Wiktionary:Requested entries (Hebrew)

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Have an entry request? Add it to the list – but please:

  • Consider creating a citations page with your evidence that the word exists instead of simply listing it here
  • Think twice before adding long lists of words as they may be ignored.
  • If possible provide context, usage, field of relevance, etc.
  • Check the Wiktionary:Criteria for inclusion if you are unsure if it belongs in the dictionary.
  • If the entry already exists, but seems incomplete or incorrect, do not add it here; add a request template to the entry itself to ask someone to fix the problem, e.g. {{rfp}} or {{rfe}} for pronunciation or etymology respectively.
    — Note also that such requests, like the information requested, belong on the base form of a word, not on inflected forms.

Please remove entries from this list once they have been written (i.e. the link is “live”, shown in blue, and has a section for the correct language)

There are a few things you can do to help:

  • Add glosses or brief definitions.
  • Add the part of speech, preferably using a standardized template.
  • If you know what a word means, consider creating the entry yourself instead of using this request page.
  • Please indicate the gender(s) .
  • If you see inflected forms (plurals, past tenses, superlatives, etc.) indicate the base form (singular, infinitive, absolute, etc.) of the requested term and the type of inflection used in the request.
  • For words which are listed here only in their romanized form, please add the correct form in Hebrew script.
  • Don’t delete words just because you don’t know them – it may be that they are used only in certain contexts or are archaic or obsolete.
  • Don’t simply replace words with what you believe is the correct form. The form here may be rare or regional. Instead add the standard form and comment that the requested form seems to be an error in your experience.

Requested-entry pages for other languages: Category:Requested entries.

Contents: Non-letterא · ב · ג · ד · ה · ו · ז · ח · ט · י · כ · ל · מ · נ · ס · ע · פ · צ · ק · ר · ש · ת



Hebrew script not known















  • זמה / * זימה Root : זזם / זזן (Zz Zizi) : lechery, incest, debauchery, lust, avidity, lasciviousness, lecherousness, lewdness, lubricity, lustfulness, orgy, passion... G.Z.7.Ⅶ.
  • זורח — might mean something like "waxing (moon)"





There's a kids' song that goes (in part) אני רוחץ ידים / בסבון ומים / והלכלוך מהר מהר בורח / וטוב לי טוב עכשיו וגם שמח / כי אני נקי / וכשאני נקי / אני מֹתק and there's another that goes (in part) מי שטוב לו ושמח / כף ימחָא. It seems as though טוב לו ושמח (or perhaps טוב ושמח) (both current redlinks) might have some meaning beyond its SOP. (Arguing against that is its scarcity, except as SOP, outside of those two songs AFAICT.) Anyone know?​—msh210 (talk) 16:35, 9 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

  • טוקבק — talkback (comment on a blog or website), TalkBack Reader Response System














Can also mean "the city," as in the government offices section of the city. Examples: Ani tzarich lalechet la'iria lkabel ha'visa sheli: I need to go to the city bureau to get my Visa. WikiTome 09:43, 26 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]
I believe that that's עיריה or, with matres lectionis עירייה.​—msh210 15:29, 26 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Can also be עָרֶיהָ ("its cities", Joshua 10:37 and elsewhere in Tanach) or עֶרְיָה ("naked"?, Ezek. 16:7).​—msh210 (talk) 18:03, 11 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]
That is great and best and it mean : ←⊖⊖nakedly / →⊕⊕kna‑éd‑ly (adv.) in my mind.... Z. 14:52, 25 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]


also פתק לבן (petek lavan) blank ballot JulieKahan (talk) 12:53, 22 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]


  • צים Shipping company, and also Num. 24:24 וצים מיד כתים וענו אשור, though LXX says ἐξελεύσεται, apparently translating יצאים or something.
  • צפצפן Context: יש לי קול קצת צפצפן
  • צרת






  • שיין, which is ש־ (sh-, that) + יין (yáyin, wine) — test case for what happens when a prefixed Hebrew term conflicts with another term, of what happens when a would-be redirect conflicts with an article.

