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Alternative forms




Attested since 1390 (cajado). From Latin caia. Compare Portuguese cajado and Spanish cayado.





caxato m (plural caxatos)

  1. staff, shepherd's crook, cudgel
    Synonym: cachaba
    • 1390, J. L. Pensado Tomé, editor, Os Miragres de Santiago, Madrid: C.S.I.C., page 117:
      Rrulan leuaua na mão un moy boo paao rretorto com̃o cajado cõ que dou a el todo o dia moy grãdes feridas
      Roland carried in his hand an excellent staff twisted as a crook with which he delivered very large wounds all day long
    • 1697, Juan Correa Mendoza, Romanze Gallego:
      Este vos digo eu que foi / Pastor ben feyto, è dereyto, / Que traìa seu cajado,
      This I tell you was a well formed shepherd, and a straight one, who brought his crook
  2. cane, walking stick
    Synonym: bastón

Derived terms


