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2016/905 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-09-19
Generalized Desynchronization Attack on UMAP: Application to RCIA, KMAP, SLAP and SASI$^+$ protocols
Masoumeh Safkhani, Nasour Bagheri
Cryptographic protocols

Tian et al. proposed a permutation based authentication protocol entitled RAPP. However, it came out very soon that it suffers from several security treats such as desynchronization attack. Following RAPP, several protocols have been proposed in literature to defeat such attacks. Among them, some protocols suggested to keep a record of old parameters by both the reader and the tag. In this paper we present a genrilized version of all such protocols, named GUMAP, and present an efficent...

2015/037 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-01-05
Analysis and Enhancement of Desynchronization Attack on an Ultralightweight RFID Authentication Protocol
Da-Zhi Sun, Zahra Ahmadian, Yue-Jiao Wang, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, Mohammad Reza Aref
Cryptographic protocols

As low-cost RFID tags become more and more ubiquitous, it is necessary to design ultralightweight RFID authentication protocols to prevent possible attacks and threats. We reevaluate Ahmadian et al.’s desynchronization attack on the ultralightweight RFID authentication protocol with permutation (RAPP). Our results are twofold: (1) we demonstrate that the probability of the desynchronization between the tag and the reader is 15/64 instead of 1/4 as claimed, when RAPP uses Hamming weight-based...

2013/847 Last updated: 2013-12-31
Ultralightweight cryptography for passive RFID system
Umar Mujahid, M. Najam-ul-islam, Jameel Ahmed

Radio Frequency Identification) is one of the most growing technologies among the pervasive systems. Non line of sight capability makes RFID systems much faster than its other contending systems such as barcodes and magnetic taps etc. But there are some allied security apprehensions with RFID systems. RFID security has been acquired a lot of attention in last few years as evinced by the large number of publications (over 2000). In this paper, a brief survey of eminent ultralightweight...

2013/385 Last updated: 2013-12-31
Cryptanalysis of ultralightweight RFID authentication protocol
Umar Mujahid, M. Najam-ul-islam, Jameel Ahmed, Usman Mujahid

Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is one of the most emerging technologies in the field of pervasive systems, which provides the automatic identification of the object with non-line of sight capability. RFID is much better than its contending identification scheme (Bar code) in terms of efficiency and functional haste. Although it offers many advantages over other identification schemes but there are also allied security apprehensions, so to make the system secure in a cost...

2012/702 (PDF) Last updated: 2012-12-18
Cryptanalysis of RAPP, an RFID Authentication Protocol
Nasour Bagheri, Masoumeh Safkhani, Pedro Peris-Lopez, Juan E. Tapiador
Cryptographic protocols

Tian et al. proposed a novel ultralightweight RFID mutual authentication protocol [4] that has recently been analyzed in [1], [2], [5]. In this letter, we first propose a desynchronization attack that succeeds with probability almost 1, which improves upon the 0.25 given by the attack in [1]. We also show that the bad properties of the proposed permutation function can be exploited to disclose several bits of the tag’s secret (rather than just one bit as in [2]), which increases the power of...

2012/490 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2012-09-06
Desynchronization Attack on RAPP Ultralightweight Authentication Protocol
Zahra Ahmadian, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, Mohammad Reza Aref
Cryptographic protocols

RAPP (RFID Authentication Protocol with Permutation) is a recently proposed efficient ultralightweight authentication protocol. The operation used in this protocol is totally different from the other existing ultralightweight protocols due to the use of new introduced data dependent permutations and avoidances of modular arithmetic operations and biased logical operations such as AND and OR. The designers of RAPP claimed that this protocol resists against desynchronization attacks since the...

2012/327 (PDF) Last updated: 2012-06-12
Security Analysis of RAPP An RFID Authentication Protocol based on Permutation
Wang Shao-hui, Han Zhijie, Liu Sujuan, Chen Dan-wei
Cryptographic protocols

One of the key problems in Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) is security and privacy. Many RFID authentication protocols have been proposed to preserve security and privacy of the system. Nevertheless, most of these protocols are analyzed and it is shown that they can not provide security against some RFID attacks. RAPP is a new ultralightweight authentication protocol with permutation. In RAPP, only three operations are involved: bitwise XOR, left rotation and permutation. In this paper,...

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