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4 results sorted by ID

2024/904 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-06
On round elimination for special-sound multi-round identification and the generality of the hypercube for MPCitH
Andreas Hülsing, David Joseph, Christian Majenz, Anand Kumar Narayanan
Public-key cryptography

A popular way to build post-quantum signature schemes is by first constructing an identification scheme (IDS) and applying the Fiat-Shamir transform to it. In this work we tackle two open questions related to the general applicability of techniques around this approach that together allow for efficient post-quantum signatures with optimal security bounds in the QROM. First we consider a recent work by Aguilar-Melchor, Hülsing, Joseph, Majenz, Ronen, and Yue (Asiacrypt'23) that showed...

2024/836 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-28
The Round Complexity of Proofs in the Bounded Quantum Storage Model
Alex B. Grilo, Philippe Lamontagne

The round complexity of interactive proof systems is a key question of practical and theoretical relevance in complexity theory and cryptography. Moreover, results such as QIP = QIP(3) (STOC'00) show that quantum resources significantly help in such a task. In this work, we initiate the study of round compression of protocols in the bounded quantum storage model (BQSM). In this model, the malicious parties have a bounded quantum memory and they cannot store the all the qubits that are...

2022/790 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-11-24
A Toolbox for Barriers on Interactive Oracle Proofs
Gal Arnon, Amey Bhangale, Alessandro Chiesa, Eylon Yogev

Interactive oracle proofs (IOPs) are a proof system model that combines features of interactive proofs (IPs) and probabilistically checkable proofs (PCPs). IOPs have prominent applications in complexity theory and cryptography, most notably to constructing succinct arguments. In this work, we study the limitations of IOPs, as well as their relation to those of PCPs. We present a versatile toolbox of IOP-to-IOP transformations containing tools for: (i) length and round reduction; (ii)...

2020/581 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-05-18
The Round Complexity of Perfect MPC with Active Security and Optimal Resiliency
Benny Applebaum, Eliran Kachlon, Arpita Patra
Cryptographic protocols

In STOC 1988, Ben-Or, Goldwasser, and Wigderson (BGW) established an important milestone in the fields of cryptography and distributed computing by showing that every functionality can be computed with perfect (information-theoretic and error-free) security at the presence of an active (aka Byzantine) rushing adversary that controls up to $n/3$ of the parties. We study the round complexity of general secure multiparty computation in the BGW model. Our main result shows that every...

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