Paper 2024/652

Compact and Secure Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Quantum-Resistant Cryptography from Modular Lattice Innovations

Samuel Lavery

This paper presents a comprehensive security analysis of the Adh zero-knowledge proof system, a novel lattice-based, quantum-resistant proof of possession system. The Adh system offers compact key and proof sizes, making it suitable for real-world digital signature and public key agreement protocols. We explore its security by reducing it to the hardness of the Module-ISIS problem and introduce three new variants: Module-ISIS+, Module-ISIS*, and Module-ISIS**. These constructions enhance security through variations on chaining mechanisms. We also provide a reduction to the module modulus subset sum problem under conservative assumptions. Empirical evidence and statistical testing support the zero-knowledge, completeness, and soundness properties of the Adh proof system. Comparative analysis demonstrates the Adh system's advantages in terms of key and proof sizes over existing post-quantum schemes like Kyber and Dilithium. This paper represents an early preprint and is a work in progress. The core security arguments and experimental results are present, and formal proofs and additional analysis are provided. We invite feedback and collaboration from the research community to further strengthen the security foundations of the Adh system and explore its potential applications in quantum-resistant cryptography.

Note: Change 1 - Table of contents included, no other changes. Change 2 - Stronger argument regarding chaining function impact. Change 3 - Initial average to worst case hardness propagation reduction proof added, minor algorithm corrections.

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-- withdrawn --
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
Zero-Knowledge ProofsLattice-Based CryptographyPost-Quantum AlgorithmsDigital Signatures
Contact author(s)
sam @ trustlessprivacy com
2024-05-08: withdrawn
2024-04-28: received
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