notion of weighted ORAM, which supports the storage of blocks of different sizes. In a standard ORAM scheme, each data block has a fixed size...

2023/291 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-26
PEO-Store: Practical and Economical Oblivious Store with Peer-to-Peer Delegation
Wenlong Tian, Jian Guo, Zhiyong Xu, Ruixuan Li, Weijun Xiao

The growing popularity of cloud storage has brought attention to critical need for preventing information leakage from cloud access patterns. To this end, recent efforts have extended Oblivious RAM (ORAM) to the cloud environment in the form of Oblivious Store. However, its impracticality due to the use of probability encryption with fake accesses to obfuscate the access pattern, as well as the security requirements of conventional obliviousness designs, which hinder cloud interests in...

2023/274 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-16
Panacea: Non-interactive and Stateless Oblivious RAM
Kelong Cong, Debajyoti Das, Georgio Nicolas, Jeongeun Park
Cryptographic protocols

Oblivious RAM (ORAM) allows a client to outsource storage to a remote server while hiding the data access pattern from the server. Many ORAM designs have been proposed to reduce the computational overhead and bandwidth blowup for the client. A recent work, Onion Ring ORAM (CCS'19), is able to achieve $O(1)$ bandwidth blowup in the online phase using fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) techniques, at the cost of a computationally expensive client-side offline phase. Furthermore, such a scheme...

2022/1703 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-08
Doubly Efficient Private Information Retrieval and Fully Homomorphic RAM Computation from Ring LWE
Wei-Kai Lin, Ethan Mook, Daniel Wichs
Cryptographic protocols

A (single server) private information retrieval (PIR) allows a client to read data from a public database held on a remote server, without revealing to the server which locations she is reading. In a doubly efficient PIR (DEPIR), the database is first preprocessed, but the server can subsequently answer any client's query in time that is sub-linear in the database size. Prior work gave a plausible candidate for a public-key variant of DEPIR, where a trusted party is needed to securely...

2022/1613 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-11-19
Classic McEliece Key Generation on RAM constrained devices
Rainer Urian, Raphael Schermann
Public-key cryptography

Classic McEliece is a code based encryption scheme and candidate of the NIST post quantum contest. Implementing Classic McEliece on smart card chips is a challenge, because those chips have only a very limited amount of RAM. Decryption is not an issue because the cryptogram size is short and the decryption algorithm can be implemented using very few RAM. However key generation is a concern, because a large binary matrix must be inverted. In this paper, we show how key generation can be done...

2022/1506 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-26
ORTOA: One Round Trip Oblivious Access
Sujaya Maiyya, Yuval Steinhart, Divyakant Agrawal, Prabhanjan Ananth, Amr El Abbadi

Many applications relying on cloud storage services typically encrypt their data to ensure data privacy. However, reading or writing the encrypted data to serve client requests reveals the type of client operation to a potentially untrusted cloud. An adversary can exploit this information leak to compromise a user’s privacy by tracking read/write access patterns. Existing approaches such as Oblivious RAM (ORAM) schemes hide the type of client access by always reading and then writing the...

2022/1317 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-01
On the Optimal Succinctness and Efficiency of Functional Encryption and Attribute-Based Encryption
Aayush Jain, Huijia Lin, Ji Luo
Public-key cryptography

We investigate the optimal (asymptotic) efficiency of functional encryption (FE) and attribute-based encryption (ABE) by proving inherent space-time trade-offs and constructing nearly optimal schemes. We consider the general notion of partially hiding functional encryption (PHFE), capturing both FE and ABE, and the most efficient computation model of random-access machines (RAM). In PHFE, a secret key $\mathsf{sk}_f$ is associated with a function $f$, whereas a...

2022/1275 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-26
DiAE: Re-rolling the DiSE
Alexandre Duc, Robin Müller, Damian Vizár
Secret-key cryptography

The notion of distributed authenticated encryption was formally introduced by Agrawal et al. in ACM CCS 2018. In their work, they propose the DiSE construction building upon a distributed PRF (DPRF), a commitment scheme and a PRG. We show that most of their constructions do not meet some of the claimed security guarantees. In fact, all the concrete instantiations of DiSE, as well as multiple follow-up papers (one accepted at ACM CCS 2021), fail to satisfy their strongly-secure definitions....

2022/858 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-04
Snapshot-Oblivious RAMs: Sub-Logarithmic Efficiency for Short Transcripts
Yang Du, Daniel Genkin, Paul Grubbs
Cryptographic protocols

Oblivious RAM (ORAM) is a powerful technique to prevent harmful data breaches. Despite tremendous progress in improving the concrete performance of ORAM, it remains too slow for use in many practical settings; recent breakthroughs in lower bounds indicate this inefficiency is inherent for ORAM and even some natural relaxations. This work introduces snapshot-oblivious RAMs, a new secure memory access primitive. Snapshot-oblivious RAMs bypass lower bounds by providing security only for...

2022/691 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-05-31
QuORAM: A Quorum-Replicated Fault Tolerant ORAM Datastore
Sujaya Maiyya, Seif Ibrahim, Caitlin Scarberry, Divyakant Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi, Huijia Lin, Stefano Tessaro, Victor Zakhary
Cryptographic protocols

Privacy and security challenges due to the outsourcing of data storage and processing to third-party cloud providers are well known. With regard to data privacy, Oblivious RAM (ORAM) schemes provide strong privacy guarantees by not only hiding the contents of the data (by encryption) but also obfuscating the access patterns of the outsourced data. But most existing ORAM datastores are not fault tolerant in that if the external storage server (which stores encrypted data) or the trusted proxy...

2022/591 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-05-17
Software Evaluation for Second Round Candidates in NIST Lightweight Cryptography
Ryota Hira, Tomoaki Kitahara, Daiki Miyahara, Yuko Hara-Azumi, Yang Li, Kazuo Sakiyama

Lightweight cryptography algorithms are increasing in value because they can enhance security under limited resources. National Institute of Standards and Technology is working on standardising lightweight authenticated encryption with associated data. Thirty-two candidates are included in the second round of the NIST selection process, and their specifications differ with respect to various points. Therefore, for each algorithm, the differences in specifications are expected to affect the...

2022/316 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-03-08
Bounded Functional Encryption for Turing Machines: Adaptive Security from General Assumptions
Shweta Agrawal, Fuyuki Kitagawa, Anuja Modi, Ryo Nishimaki, Shota Yamada, Takashi Yamakawa
Public-key cryptography

The recent work of Agrawal et al., [Crypto '21] and Goyal et al. [Eurocrypt '22] concurrently introduced the notion of dynamic bounded collusion security for functional encryption (FE) and showed a construction satisfying the notion from identity based encryption (IBE). Agrawal et al., [Crypto '21] further extended it to FE for Turing machines in non-adaptive simulation setting from the sub-exponential learining with errors assumption (LWE). Concurrently, the work of Goyal et al. [Asiacrypt...

2022/051 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-01-18
Titanium: A Metadata-Hiding File-Sharing System with Malicious Security
Weikeng Chen, Thang Hoang, Jorge Guajardo, Attila A. Yavuz

End-to-end encrypted file-sharing systems enable users to share files without revealing the file contents to the storage servers. However, the servers still learn metadata, including user identities and access patterns. Prior work tried to remove such leakage but relied on strong assumptions. Metal (NDSS '20) is not secure against malicious servers. MCORAM (ASIACRYPT '20) provides confidentiality against malicious servers, but not integrity. Titanium is a metadata-hiding file-sharing system...

2021/1661 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-04-12
Waldo: A Private Time-Series Database from Function Secret Sharing
Emma Dauterman, Mayank Rathee, Raluca Ada Popa, Ion Stoica
Cryptographic protocols

Applications today rely on cloud databases for storing and querying time-series data. While outsourcing storage is convenient, this data is often sensitive, making data breaches a serious concern. We present Waldo, a time-series database with rich functionality and strong security guarantees: Waldo supports multi-predicate filtering, protects data contents as well as query filter values and search access patterns, and provides malicious security in the 3-party honest-majority setting. In...

2021/1570 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-12-03
Multicast Key Agreement, Revisited
Alexander Bienstock, Yevgeniy Dodis, Yi Tang
Cryptographic protocols

Multicast Key Agreement (MKA) is a long-overlooked natural primitive of large practical interest. In traditional MKA, an omniscient group manager privately distributes secrets over an untrusted network to a dynamically-changing set of group members. The group members are thus able to derive shared group secrets across time, with the main security requirement being that only current group members can derive the current group secret. There indeed exist very efficient MKA schemes in the...

2021/1463 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-11-06
3-Party Distributed ORAM from Oblivious Set Membership
Brett Hemenway Falk, Daniel Noble, Rafail Ostrovsky
Cryptographic protocols

Distributed Oblivious RAM (DORAM) protocols allow a group of participants to obliviously access a secret-shared array at a secret-shared index, and DORAM is the key tool for secure multiparty computation (MPC) in the RAM model. In this work, we present a novel 3-party semi-honest DORAM protocol with O((κ + D) log N) communication per access, where N is the size of the memory, κ is a security parameter and D is the block size. Our protocol performs polylogarithmic computation and does not...

2021/1266 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-09-22
Update-Sensitive Structured Encryption with Backward Privacy
Zhiqiang Wu, Jin Wang, Keqin Li
Cryptographic protocols

Many recent studies focus on dynamic searchable encryption (DSE), which provides efficient data-search and data-update services directly on outsourced private data. Most encryption schemes are not optimized for update-intensive cases, which say that the same data record is frequently added and deleted from the database. How to build an efficient and secure DSE scheme for update-intensive data is still challenging. We propose UI-SE, the first DSE scheme that achieves single-round-trip...

2021/848 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-06-22
Functional Encryption for Turing Machines with Dynamic Bounded Collusion from LWE
Shweta Agrawal, Monosij Maitra, Narasimha Sai Vempati, Shota Yamada
Public-key cryptography

The classic work of Gorbunov, Vaikuntanathan and Wee (CRYPTO 2012) and follow-ups provided constructions of bounded collusion Functional Encryption (FE) for circuits from mild assumptions. In this work, we improve the state of affairs for bounded collusion FE in several ways: 1. $New$ $Security$ $Notion$. We introduce the notion of $dynamic$ bounded collusion FE, where the declaration of collusion bound is delayed to the time of encryption. This enables the encryptor to dynamically choose...

2021/709 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-09-14
Bounded Collusion ABE for TMs from IBE
Rishab Goyal, Ridwan Syed, Brent Waters
Public-key cryptography

We give an attribute-based encryption system for Turing Machines that is provably secure assuming only the existence of identity-based encryption (IBE) for large identity spaces. Currently, IBE is known to be realizable from most mainstream number theoretic assumptions that imply public key cryptography including factoring, the search Diffie-Hellman assumption, and the Learning with Errors assumption. Our core construction provides security against an attacker that makes a single key query...

2021/274 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-08-18
Large Message Homomorphic Secret Sharing from DCR and Applications
Lawrence Roy, Jaspal Singh
Cryptographic protocols

We present the first homomorphic secret sharing (HSS) construction that simultaneously (1) has negligible correctness error, (2) supports integers from an exponentially large range, and (3) relies on an assumption not known to imply FHE --- specifically, the Decisional Composite Residuosity (DCR) assumption. This resolves an open question posed by Boyle, Gilboa, and Ishai (Crypto 2016). Homomorphic secret sharing is analogous to fully-homomorphic encryption, except the ciphertexts are shared...

2021/244 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-03-07
Forward Secret Encrypted RAM: Lower Bounds and Applications
Alexander Bienstock, Yevgeniy Dodis, Kevin Yeo
Cryptographic protocols

In this paper, we study forward secret encrypted RAMs (FS eRAMs) which enable clients to outsource the storage of an n-entry array to a server. In the case of a catastrophic attack where both client and server storage are compromised, FS eRAMs guarantee that the adversary may not recover any array entries that were deleted or overwritten prior to the attack. A simple folklore FS eRAM construction with $O(\log n)$ overhead has been known for at least two decades. Unfortunately, no progress...

2021/231 Last updated: 2021-08-26
LL-ORAM: A Forward and Backward Private Oblivious RAM
Zhiqiang Wu, Xiaoyong Tang, Jin Wang, Tan Deng
Secret-key cryptography

Oblivious RAM (ORAM) enables a user to read/write her outsourced cloud data without access-pattern leakage. Not all users want a fully functional ORAM all the time since it always creates inefficiency. We show that forward-private/backward-private (FP/BP) ORAMs are also good alternatives for reducing the search-pattern leakage of dynamic searchable encryption (DSE). We introduce the FP/BP-ORAM definitions and present LL-ORAM, the first FP/BP-ORAM that achieves near-zero client storage,...

2020/1551 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-12-13
Multi-Client Oblivious RAM with Poly-Logarithmic Communication
Sherman S. M. Chow, Katharina Fech, Russell W. F. Lai, Giulio Malavolta

Oblivious RAM enables oblivious access to memory in the single-client setting, which may not be the best fit in the network setting. Multi-client oblivious RAM (MCORAM) considers a collaborative but untrusted environment, where a database owner selectively grants read access and write access to different entries of a confidential database to multiple clients. Their access pattern must remain oblivious not only to the server but also to fellow clients. This upgrade rules out many techniques...

2020/1432 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-11-15
CP-ABE for Circuits (and more) in the Symmetric Key Setting
Shweta Agrawal, Shota Yamada
Public-key cryptography

The celebrated work of Gorbunov, Vaikuntanathan and Wee provided the first key policy attribute based encryption scheme (ABE) for circuits from the Learning With Errors (LWE) assumption. However, the arguably more natural ciphertext policy variant has remained elusive, and is a central primitive not yet known from LWE. In this work, we construct the first symmetric key ciphertext policy attribute based encryption scheme (CP-ABE) for all polynomial sized circuits from the learning with...

2020/1387 Last updated: 2022-06-27
FB-Tree: Highly Efficient Tree-Based Index for Encrypted Boolean Queries in Smart Cities
Zhiqiang Wu, Kenli Li, Jin Wang, Naixue Xiong
Cryptographic protocols

To expand capacity, many resource-constrained industrial devices encrypt and outsource their private data to public clouds, employing a searchable encryption (SE) scheme that provides efficient search service directly to encrypted data. Current tree-based SE schemes can do this and support sublinear encrypted Boolean queries. However, they all suffer from log n overhead in a search procedure. To resolve the challenge, in this paper, we propose a new tree structure called the four-branch tree...

2020/1223 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-05-17
Algorithmic Acceleration of B/FV-like Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption for Compute-Enabled RAM
Jonathan Takeshita, Dayane Reis, Ting Gong, Michael Niemier, X. Sharon Hu, Taeho Jung

Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption (SHE) allows arbitrary computation with nite multiplicative depths to be performed on encrypted data, but its overhead is high due to memory transfer incurred by large ciphertexts. Recent research has recognized the shortcomings of general-purpose computing for high-performance SHE, and has begun to pioneer the use of hardware-based SHE acceleration with hardware including FPGAs, GPUs, and Compute-Enabled RAM (CE-RAM). CERAM is well-suited for SHE, as it is...

2020/203 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-12-13
MACAO: A Maliciously-Secure and Client-Efficient Active ORAM Framework
Thang Hoang, Jorge Guajardo, Attila A. Yavuz
Cryptographic protocols

Oblivious Random Access Machine (ORAM) allows a client to hide the access pattern and thus, offers a strong level of privacy for data outsourcing. An ideal ORAM scheme is expected to offer desirable properties such as low client bandwidth, low server computation overhead and the ability to compute over encrypted data. S3ORAM (CCS’17) is an efficient active ORAM scheme, which takes advantage of secret sharing to provide ideal properties for data outsourcing such as low client bandwidth, low...

2020/083 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-10-19
Metal: A Metadata-Hiding File-Sharing System
Weikeng Chen, Raluca Ada Popa

File-sharing systems like Dropbox offer insufficient privacy because a compromised server can see the file contents in the clear. Although encryption can hide such contents from the servers, metadata leakage remains significant. The goal of our work is to develop a file-sharing system that hides metadata---including user identities and file access patterns. Metal is the first file-sharing system that hides such metadata from malicious users and that has a latency of only a few seconds. The...

2019/1175 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-10-10
Revisiting Leakage Abuse Attacks
Laura Blackstone, Seny Kamara, Tarik Moataz

Encrypted search algorithms (ESA) are cryptographic algorithms that support search over encrypted data. ESAs can be designed with various primitives including searchable/structured symmetric encryption (SSE/STE) and oblivious RAM (ORAM). Leakage abuse attacks attempt to recover client queries using knowledge of the client’s data. An important parameter for any leakage-abuse attack is its known-data rate; that is, the fraction of client data that must be known to the adversary. In this work,...

2019/936 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-09-20
SNEIK on Microcontrollers: AVR, ARMv7-M, and RISC-V with Custom Instructions
Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen

SNEIK is a family of lightweight cryptographic algorithms derived from a single 512-bit permutation. The SNEIGEN ``entropy distribution function'' was designed to speed up certain functions in post-quantum and lattice-based public key algorithms. We implement and evaluate SNEIK algorithms on popular 8-bit AVR and 32-bit ARMv7-M (Cortex M3/M4) microcontrollers, and also describe an implementation for the open-source RISC-V (RV32I) Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). Our results demonstrate...

2019/811 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-07-14
SEAL: Attack Mitigation for Encrypted Databases via Adjustable Leakage
Ioannis Demertzis, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Charalampos Papamanthou, Saurabh Shintre
Cryptographic protocols

Building expressive encrypted databases that can scale to large volumes of data while enjoying formal security guarantees has been one of the holy grails of security and cryptography research. Searchable Encryption (SE) is considered to be an attractive implementation choice for this goal: It naturally supports basic database queries such as point, join and range, and is very practical at the expense of well-defined leakage such as search and access pattern. Nevertheless, recent attacks have...

2019/736 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-09-19
Onion Ring ORAM: Efficient Constant Bandwidth Oblivious RAM from (Leveled) TFHE
Hao Chen, Ilaria Chillotti, Ling Ren
Cryptographic protocols

Oblivious RAM (ORAM) is a cryptographic primitive that allows a client to hide access pattern to its data encrypted and stored at a remote server. Traditionally, ORAM algorithms assume the server acts purely as a storage device. Under this assumption, ORAM has at least $\log(N)$ bandwidth blowup for $N$ data entries. After three decades of improvements, ORAM algorithms have reached the optimal logarithmic bandwidth blowup. Nonetheless, in many practical use-cases, a constant bandwidth...

2019/639 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-06-03
Trapdoor Hash Functions and Their Applications
Nico Döttling, Sanjam Garg, Yuval Ishai, Giulio Malavolta, Tamer Mour, Rafail Ostrovsky

We introduce a new primitive, called trapdoor hash functions (TDH), which are hash functions $H: \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^\textrm{sec}$ with additional trapdoor function-like properties. Specifically, given an index $i\in[n]$, TDHs allow for sampling an encoding key $\textrm{ek}$ (that hides $i$) along with a corresponding trapdoor. Furthermore, given $\mathsf{H}(x)$, a hint value $\mathsf{E}(\textrm{ek},x)$, and the trapdoor corresponding to $\textrm{ek}$, the $i^{th}$ bit of $x$ can...

2019/632 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-06-17
Fully Homomorphic Encryption for RAMs
Ariel Hamlin, Justin Holmgren, Mor Weiss, Daniel Wichs

We initiate the study of fully homomorphic encryption for RAMs (RAM-FHE). This is a public-key encryption scheme where, given an encryption of a large database $D$, anybody can efficiently compute an encryption of $P(D)$ for an arbitrary RAM program $P$. The running time over the encrypted data should be as close as possible to the worst case running time of $P$, which may be sub-linear in the data size. A central difficulty in constructing a RAM-FHE scheme is hiding the sequence of memory...

2019/359 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-03-08
SANNS: Scaling Up Secure Approximate k-Nearest Neighbors Search
Hao Chen, Ilaria Chillotti, Yihe Dong, Oxana Poburinnaya, Ilya Razenshteyn, M. Sadegh Riazi

The $k$-Nearest Neighbor Search ($k$-NNS) is the backbone of several cloud-based services such as recommender systems, face recognition, and database search on text and images. In these services, the client sends the query to the cloud server and receives the response in which case the query and response are revealed to the service provider. Such data disclosures are unacceptable in several scenarios due to the sensitivity of data and/or privacy laws. In this paper, we introduce SANNS, a...

2019/048 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-01-25
Sub-logarithmic Distributed Oblivious RAM with Small Block Size
Eyal Kushilevitz, Tamer Mour

Oblivious RAM (ORAM) is a cryptographic primitive that allows a client to securely execute RAM programs over data that is stored in an untrusted server. Distributed Oblivious RAM is a variant of ORAM, where the data is stored in $m>1$ servers. Extensive research over the last few decades have succeeded to reduce the bandwidth overhead of ORAM schemes, both in the single-server and the multi-server setting, from $O(\sqrt{N})$ to $O(1)$. However, all known protocols that achieve a...

2019/022 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-01-09
The BIG Cipher: Design, Security Analysis, and Hardware-Software Optimization Techniques
Anthony Demeri, Thomas Conroy, Alex Nolan, William Diehl
Secret-key cryptography

Secure block cipher design is a complex discipline which combines mathematics, engineering, and computer science. In order to develop cryptographers who are grounded in all three disciplines, it is necessary to undertake synergistic research as early as possible in technical curricula, particularly at the undergraduate university level. In this work, students are presented with a new block cipher, which is designed to offer moderate security while providing engineering and analysis...

2018/953 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-06-20
A Comparative Evaluation of Order-Revealing Encryption Schemes and Secure Range-Query Protocols
Dmytro Bogatov, George Kollios, Leonid Reyzin

Database query evaluation over encrypted data can allow database users to maintain the privacy of their data while outsourcing data processing. Order-Preserving Encryption (OPE) and Order-Revealing Encryption (ORE) were designed to enable efficient query execution, but provide only partial privacy. More private protocols, based on Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE), Oblivious RAM (ORAM) or custom encrypted data structures, have also been designed. In this paper, we develop a framework to...

2018/861 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-09-22
Delegating Computations with (almost) Minimal Time and Space Overhead
Justin Holmgren, Ron D. Rothblum

The problem of verifiable delegation of computation considers a setting in which a client wishes to outsource an expensive computation to a powerful, but untrusted, server. Since the client does not trust the server, we would like the server to certify the correctness of the result. Delegation has emerged as a central problem in cryptography, with a flurry of recent activity in both theory and practice. In all of these works, the main bottleneck is the overhead incurred by the server, both...

2018/551 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-06-04
Structured Encryption and Leakage Suppression
Seny Kamara, Tarik Moataz, Olga Ohrimenko

Structured encryption (STE) schemes encrypt data structures in such a way that they can be privately queried. One aspect of STE that is still poorly understood is its leakage. In this work, we describe a general framework to design STE schemes that do not leak the query/search pattern (i.e., if and when a query was previously made). Our framework consists of two compilers. The first can be used to make any dynamic STE scheme rebuildable in the sense that the encrypted structures it...

2018/363 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-04-18
Private Anonymous Data Access
Ariel Hamlin, Rafail Ostrovsky, Mor Weiss, Daniel Wichs

We consider a scenario where a server holds a huge database that it wants to make accessible to a large group of clients. After an initial setup phase, clients should be able to read arbitrary locations in the database while maintaining privacy (the server does not learn which locations are being read) and anonymity (the server does not learn which client is performing each read). This should hold even if the server colludes with a subset of the clients. Moreover, the run-time of both the...

2018/273 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-08-04
Towards Attribute-Based Encryption for RAMs from LWE: Sub-linear Decryption, and More
Prabhanjan Ananth, Xiong Fan, Elaine Shi
Public-key cryptography

Attribute based encryption (ABE) is an advanced encryption system with a built-in mechanism to generate keys associated with functions which in turn provide restricted access to encrypted data. Most of the known candidates of attribute based encryption model the functions as circuits. This results in significant efficiency bottlenecks, especially in the setting where the function associated with the ABE key is represented by a random access machine (RAM) and a database, with the runtime of...

2018/005 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-09-05
Simple and Efficient Two-Server ORAM
S. Dov Gordon, Jonathan Katz, Xiao Wang
Cryptographic protocols

We show a protocol for two-server oblivious RAM (ORAM) that is simpler and more efficient than the best prior work. Our construction combines any tree-based ORAM with an extension of a two-server private information retrieval scheme by Boyle et al., and is able to avoid recursion and thus use only one round of interaction. In addition, our scheme has a very cheap initialization phase, making it well suited for RAM-based secure computation. Although our scheme requires the servers to perform...

2017/1180 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-08-16
FPGA-based Niederreiter Cryptosystem using Binary Goppa Codes
Wen Wang, Jakub Szefer, Ruben Niederhagen

This paper presents an FPGA implementation of the Niederreiter cryptosystem using binary Goppa codes, including modules for encryption, decryption, and key generation. We improve over previous implementations in terms of efficiency (time-area product and raw performance) and security level. Our implementation is constant time in order to protect against timing side-channel analysis. The design is fully parameterized, using code-generation scripts, in order to support a wide range of...

2017/1004 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-12-02
Garbled Protocols and Two-Round MPC from Bilinear Maps
Sanjam Garg, Akshayaram Srinivasan

In this paper, we initiate the study of \emph{garbled protocols} --- a generalization of Yao's garbled circuits construction to distributed protocols. More specifically, in a garbled protocol construction, each party can independently generate a garbled protocol component along with pairs of input labels. Additionally, it generates an encoding of its input. The evaluation procedure takes as input the set of all garbled protocol components and the labels corresponding to the input encodings...

2017/772 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-03-03
Locality-Preserving Oblivious RAM
Gilad Asharov, T-H. Hubert Chan, Kartik Nayak, Rafael Pass, Ling Ren, Elaine Shi
Cryptographic protocols

Oblivious RAMs, introduced by Goldreich and Ostrovsky [JACM'96], compile any RAM program into one that is ``memory oblivious'', i.e., the access pattern to the memory is independent of the input. All previous ORAM schemes, however, completely break the locality of data accesses (for instance, by shuffling the data to pseudorandom positions in memory). In this work, we initiate the study of locality-preserving ORAMs --- ORAMs that preserve locality of the accessed memory regions, while ...

2017/749 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-11-03
Searchable Encryption with Optimal Locality: Achieving Sublogarithmic Read Efficiency
Ioannis Demertzis, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Charalampos Papamanthou

We propose the first linear-space searchable encryption scheme with constant locality and \emph{sublogarithmic} read efficiency, strictly improving the previously best known read efficiency bound (Asharov et al., STOC 2016) from $\Theta(\log N \log \log N)$ to $O(\log ^{\gamma} N)$ where $\gamma=\frac{2}{3}+\delta$ for any fixed $\delta>0$. Our scheme employs four different allocation algorithms for storing the keyword lists, depending on the size of the list considered each time. For our...

2017/685 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-07-18
Compact-LWE: Enabling Practically Lightweight Public Key Encryption for Leveled IoT Device Authentication
Dongxi Liu, Nan Li, Jongkil Kim, Surya Nepal
Public-key cryptography

Leveled authentication allows resource-constrained IoT devices to be authenticated at different strength levels according to the particular types of communication. To achieve efficient leveled authentication, we propose a lightweight public key encryption scheme that can produce very short ciphertexts without sacrificing its security. The security of our scheme is based on the Learning With Secretly Scaled Errors in Dense Lattice (referred to as Compact-LWE) problem. We prove the hardness...

2017/674 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-08-24
Transparent Memory Encryption and Authentication
Mario Werner, Thomas Unterluggauer, Robert Schilling, David Schaffenrath, Stefan Mangard

Security features of modern (SoC) FPAGs permit to protect the confidentiality of hard- and software IP when the devices are powered off as well as to validate the authenticity of IP when being loaded at startup. However, these approaches are insufficient since attackers with physical access can also perform attacks during runtime, demanding for additional security measures. In particular, RAM used by modern (SoC) FPGAs is under threat since RAM stores software IP as well as all kinds of...

2017/663 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-07-05
Securing Memory Encryption and Authentication Against Side-Channel Attacks Using Unprotected Primitives
Thomas Unterluggauer, Mario Werner, Stefan Mangard

Memory encryption is used in many devices to protect memory content from attackers with physical access to a device. However, many current memory encryption schemes can be broken using Differential Power Analysis (DPA). In this work, we present MEAS---the first Memory Encryption and Authentication Scheme providing security against DPA attacks. The scheme combines ideas from fresh re-keying and authentication trees by storing encryption keys in a tree structure to thwart first-order DPA...

2017/586 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-09-07
Deterministic, Stash-Free Write-Only ORAM
Daniel S. Roche, Adam J. Aviv, Seung Geol Choi, Travis Mayberry

Write-Only Oblivious RAM (WoORAM) protocols provide privacy by encrypting the contents of data and also hiding the pattern of write operations over that data. WoORAMs provide better privacy than plain encryption and better performance than more general ORAM schemes (which hide both writing and reading access patterns), and the write-oblivious setting has been applied to important applications of cloud storage synchronization and encrypted hidden volumes. In this paper, we introduce an...

2017/491 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-07-13
Laconic Oblivious Transfer and its Applications
Chongwon Cho, Nico Döttling, Sanjam Garg, Divya Gupta, Peihan Miao, Antigoni Polychroniadou
Public-key cryptography

In this work, we introduce a novel technique for secure computation over large inputs. Specifically, we provide a new oblivious transfer (OT) protocol with a laconic receiver. Laconic OT allows a receiver to commit to a large input $D$ (of length $M$) via a short message. Subsequently, a single short message by a sender allows the receiver to learn $m_{D[L]}$, where the messages $m_0, m_1$ and the location $L \in [M]$ are dynamically chosen by the sender. All prior constructions of OT...

2017/014 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-02-27
ORAMs in a Quantum World
Tommaso Gagliardoni, Nikolaos P. Karvelas, Stefan Katzenbeisser

We study the security of {\em Oblivious Random Access Machines (ORAM)} in the quantum world. First we introduce a new formal treatment of ORAMs, which is at the same time elegant and simpler than the known formalization by Goldreich and Ostrovsky. Then we define and analyze the notion of post-quantum security for ORAMs, i.e., classical ORAMs resistant against quantum adversaries. We show that merely switching %from classically secure to post-quantum secure encryption in a classically...

2016/1179 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-12-30
Updatable Functional Encryption
Afonso Arriaga, Vincenzo Iovino, Qiang Tang
Public-key cryptography

Functional encryption (FE) allows an authority to issue tokens associated with various functions, allowing the holder of some token for function f to learn only f(D) from a ciphertext that encrypts D. The standard approach is to model f as a circuit, which yields inefficient evaluations over large inputs. Here, we propose a new primitive that we call updatable functional encryption (UFE), where instead of circuits we deal with RAM programs, which are closer to how programs are expressed in...

2016/946 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-10-01
Bitsliced Masking and ARM: Friends or Foes?
Wouter de Groot, Kostas Papagiannopoulos, Antonio de La Piedra, Erik Schneider, Lejla Batina

Software-based cryptographic implementations can be vulnerable to side-channel analysis. Masking countermeasures rank among the most prevalent techniques against it, ensuring formally the protection vs. value-based leakages. However, its applicability is halted by two factors. First, a masking countermeasure involves a computational overhead that can render implementations inefficient. Second, physical effects such as glitches and distance-based leakages can cause the reduction of the...

2016/882 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-01-03
MSKT-ORAM: A Constant Bandwidth ORAM without Homomorphic Encryption
Jinsheng Zhang, Qiumao Ma, Wensheng Zhang, Daji Qiao
Cryptographic protocols

This paper proposes MSKT-ORAM, an efficient multiple server ORAM construction, to protect a client’s access pattern to outsourced data. MSKT-ORAM organizes each of the server storage as a k-ary tree and adopts XOR based PIR and a novel delayed eviction technique to optimize both the data query and data eviction process. MSKT-ORAM is proved to protect the data access pattern privacy at a failure probability of $2^{80}$ when $k\geq 128$. Meanwhile, given constant local storage, when $N$ (i.e.,...

2016/849 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-01-17
Asymptotically Tight Bounds for Composing ORAM with PIR
Ittai Abraham, Christopher W. Fletcher, Kartik Nayak, Benny Pinkas, Ling Ren

Oblivious RAM (ORAM) is a cryptographic primitive that allows a trusted client to outsource storage to an untrusted server while hiding the client's memory access patterns to the server. The last three decades of research on ORAMs have reduced the bandwidth blowup of ORAM schemes from $O(\sqrt{N})$ to $O(1)$. However, all schemes that achieve a bandwidth blowup smaller than $O(\log N)$ use expensive computations such as homomorphic encryptions. In this paper, we achieve a sub-logarithmic...

2016/805 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-04-03
Constant-Round Maliciously Secure Two-Party Computation in the RAM Model
Carmit Hazay, Avishay Yanai
Cryptographic protocols

The random-access memory (RAM) model of computation allows program constant-time memory lookup and is more applicable in practice today, covering many important algorithms. This is in contrast to the classic setting of secure 2-party computation (2PC) that mostly follows the approach for which the desired functionality must be represented as a boolean circuit. In this work we design the first constant round maliciously secure two-party protocol in the RAM model. Our starting point is the...

2016/678 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-07-06
Anonymous RAM
Michael Backes, Amir Herzberg, Aniket Kate, Ivan Pryvalov
Cryptographic protocols

We define the concept of and present provably secure constructions for Anonymous RAM (AnonRAM), a novel multi-user storage primitive that offers strong privacy and integrity guarantees. AnonRAM combines privacy features of anonymous communication and oblivious RAM (ORAM) schemes, allowing it to protect, simultaneously, the privacy of content, access patterns and user’s identity, from curious servers and from other (even adversarial) users. AnonRAM further protects integrity, i.e., it...

2016/543 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-12-02
ObliviSync: Practical Oblivious File Backup and Synchronization
Adam J. Aviv, Seung Geol Choi, Travis Mayberry, Daniel S. Roche

Oblivious RAM (ORAM) protocols are powerful techniques that hide a client's data as well as access patterns from untrusted service providers. We present an oblivious cloud storage system, ObliviSync, that specifically targets one of the most widely-used personal cloud storage paradigms: synchronization and backup services, popular examples of which are Dropbox, iCloud Drive, and Google Drive. This setting provides a unique opportunity because the above privacy properties can be achieved...

2016/232 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-03-03
Efficient Privacy-Preserving Matrix Factorization via Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Sungwook Kim, Jinsu Kim, Dongyoung Koo, Yuna Kim, Hyunsoo Yoon, Junbum Shin
Cryptographic protocols

Recommendation systems become popular in our daily life. It is well known that the more the release of users’ personal data, the better the quality of recommendation. However, such services raise serious privacy concerns for users. In this paper, focusing on matrix factorization-based recommendation systems, we propose the first privacy-preserving matrix factorization using fully homomorphic encryption. On inputs of encrypted users' ratings, our protocol performs matrix factorization over...

2015/1190 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-12-16
Private Large-Scale Databases with Distributed Searchable Symmetric Encryption
Yuval Ishal, Eyal Kushilevitz, Steve Lu, Rafail Ostrovsky
Secret-key cryptography

With the growing popularity of remote storage, the ability to outsource a large private database yet be able to search on this encrypted data is critical. Searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) is a practical method of encrypting data so that natural operations such as searching can be performed on this data. It can be viewed as an efficient private-key alternative to powerful tools such as fully homomorphic encryption, oblivious RAM, or secure multiparty computation. The main drawbacks of...

2015/1156 Last updated: 2017-05-28
An Identity Based Encryption Scheme Resilient to RAM Scraper Like Malware Attacks
Dipanjan Das, Priyanka Bose, S. Sree Vivek, S. Sharmila Deva Selvi, C. Pandu Rangan
Cryptographic protocols

Modern software ecosystem is data-centric. Data exfiltration due to the attacks of Memory Scraper type malwares is an emerging threat. In this paper, we set up an appropriate mathematical model capturing the threat such attacks pose to Identity-Based Cryptosystems (IBE). Following the formalism, we demonstrate an attack on popular Boneh-Franklin CCA2 secure IBE construction that compels us to relook the fact of CCA2 being the de-facto standard of security. We offer two constructions, one...

2015/1154 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-11-30
NORX8 and NORX16: Authenticated Encryption for Low-End Systems
Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Philipp Jovanovic, Samuel Neves
Secret-key cryptography

This paper presents NORX8 and NORX16, the 8-bit and 16-bit versions of the authenticated cipher NORX, one of the CAESAR candidates. These new versions are better suited for low-end systems---such as ``internet of things'' devices---than the original 32-bit and 64-bit versions: whereas 32-bit NORX requires 64 bytes of RAM or cache memory, NORX8 and NORX16 require just 16 and 32 bytes, respectively. Both of the low-end variants were designed to retain the security properties of the initial...

2015/1153 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-11-30
Obliv-C: A Language for Extensible Data-Oblivious Computation
Samee Zahur, David Evans
Cryptographic protocols

Many techniques for secure or private execution depend on executing programs in a data-oblivious way, where the same instructions execute independent of the private inputs which are kept in encrypted form throughout the computation. Designers of such computations today must either put substantial effort into constructing a circuit representation of their algorithm, or use a high-level language and lose the opportunity to make important optimizations or experiment with protocol...

2015/1116 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-05-25
CHf-ORAM: A Constant Communication ORAM without Homomorphic Encryption
Tarik Moataz, Erik-Oliver Blass, Travis Mayberry
Cryptographic protocols

Recent techniques reduce ORAM communication complexity down to constant in the number of blocks N. However, they induce expensive homomorphic encryption on both the server and the client. In this paper, we present an alternative approach CHf-ORAM. This ORAM features constant communication complexity without homomorphic encryption, in exchange for expanding the traditional ORAM setting from single-server to multiple non-colluding servers. We show that adding as few as 4 servers allows for...

2015/1106 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-10-13
POPE: Partial Order Preserving Encoding
Daniel S. Roche, Daniel Apon, Seung Geol Choi, Arkady Yerukhimovich

Recently there has been much interest in performing search queries over encrypted data to enable functionality while protecting sensitive data. One particularly efficient mechanism for executing such queries is order-preserving encryption/encoding (OPE) which results in ciphertexts that preserve the relative order of the underlying plaintexts thus allowing range and comparison queries to be performed directly on ciphertexts. Recently, Popa et al. (S&P 2013) gave the first construction of...

2015/1068 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-11-03
Black-Box Parallel Garbled RAM
Steve Lu, Rafail Ostrovsky

In 1982, Yao introduced a fundamental technique of ``circuit garbling'' that became a central building block in cryptography. Recently, the question of garbling general random-access memory (RAM) programs received a lot of attention in the literature where garbling an encrypted data can be done separately from garbling program(s) that execute on this (garbled) RAM. The most recent results of Garg, Lu, and Ostrovsky (FOCS 2015) achieve a garbled RAM with black-box use of any one-way functions...

2015/1056 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-10-30
Information-theoretic Local Non-malleable Codes and their Applications
Nishanth Chandran, Bhavana Kanukurthi, Srinivasan Raghuraman

Error correcting codes, though powerful, are only applicable in scenarios where the adversarial channel does not introduce ``too many" errors into the codewords. Yet, the question of having guarantees even in the face of many errors is well-motivated. Non-malleable codes, introduced by Dziembowski, Pietrzak and Wichs (ICS 2010), address precisely this question. Such codes guarantee that even if an adversary completely over-writes the codeword, he cannot transform it into a codeword for a...

2015/1010 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-02-19
TWORAM: Round-Optimal Oblivious RAM with Applications to Searchable Encryption
Sanjam Garg, Payman Mohassel, Charalampos Papamanthou
Secret-key cryptography

We present TWORAM, the first efficient round-optimal oblivious RAM (ORAM) scheme. TWORAM provides oblivious access of a memory index $y$ in exactly two rounds: The client prepares an encrypted query encapsulating $y$ and sends it to the server. The server accesses memory obliviously and returns encrypted information containing the desired value $\mathsf{M}[y]$. The cost of TWORAM is only a multiplicative factor of security parameter higher than the tree-based ORAM schemes such as the path...

2015/1002 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-10-15
got HW crypto? On the (in)security of a Self-Encrypting Drive series
Gunnar Alendal, Christian Kison, modg

Self encrypting devices (SEDs) doing full disk encryption are getting more and more widespread. Hardware implemented AES encryption provides fast and transparent encryption of all user data on the storage medium, at all times. In this paper we will look into some models in a self encrypting external hard drive series; the Western Digital My Passport series. We will describe the security model of these devices and show several security weaknesses like RAM leakage, weak key attacks and even...

2015/722 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-07-21
Oblivious Substring Search with Updates
Tarik Moataz, Erik-Oliver Blass
Cryptographic protocols

We are the first to address the problem of efficient oblivious substring search over encrypted data supporting updates. Our two new protocols SA-ORAM and ST-ORAM obliviously search for substrings in an outsourced set of n encrypted strings. Both protocols are efficient, requiring communication complexity that is only poly-logarithmic in n. Compared to a straightforward solution for substring search using recent “oblivious data structures” [30], we demonstrate that our tailored solutions...

2015/668 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-07-05
The Fallacy of Composition of Oblivious RAM and Searchable Encryption
Muhammad Naveed
Cryptographic protocols

Oblivious RAM (ORAM) is a tool proposed to hide access pattern leakage, and there has been a lot of progress in the efficiency of ORAM schemes; however, less attention has been paid to study the applicability of ORAM for cloud applications such as symmetric searchable encryption (SSE). Although, searchable encryption is one of the motivations for ORAM research, no in-depth study of the applicability of ORAM to searchable encryption exists as of June 2015. In this work, we initiate the formal...

2015/570 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-08-13
Constant Communication ORAM with Small Blocksize
Tarik Moataz, Travis Mayberry, Erik-Oliver Blass
Cryptographic protocols

There have been several attempts recently at using homomorphic encryption to increase the efficiency of Oblivious RAM protocols. One of the most successful has been Onion ORAM, which achieves O(1) communication overhead with polylogarithmic server computation. However, it has two drawbacks. It requires a large block size of B = Omega(log^6 N) with large constants. Moreover, while it only needs polylogarithmic computation complexity, that computation consists mostly of expensive homomorphic...

2015/410 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-09-20
Efficient Ring-LWE Encryption on 8-bit AVR Processors
Zhe Liu, Hwajeong Seo, Sujoy Sinha Roy, Johann Großschädl, Howon Kim, Ingrid Verbauwhede

Public-key cryptography based on the ``ring-variant'' of the Learning with Errors (ring-LWE) problem is both efficient and believed to remain secure in a post-quantum world. In this paper, we introduce a carefully-optimized implementation of a ring-LWE encryption scheme for 8-bit AVR processors like the ATxmega128. Our research contributions include several optimizations for the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) used for polynomial multiplication. More concretely, we describe the Move-and-Add...

2015/406 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-12-31
Cryptography for Parallel RAM from Indistinguishability Obfuscation
Yu-Chi Chen, Sherman S. M. Chow, Kai-Min Chung, Russell W. F. Lai, Wei-Kai Lin, Hong-Sheng Zhou

Since many cryptographic schemes are about performing computation on data, it is important to consider a computation model which captures the prominent features of modern system architecture. Parallel random access machine (PRAM) is such an abstraction which not only models multiprocessor platforms, but also new frameworks supporting massive parallel computation such as MapReduce. In this work, we explore the feasibility of designing cryptographic solutions for the PRAM model of computation...

2015/198 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-03-04
Side-Channel Protection by Randomizing Look-Up Tables on Reconfigurable Hardware - Pitfalls of Memory Primitives
Pascal Sasdrich, Oliver Mischke, Amir Moradi, Tim Güneysu

Block Memory Content Scrambling (BMS), presented at CHES 2011, enables an effective way of first-order side-channel protection for cryptographic primitives at the cost of a significant reconfiguration time for the mask update. In this work we analyze alternative ways to implement dynamic first-order masking of AES with randomized look-up tables that can reduce this mask update time. The memory primitives we consider in this work include three distributed RAM components (RAM32M, RAM64M, and...

2015/005 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-11-07
Onion ORAM: A Constant Bandwidth Blowup Oblivious RAM
Srinivas Devadas, Marten van Dijk, Christopher W. Fletcher, Ling Ren, Elaine Shi, Daniel Wichs

We present Onion ORAM, an Oblivious RAM (ORAM) with constant worst-case bandwidth blowup that leverages poly-logarithmic server computation to circumvent the logarithmic lower bound on ORAM bandwidth blowup. Our construction does not require fully homomorphic encryption, but employs an additively homomorphic encryption scheme such as the Damgard-Jurik cryptosystem, or alternatively a BGV-style somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme without bootstrapping. At the core of our construction is an...

2014/769 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-09-30
Indistinguishability Obfuscation of Iterated Circuits and RAM Programs
Ran Canetti, Justin Holmgren, Abhishek Jain, Vinod Vaikuntanathan

A key source of inefficiency in existing obfuscation schemes is that they operate on programs represented as Boolean circuits or (with stronger assumptions and costlier constructs) as Turing machines. We bring the complexity of obfuscation down to the level of RAM programs. That is, assuming injective one way functions and indistinguishability obfuscators for all circuits, we construct indistinguishability obfuscators for RAM programs with the following parameters, up to polylogarithmic...

2014/766 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-09-30
Succinct Garbling Schemes and Applications
Huijia Lin, Rafael Pass

Assuming the existence of iO for P/poly and one-way functions, we show how to succinctly garble bounded-space computations (BSC) M: the size of the garbled program (as well as the time needed to generate the garbling) only depends on the size and space (including the input and output) complexity of M, but not its running time. The key conceptual insight behind this construction is a method for using iO to "compress" a computation that can be performed piecemeal, without revealing anything...

2014/594 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-08-31
Oblivious Parallel RAM and Applications
Elette Boyle, Kai-Min Chung, Rafael Pass

We initiate the study of cryptography for parallel RAM (PRAM) programs. The PRAM model captures modern multi-core architectures and cluster computing models, where several processors execute in parallel and make accesses to shared memory, and provides the “best of both” circuit and RAM models, supporting both cheap random access and parallelism. We propose and attain the notion of Oblivious PRAM. We present a compiler taking any PRAM into one whose distribution of memory accesses is...

2014/540 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-07-18
Optimized Architecture for AES
Abhijith P. S, Dr. Manish Goswami, S. Tadi, Kamal Pandey

This paper presents a highly optimized architecture for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) by dividing and merging (combining) different sub operations in AES algorithm. The proposed architecture uses ten levels of pipelining to achieve higher throughput and uses Block-RAM utility to reduce slice utilization which subsequently increases the efficiency. It achieves the data stream of 57 Gbps at 451 MHz working frequency and obtains 36% improvement in efficiency to the best known similar...

2014/431 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-12-11
A Low-Latency, Low-Area Hardware Oblivious RAM Controller
Christopher W. Fletcher, Ling Ren, Albert Kwon, Marten van Dijk, Emil Stefanov, Dimitrios Serpanos, Srinivas Devadas
Cryptographic protocols

We build and evaluate Tiny ORAM, an Oblivious RAM prototype on FPGA. Oblivious RAM is a cryptographic primitive that completely obfuscates an application's data, access pattern and read/write behavior to/from external memory (such as DRAM or disk). Tiny ORAM makes two main contributions. First, by removing an algorithmic bottleneck in prior work, Tiny ORAM is the first hardware ORAM design to support arbitrary block sizes (e.g. 64 Bytes to 4096 Bytes). With a 64-Byte block size, Tiny ORAM...

2014/344 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-09-04
Toward Robust Hidden Volumes using Write-Only Oblivious RAM
Erik-Oliver Blass, Travis Mayberry, Guevara Noubir, Kaan Onarlioglu

With sensitive data being increasingly stored on mobile devices and laptops, hard disk encryption is more important than ever. In particular, being able to plausibly deny that a hard disk contains certain information is a very useful and interesting research goal. However, it has been known for some time that existing ``hidden volume'' solutions, like TrueCrypt, fail in the face of an adversary who is able to observe the contents of a disk on multiple, separate occasions. In this work, we...

2014/205 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-06-04
Unified Oblivious-RAM: Improving Recursive ORAM with Locality and Pseudorandomness
Ling Ren, Christopher Fletcher, Xiangyao Yu, Albert Kwon, Marten van Dijk, Srinivas Devadas
Cryptographic protocols

Oblivious RAM (ORAM) is a cryptographic primitive that hides memory access patterns to untrusted storage. ORAM may be used in secure processors for encrypted computation and/or software protection. While recursive Path ORAM is currently the most practical ORAM for secure processors, it still incurs large performance and energy overhead and is the performance bottleneck of recently proposed secure processors. In this paper, we propose two optimizations to recursive Path ORAM. First, we...

2014/154 Last updated: 2014-07-15
Non-Interactive Cryptography in the RAM Model of Computation
Daniel Apon, Xiong Fan, Jonathan Katz, Feng-Hao Liu, Elaine Shi, Hong-Sheng Zhou

Using recently developed techniques for program obfuscation, we show several constructions of non-interactive cryptosystems in the random-access machine (RAM) model of computation that are asymptotically more efficient than what would be obtained using generic RAM-to-circuit compilation. In particular, let $T$ denote the running time and $n$ the memory size of a RAM program. We show that using differing-inputs obfuscation, functional encryption for arbitrary RAM programs can be achieved with...

2014/083 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-02-05
Garbled RAM Revisited, Part II
Steve Lu, Rafail Ostrovsky

In EUROCRYPT 2013, Lu and Ostrovsky proposed the notion of Garbled RAM (GRAM) programs. These GRAM programs are analogous to the classic result of Yao's garbled circuits: a large encrypted memory can first be provided to evaluator, and then a program can separately be garbled and sent to an evaluator to securely execute while learning nothing but the output of the program and its running time. The key feature of GRAM is that it harnesses the natural complexity-theoretic power that Random...

2014/082 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-02-05
Garbled RAM Revisited, Part I
Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Mariana Raykova, Daniel Wichs

The notion of *garbled random-access machines* (garbled RAMs) was introduced by Lu and Ostrovsky (Eurocrypt 2013). It can be seen as an analogue of Yao's garbled circuits, that allows a user to garble a RAM program directly, without performing the expensive step of converting it into a circuit. In particular, the size of the garbled program and the time it takes to create and evaluate it are only proportional to its running time on a RAM rather than its circuit size. Lu and Ostrovsky gave...

2013/239 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-04-29
Optimizing ORAM and Using it Efficiently for Secure Computation
Craig Gentry, Kenny Goldman, Shai Halevi, Charanjit Julta, Mariana Raykova, Daniel Wichs
Cryptographic protocols

Oblivious RAM (ORAM) allows a client to access her data on a remote server while hiding the access pattern (which locations she is accessing) from the server. Beyond its immediate utility in allowing private computation over a client's outsourced data, ORAM also allows mutually distrustful parties to run secure-computations over their joint data with sublinear on-line complexity. In this work we revisit the tree-based ORAM of Shi et al. [SCSL11] and show how to optimize its performance as a...

2013/229 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-06-09
How to Run Turing Machines on Encrypted Data
Shafi Goldwasser, Yael Kalai, Raluca Ada Popa, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Nickolai Zeldovich

Algorithms for computing on encrypted data promise to be a fundamental building block of cryptography. The way one models such algorithms has a crucial effect on the efficiency and usefulness of the resulting cryptographic schemes. As of today, almost all known schemes for fully homomorphic encryption, functional encryption, and garbling schemes work by modeling algorithms as circuits rather than as Turing machines. As a consequence of this modeling, evaluating an algorithm over encrypted...

2013/163 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-12-04
Search Pattern Leakage in Searchable Encryption: Attacks and New Construction
Chang Liu, Liehuang Zhu, Mingzhong Wang, Yu-an Tan

Searching on remote encrypted data (commonly known as \textit{searchable encryption}) has become an important issue in secure data outsourcing, since it allows users to outsource encrypted data to an untrusted third party while maintains the capability of keyword search on the data. Searchable encryption can be achieved using the classical method called oblivious RAM, but the resultant schemes are too inefficient to be applied in the real-world scenarios (e.g., cloud computing). Recently, a...

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