- Stroke order:
- Four-Corner System: 75212
- Cangjie input: 弓中心木 (NLPD)
- Graphical Significance and Origin:
- Common Meaning: hill
- Romanizations
- Other info:
- Other info:
- Hangeul: 치
- Eumhun reading:
- Romanizations
- The 2000 South Korean Revised: chi
- McCune-Reischauer: ch'i
- Yale: chi
Dictionary Information
- KangXi: 1346.020
- Morobashi: 41552
- Dae Jaweon: 1848.030
- Hanyu Da Zidian: 64116.020
Technical Information
- Unicode:
- Hex: 9624
- Decimal: 38436
- Big5:
- Hex: CA57
- Decimal: 51799